*15 Great Articles by Matt Taibbi

On Wall St.
Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
"Financial crooks brought down the world's economy -- but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them."
The Great American Bubble Machine
"The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money..."
How Wall St. Copies the Mob
"How America's biggest banks took part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy - until they were caught on tape."
How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform
"How the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law -- with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
The Big Takeover
"How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution"
The Real Housewives of Wall Street
"Why is the Federal Reserve forking over $220 million in bailout money to the wives of two Morgan Stanley bigwigs?"
Wall Street's Bailout Hustle
"Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy -- they're re-creating the conditions for another crash."
Looting Main Street
"How the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down Greece."
Secrets and Lies of the Bailout
The federal rescue of Wall Street didn't fix the economy -- it created a permanent bailout state based on a Ponzi-like confidence scheme. And the worst may be yet to come...
The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
How and why there's no price the big banks can't fix
Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail
How HSBC hooked up with drug traffickers and terrorists. And got away with it
Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes? by Matt Taibbi
A whistle blower says the agency has illegally destroyed thousands of documents, letting financial crooks off the hook
Invasion of the Home Snatchers
"How foreclosure courts are helping big banks screw over homeowners."
The $9 Billion Witness by Matt Taibbi
Meet the woman JPMorgan Chase paid one of the largest fines in American history to keep from talking

The Rip-Off in Iraq
"How do you screw the taxpayer for millions, get away with it and then ride off into the sunset with one middle finger extended, the other wrapped around a chilled martini?"

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the OWS Protests
"Much more than a movement against big banks, they're a rejection of what our society has become."
China is Killing U.S.
"Let's just lock up our high school dropouts in toy factories, get those little bastards making radioactive Lego sets six days a week for a buck a shift. Imagine the profits!"
Beasts on the Bus
"The original Boys on the Bus raised a few eyebrows, sure, but no one anywhere is threatened by a "Boys on the Bus thing" now."
The Truth About the Tea Party by Matt Taibbi
Taking down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it
Cruel and Unusual Punishment by Matt Taibbi
The Shame of Three Strikes Laws

"A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History"

The Great Derangement
A highly critical look at the Bush administration in the post 9/11 era.