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Tuesday March 31, 2015
News Articles

6 Ways to Get Big Money Out of Politics

HP | Ben Cohen | 03/31/15

With the Oval Office at stake, the final price tag on next year's election will be sky high. It's predicted to total $5 billion. Politicians are talking to funders over constituents, listening to Big Money over voters. It's no wonder that for years the interests of regular Americans have been collecting dust in the halls of Washington. Our government should be representing the will of the people, not the will of a few billionaires. It's time we unite and wield the collective influence of people-power in order to unshackle our politicians from Big Money's venomous grip. This movement is about grassroots action; here are six ways you can help fight back.

  1. Turn your money into media - Join StampStampede.org, a grassroots, viral tactic that demonstrates the demand to stamp out big money's corruptive influence in Washington.
  2. Ask President Obama to issue an Executive Order - Sign a petition that will be sent to the White House demanding an end to secretive campaign spending. Only a fourth of the largest government contractors disclose their political contributions. Meanwhile, the businesses who spend millions of dollars on political expenditures seem to be the ones securing the biggest, most lucrative federal contracts.
  3. Pass local anti-corruption laws - Roll up your sleeves and volunteer to root out corruption locally. In the last midterm, Represent.Us worked side-by-side with local volunteers of all political leanings in Tallahassee, Florida; they reached out to voters who successfully approved the Anti-Corruption Act, mandating full transparency of campaign spending in Tallahassee.
  4. Take action in your state - Sixteen states have already passed resolutions in support of a Constitutional amendment to get Big Money out of elections and Free Speech for People needs your help getting more states on board. The Maine Citizens for Clean Elections is an excellent model of people-power on the state level with citizens empowering fellow citizens to update their first-in-the-nation publicly funded elections.
  5. Ask the question - In the first-primary state of New Hampshire, members of the NH Rebellion and American Friends Service Committee are recruiting and training people statewide to ask presidential hopefuls the question: "What specific reforms will you advance to end the corrupting influence of money in politics?"
  6. Protest - This April 2nd will mark the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's McCutcheon v. FEC decision, which removed restrictions on how much individuals can overall donate to candidates and party committees. Now 1-percenters can give up to $5.9 million to political campaigns in one election cycle.

Follow Ben Cohen on Twitter: www.twitter.com/YoBenCohen
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Former Fed Governor Admits Market Controlling The Fed Is A "Very Dangerous Development"
ZeroHedge | author | 03/31/15

Someone is not getting invited back on CNBC... Read more

Former Fed Governor Admits Market Controlling The Fed Is A "Very Dangerous Development" (03/31/15) [8:20]

How The Fed Has Failed The Nation (In One Chart)
ZeroHedge | author | 03/31/15

The supposed goal of the Fed's zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) and quantitative easing (QE) was to make borrowing easier for both corporations and consumers, the idea being companies would borrow to invest in new productive capacity and consumers would buy the new goods and services being produced with cheap credit.

The secondary publicly stated goal was to spark a rally in stocks, bonds and real estate that would spark a wealth effect: as households saw their net worth rise, they would feel wealthier and thus more likely to buy goods and services they didn't need on credit. ...

  1. The real reason for ZIRP and QE was to rebuild the balance sheets and profits of banks on the backs of savers who have earned near-zero thanks to the Fed's manipulation of markets.
  2. Did they invest in new productive capacity? No, they bought back their own stocks--trillions of dollars worth, to boost stock prices and managerial bonuses.
  3. The other group of financiers with access to the Fed's free money for financiers has been private equity. So did the private equity multi-millionaires borrow the Fed's largesse to build new plant and hire new employees? Did they invest the borrowed billions in productive startups?
  4. No--they used the money to buy existing companies and bleed them dry.
  5. Between 2009 and 2012, the first years of the economic recovery, the top 1% saw their incomes climb 31.4% -- or, 95% of the total gain -- while the bottom 99% saw growth of 0.4%.
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Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, March 31 [9:15]
*DN | "A Matter of War & Peace": Iran, Powers Near Preliminary Deal in face of Congress-Israel Opposition (03/31/15) [7:55]
*DN | Former Mideast Peace Envoy George Mitchell on U.S.-Israel Showdown over Iran, Palestinian Statehood (03/31/15) [22:53]
DN | Ex-Sen. George Mitchell: Freed Whistleblower on Azerbaijan Corruption Should Never Have Been Jailed (03/31/15) [2:30]
Archeology | Ancient Sites | Lost Civilizations
*Graham Hancock | Quest for the Lost civilization [2:31:12]
*Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids () [1:36:48]
*Göbeklitepe Belgeseli The Worlds First Temple () [1:20:10]
*TRNN | Author and journalist Anand Gopal discusses: U.S. Policy in Afghanistan Created Hundreds of Little Dictators (03/31/15) [12:47]
TRNN | Are the CO2 Emissions Reduction Targets Enough to Stop Climate Catastrophe? (03/31/15) [15:21]
TYT | Cameraman Reveals More Bill O'Reilly Bullsh*t (03/30/15) [5:26]
TYT | What Millennials Find Immoral May Surprise You (New Survey) (03/30/15) [6:31]
TYT | LGBT Celebrities' React To Anti-Gay Religious Freedom Law (03/30/15) [7:08]
TYT | Nebraskan Oil & Gas Committee Challenged To A Glass Of "Safe" Fracking Water (03/30/15) [5:32]
RT | Occupy Rupert Murdoch (E738) (03/31/15) [21:52]
In the second half, they look at Deutsche Bank considering closing down their retail operations because, in this new QE and Zirp managed world, they lose money on depositors. So not only does the media no longer perform their function of challenging power, but now banks no longer provide the function of taking deposits and making loans. The only thing making Deutsche Bank reluctant to shut down retail operations is that their logo on the high street keeps them in the hearts of the very taxpayers who will need to bail them out the next time the banking system tumbles.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.31.2015. 10:33

Monday March 30, 2015
News Articles
REPEAT - But I think is important!
*Demonocracyinfo | US Debt in Physical $100 bills [2:10]
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*DailyTicker | Pentagon Can't Find 8.3 Trillion Dollars [5:30]
Mike Maloney | Hidden Secrets of Money (How Money is Made) (10/15/13) [29:34]
WEALTH Is Being Extracted From Our Economy, Under Our Noses!

Why on Earth Did the Feds Approve a High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Near a Nuke Plant?
AlterNet | author | 03/27/15

... The primary pipeline safety risk is ruptures. When a gas pipeline ruptured in San Bruno, California in 2010, it leveled a Bay Area neighborhood and killed eight people, incurring $1.4 billion in damages. The San Bruno pipeline was much smaller and carried less gas at a lower pressure than the proposed Spectra pipeline in Westchester County. ...

... At Indian Point, NY, neither the Nuclear Regulatory Commission nor FERC will require electronic safety features to automatically shut down the pipeline in the event of leaks, ruptures or explosions. Instead, Spectra, the pipeline company, will monitor the pipeline from Houston, with the promise that "upon viewing a drop in pressure within the distant pipeline, the Houston employees could close safety valves within three minutes." ...

... How near would a rupture-triggered fire be to nuclear plan structures? Paul Blanch, the nuclear safety expert, explained, "we have the gas turbine fuel oil tanks that are located in a very close proximity to the pipeline. They hold hundreds, maybe millions of gallons of burning jet fuel oil which would ignite and flow downhill into safety-related structures, including the switchyard, transformers, as well as vital tanks that are used for cooling which are in the high-heat flux and blast radius." ... Read more

7 Laws of Personal Power That Exponentially Elevate Quality of Life
HP | Sherrie Campbell, PhD | 03/30/15

To exponentially elevate the quality of your life commit to removing your fearful thoughts, acts of timidity, and the need to be the same as everyone else to feel a sense of belonging. Have the courage to live by higher standards and never apologize for them. Trust that the people who want to be in your life will rise to meet you at your highest expectations. ...

  1. Healthy relationship choices: At is core, a happy and fulfilling life is centered in your relationships.
  2. Never neglect yourself: Personal power and complacency cannot co-exist in the making of a high quality life. Dedicate time and energy wherever necessary to ensure that no important areas of your life are neglected.
  3. Focus on possibilities not problems: With personal power you possess the deep belief there are available solutions for all your problems.
  4. Self-development: To grow in personal power consistently monitor, evaluate and adjust your own life, your relationships, your self-care, your attitude and personal beliefs to stay clear of complacency so you may continue meeting your higher standards.
  5. Manage time wisely: To uphold your personal power examine where you spend most of your time. Do you get the most important tasks out of the way first or do you typically get through the small, tedious things which seem more urgent? Getting caught in small, urgent tasks pull you from the more important goals requiring your attention. Focus on what is most important and work from there.
  6. Take responsibility: Whatever happens in your life and relationships the best path to the development of your personal power is to accept responsibility for the outcomes, both positive and negative.
  7. Be kind: There is no greater a value to offer as a human being than the simple power of kindness.
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The Patriot Act
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 30 [8:26]
*DN | Attorney for Bowe Bergdahl: Army Report Shows Ex-POW Left Base to Report Wrongdoing, Not Desert Unit (03/30/15) [15:40], Part 2 [16:24]
DN | Iran Nuclear Talks Near Deadline Amid "Air of Inevitability Combined with Tremendous Uncertainty" (03/30/15) [5:52]
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: 9/11 Explosive Evidence () [1:20:05]
Jeremy Scahill
*Jeremy Scahill: Inside America's New Covert Wars: Navy SEALs, Delta Force, Blackwater, Security Contractors (05/21/13) [1:09:42]
Jeremy Scahill: How Do You Surrender To A Drone? () [1:03:23]
TRNN | TRNN's Jessica Desvarieux interviews: The Republican Budget vs. The People's Budget (03/30/15) [10:55]
TRNN | Walid Al-Saqaf discusses: How Yemen Became the Latest Iranian-Saudi Arabian Proxy War (03/30/15) [8:38]
*TRNN | Phyllis Bennis speaks: at the Conference on the George W. Bush Presidency about why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan violated international law (03/30/15) [14:48]
TRNN | Participants at the George W. Bush Conference at Hofstra University respond to Elliott Abrams' comment that the Iraq war was not illegal under international law (03/27/15) [4:29]
TYT | Who Is ISIS Trying To Recruit Now? (03/29/15) [4:06]
TYT | Education Doesn't Matter: Republicans Still Don't Believe In Climate Change (03/29/15) [5:25]
TYT | Lawmaker/Veteran Tells Story Of Her Own Rape And GOP Laughs At Her (03/29/15) [8:01]
RT | NGO Warfare (03/30/15) [23:43]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
John Oliver
HBO | John Oliver: April Fools' Day (03/29/15) [4:27]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.30.2015. 11:52

Friday March 27, 2015
News Articles
REPEAT - But I think is important!
*Demonocracyinfo | US Debt in Physical $100 bills [2:10]

How the American War Machine Is Sucking Up Vast Amounts of Cash to Screw Up the World
AlterNet | William Hartung | 03/26/15

President Obama and Senator John McCain, who have clashed on almost every conceivable issue, do agree on one thing: the Pentagon needs more money. Obama wants to raise the Pentagon's budget for fiscal year 2016 by $35 billion more than the caps that exist under current law allow. McCain wants to see Obama his $35 billion and raise him $17 billion more. Last week, the House and Senate Budget Committees attempted to meet Obama's demands by pressing to pour tens of billions of additional dollars into the uncapped supplemental war budget. Read more
Daily Ticker | Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For (2014) [5:32]

Senator Harry Reid Announces Retirement
HP | author | 03/27/15

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will not seek re-election, he said in an interview with The New York Times published Friday. Reid has led the Senate Democrats since 2005. In a video posted Friday morning, Reid thanked his constituents for allowing him to serve the state of Nevada. My life's work has been to make Nevada and our nation better. Thank you for giving me that wonderful opportunity ... Read more

Senate Passes GOP Budget After Late-Night Debate
HP | author | 03/27/15

The Senate early Friday passed a Republican budget plan that would cut spending by $5.1 trillion over 10 years, raise military funding and repeal Obamacare. The non-binding budget, debated all week and passed 52-46 during a 15-hour marathon session before the Easter recess, gives Republicans another crack at repealing the Affordable Care Act, probably through a process known as reconciliation, and increases defense spending while slashing funds in other areas, including education and health care ... Read more

Turkey Devolves Into A Full Police State: Law Grants Unlimited Powers To Weaponized Police Force.

It's Official: Americans Spent All Their "Gas Savings" On Obamacare
ZeroHedge | author | 03/27/15

Unmasked the two great mysteries of the US economy in recent history: the first being why there is no wage growth, which is because all the wage growth was going to the 20% of the workforce that is supervisors and bosses. For everyone else: sorry... ... and now we have solved the mystery of why US households did not spend all those billions in "dropping gas price" windfalls - the answer is that they did spend all this money. Read more
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Another Oligarch Preaches To The Peasants: Charlie Munger Says "Prepare For Harder World"
"If you're unhappy with what you've had over the last 50 years, you have an unfortunate misappraisal of life... should all be prepared for adjusting to a world that is harder... "Read more
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, March 27 [11:49]
*DN | African Economist Samir Amin on the World Social Forum, Globalization & the Barbarism of Capitalism (03/27/15) [15:41]
*DN | Yemen Does Not Need Another War: Report from Sana'a as Saudi Attack Enters Second Day (03/27/15) [9:10], Part 2 [11:19]
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TRNN | Participants at the George W. Bush Conference at Hofstra University respond to Elliott Abrams' comment that the Iraq war was not illegal under international law (03/27/15) [4:29]
TRNN | Yemeni Houthi movement has more to do internal conflict within Yemen and less to do with the projected Shia-Sunni rivalry in the region (03/27/15) [11:16]
TRNN | Dimitri Lascaris says: Greek Public Coffers Expected to Run Dry Next Month (03/27/15) [10:42]
TYT | Germanwings Flight 9525 Crashed Under Dubious Circumstances (03/26/15) [4:47]
*TYT | Brutality Epidemic : Police Assault Unarmed Black Man At Traffic Stop (03/26/15) [6:00]
TYT | University of Phoenix Is Hemorrhaging Students (03/26/15) [7:49]
RT | West vs RT? (03/27/15) [24:12]
RT | Keiser Report: Capitalism Without Capital?! (E735) (03/24/15) [23:59]
In the second half, Max interviews Aleksandar Vidovic of Salviol about the size of the financial fraud market and what his company is doing to shrink it.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Capital Gains Tax... The Next Great Treasury Raid (03/26/15) [17:13]

03.27.2015. 11:00

Thursday March 26, 2015
News Articles

US CEO-Worker Pay Gap Is Widest In Developed World
ZeroHedge | author | 03/26/15

The CEOs of 350 Standard & Poor's 500 companies made 331 times more than their employees in 2013, up from a ratio of 46-to-1 in 1983, according to the AFL-CIO. That's more than twice the gap in Switzerland and Germany, and about 10 times bigger than in Austria. In Japan, CEOs make about 67 times more than workers (although the country's highest-paid woman earns only 25 times more). ... Read more

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Why Martin O'Malley and Elizabeth Warren Can Beat Any Republican, Including Walker, Bush, Paul and Cruz
HP | H. A. Goodman | 03/26/15

Rising stars in the Democratic Party like Tim Kaine, Jim Webb and especially Martin O'Malley and Elizabeth Warren are all formidable candidates, despite the fact that one liberal icon has amassed $328,755,858 and owns her own server. If Republicans can be proud of the fact that Ted Cruz would "most likely" be able to serve as president, Democrats should trumpet the plethora of talent within their ranks. The truth is that presidential elections are decided by electoral votes, not the soap opera we'll all witness for the next 593 days. To win the White House a candidate needs 270 electoral votes; far fewer than the 332 votes Obama won in 2012 to beat Romney. Martin O'Malley and Elizabeth Warren can defeat anyone Republicans have to offer in 2016, primarily because they possess ideas and attributes that resonate with the majority of Americans. ... Read more

Overwhelmingly the terrorist attacks in United States and Europe have been committed by non-Muslims.

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh Explains How Muslim Women Are 'Spoken Over By The Public' And Their Voices 'Ignored'
HP | Rahel Gebreyes | 03/25/15

When it comes to discussions of how Islam affects the lives of the women who practice it, Western media often insists on speaking for them. But Muslim women are perfectly willing and able to lend their own voices to the issues that affect their lives.

From conversations about headscarves to how religious teachings regard women, we are rarely given the chance to hear the perspectives of Muslim women themselves. And as Muslim.Girl.net CEO Amani Al-Khatahtbeh explains in a HuffPost Live interview on Tuesday, Muslim women have long fought the exclusion. ... Read more

PHOTOS: 'Trash Mountain' Rises Up In Mumbai As City Runs Out Of Space For Its Own Waste
HP | Nick Visser | 03/26/15

We have a waste problem. The world throws a lot of things away -- measured to be about 3.5 million tons of solid waste a day in 2013, a number expected to climb to 6 million tons a day by 2025. ... Read more

Surprise! Another Christian Terrorist
Daily Beast | Dean Obeidallah | 03/24/15

Well, last Friday night, this exact event took place at the New Orleans airport--that is, except for one factual difference: The attacker was not Muslim. Consequently, you might be reading about this brazen assault for the first time here, although this incident did receive a smattering of media coverage over the weekend.

The man who commited this attack was Richard White, a 63-year-old former Army serviceman who has long been retired and living on Social Security and disability checks. He was reportedly a devout Jehovah's Witness. ... Read more

Middle East Proxy War: Presenting The Massive "Decisive Storm" Coalition
ZeroHEdge | author | 03/26/15

The biggest news of the day is the start of the second proxy war in the past year (the first one of course being the Ukraine civil war which is just a chess game between the west, mostly the US with Europe as a reluctant second fiddle, and the Kremlin) overnight in Yemen, where as we reported yesterday a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and backed by the US has launched an airborne assault on Yemen's Houthi rebels at the request of the self-exiled government (at last check Yemen's president was in Oman), which confronts the Suuni states led by Saudi Arabia, against the mostly Shiite militia, which has the broad support of Iran. ... Read more
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Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, March 26 [7:24]
*DN | Endless War: As U.S. Strikes Tikrit & Delays Afghan Pullout, "War on Terror" Toll Tops 1.3 Million (03/26/15) [25:57]
*DN | Seymour Hersh Recalls Reporting on My Lai Massacre in Vietnam (03/26/15) [6:23]
DN | Why Is Climate Denier David Koch on the Board of Top Science Museums? Letter Urges Cutting of Ties (03/26/15) [9:23]
*TRNN | Col. Larry Wilkerson: Hofstra University Conference Considers Legacy of Second Bush Presidency (03/26/15) [7:12]
TRNN | Ray McGovern and Jason Leopold: The intelligence agencies had the information on 9/11, the question is why didn't they use it (older) [24:00]
Who is Rich Blee? The 9/11 official cover up and CIA malfeasance. (05/27/13) [46:57]
Alfreda Frances Bikowsky: CIA Criminal (11/07/14) [10:17]
Wikipedia | Alfreda Frances Bikowsky | CIA | Film: Zero Dark Thirty
Sony | Zero Dark Thirty (trailer) (2012) [$2.99 for full 2:37:01]
For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty reunites the Oscar winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker) for the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man.
*TYT | Behind The Scenes Police Training Video: When To Use Lethal Force (03/25/15) [6:33]
TYT | Duck Dynasty Patriarch Paints Bizarre Rape & Murder Scenario Against Atheism (03/25/15) [6:29]
TYT | Televangelist Creflo Dollar NEEDS A Private Jet For Missionary Work (03/25/15) [6:52]
TYT | What Exactly Has Ted Cruz Accomplished? (03/25/15) [5:11]
RT | Keiser Report: Debtism vs Capitalsm (E736) (03/26/15) [24:12]
In the second half, Max interviews Daniel Hassan of the Robin Hood Minor Asset Management hedge fund which rides the wave of trading whales with the best performance record. Having outperformed the S&P index since its inception, all profits have gone to groups expanding the commons and the public domain.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
The way it works nowadays, the CEO selects the board of directors and they, in turn, decides the CEO's pay....simple....
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Who needs the CIA? () [51:09]
Mesopotamia | The Sumerians
Mesopotamia - The Sumerians () [51:57]
Michael Tellinger - Stone Circles & Ancient Gold Mines in South Africa - Megalithomania (2010) [9:56]
2014 Ancient Hidden Technology of the Annunaki () [2:02:34]
Megalithomania.co.uk website
Göbekli Tepe - 12,000 to 14,000 years old
Göbekli Tepe: Ancient Technology 10,000 BC or Older? Graham Hancock, Andrew Collins & Hugh Newman (06/27/15) [12:11]
In this video Graham Hancock, Andrew Collins and Hugh Newman explore Göbekli Tepe - the oldest megalithic temple on Earth. Filmed on Megalithomania's 'Origins of Civlization Tour', they discuss this 12,000 year old site, its implications, as well as giving the viewer a guided tour around Enclosures A, B, C and D, where most of the complex is situated.
NatGeo | Gobekli Tepe () [44:59]
Göbeklitepe Belgeseli The Worlds First Temple () [1:20:10]
More Bible Books
The Epic of Gilgamesh Full Book () [2:11:32]

03.26.2015. 12:07

Wednesday March 25, 2015
News Articles

Armed With US Weapons, Yemen Rebels Advance On President As Saudi Arabia Prepares For War
ZeroHedge | author | 03/25/15

Previously we reported that in the latest "coup" for US foreign policy, the US had "lost" over $500 million in weapons in Yemen, until recently an Obama administration foreign policy "success story", following the abrupt evacuation of the US embassy there, all of which ended up in local rebel and al-Qaeda hands. ... Read more
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From almost 2.5% GDP growth expectations in February, The Atlanta Fed's GDPNow model has now collapsed its estimates of Q1 GDP growth to just 0.2% - plunging from +1.4% just 2 weeks ago.

Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show' Segment Leads To Huge Change For Veterans
HP | Ed Mazza | 03/25/15

"The Daily Show" has just made a huge difference in the lives of veterans, helping many gain access to a program they were unfairly kept from using.

The Choice Program, which was put in place to speed access to medical care after it was revealed that some patients had been waiting months for treatment, allows veterans who live far from VA facilities to get out-of-network care closer to home. ... Read more
*Jon Stewart |The Department of Veteran Affairs launches an initiative to better provide health care to veterans, but the results are mixed at best. (03/23/15) [7:38]

Exposing America's Billionaire Welfare Ranchers
AlterNet | Vickery Eckhoff | 03/24/15

Americans love ranchers: Gritty ranchers, mom-and-pop ranchers, renegade ranchers -- especially those who raise livestock on the vast open prairies of the West through a mixture of hard work and rugged independence. But there's another side to the ever-popular rancher mythology-- a side the media doesn't cover and the public never sees. The Koch brothers, Ted Turner, the Hilton family and nine other powerful ranchers share an uncommon privilege: giant public subsidies, unknown to U.S. taxpayers.

The .01 percenters. They are the nation's biggest welfare ranchers, according to numerous environmental and policy groups; and it's time they brought some attention to themselves, and the federal grazing program they're exploiting to waste as much as $1 billion a year of taxpayer money while causing long-term damage to one of the public's most treasured assets. ...

  1. David and Charles Koch (Koch Industries) - The brothers hold a half-dozen grazing permits on public land in Montana to go with its 300,000-acre Matador Ranch there. The brothers are tied for fourth place on Forbes 2014 400 Richest People in America list (net worth: $ 42 billion each). The Koch family ($ 89 billion) is #2 on Forbes Richest Families list; Koch Industries is #2 on Forbes America's Largest Private Companies list, ($ 115 billion in sales).
  2. J.R. Simplot Corp. - The largest U.S. public lands ranching entity (with an estimated 2 to 3 million acres of allotments in CA, ID, NV, OR and UT) is #63 on Forbes 2014 list of America's Largest Private Companies ($ 5.8 billion in sales). In 2014, the family was #29 on Forbes list of America's Richest Families (net worth: $ 8 billion).
  3. Bruce McCaw (McCaw Cellular) - McCaw was #382 on Forbes 400 list of America's Richest People in 2005 (net worth: $ 925 million). Through his 9 sprawling ranches, he controls a significant number of public grazing leases in ID and possibly NV. One of them (Camas Creek ranch) includes 272,000 acres of Federal grazing allotments in Idaho's Camas Prairie. Grazing permitted to his other ranches could easily double or triple that to a million acres or more.
  4. Barrick Gold - The Canadian mining company is one of the two largest public lands ranchers in NV, ranking 771st on Forbes Global 2000 list of the World's Biggest Public Companies in 2014, (sales: $ 12.56 billion). Like many other large public lands ranchers, Barrick buys ranches to secure water rights.
  5. Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) - The supplier of drinking water to Las Vegas is a large NV public lands rancher with an estimated 1 million acres of public grazing allotments. Like Barrick Gold, it, buys up private ranches to gain their water rights.
  6. W. Barron Hilton (Hilton Hotels) - The hotel heir dropped off Forbes Billionaires list (ranked #459 in 2011) as well as its list of the 400 Richest Americans (#144 in 2010), with a net worth of $ 2.5 billion. He died in 2013. Though records are hard to pin down, Hilton's heirs inherited a ranching operation in the CA-NV border area, which has been known to have vast public lands grazing allotments permitted to it.
  7. Mary Hewlett-Jaffe (Hewlett-Packard) - Jaffe holds the largest BLM public lands grazing permit in central ID and is among the top 15 public lands ranchers in the state (estimated at under 200,000 acres that are said to be in extremely degraded condition, according to sources).
  8. James Barta (Sav-Rx.com) - Barta is not on any Forbes rich lists, but owns one of the largest cattle ranching operations in the U.S., according to his attorneys. Barta holds grazing permits to nearly 900,000 acres of public grazing allotments in connection with two properties: White Horse Ranch (in OR) and Soldier Meadows (in NV). Barta may have additional NV grazing leases through two other ranches in NV, according to Jon Marvel, founder of Western Watersheds Project.
  9. T. Wright Dickinson - Though not on any Forbes list, the Dickinson family is a large public lands rancher, with grazing permits estimated at more than a half million acres of CO, UT and WY public lands under its LLC, Vermillion Ranches. Dickinson is a former County commissioner and proponent of county efforts to gain control of federal lands, according to the Denver Post.
  10. Stan Kroenke (Kroenke Group) & Ann Walton Kroenke (Walmart) - With just two of his ranches (in MT and WY) totaling 664,000 acres (not including public grazing allotments), Kroenke is one of the ten top land owners in the U.S. In 2014, he ranked #89 on Forbes list of the 400 Richest Americans, #247 on its Billionaires list, and #5 on its list of Richest American Sports Team Owners (net worth: $ 5.8 billion). His wife, Ann Walton Kroenke (net worth: $ 5.6 billion), was #261 on Forbes Billionaires list and #11 on its list of America's Richest Women.
  11. Family of Robert Earl Holding (Sinclair Oil and hotels) - Forbes ranks the family #87 on its 2014 list of America's Richest Families (net worth: $ 2.7 billion). With 400,000 acres of land, the family is the 19th largest private land owner in the US, according to the 2014 Land Report 100. This includes land that Forbes reported "may be the largest ranching operation in the Rocky Mountains." Public grazing leases are associated with some of the family's WY and possibly MT holdings, according to Jon Marvel, founder of Western Watersheds.
  12. Ted Turner - He's the second largest U.S. land owner (2 million acres in 6 states), is estimated to hold grazing leases in MT and NM (estimated at as much as 300,000 acres), and owns the world's largest bison herd. Forbes ranked him #296 on its 2014 list of the 400 Richest Americans and #818 on its global Billionaires list (net worth: $ 2.2 billion).
Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, March 25 [7:57]
*DN | My Lai Revisited: 47 Years Later, Seymour Hersh Travels to Vietnam Site of U.S. Massacre He Exposed (03/25/15) [11:47]
Fifty years after the U.S. ground invasion of Vietnam began, we look back at the 1968 My Lai massacre, when American troops killed hundreds of civilians. Journalist Seymour Hersh broke the story of the massacre and cover-up, winning a Pulitzer Prize for his work. But Hersh never actually went there -- he interviewed soldiers stateside. Forty-seven years later, he recently traveled to My Lai for the first time, which he documents in a new article for The New Yorker, "The Scene of the Crime: A Reporter's Journey to My Lai and the Secrets of the Past." Hersh joins us to discuss how he exposed the massacre nearly five decades ago and what it was like to visit My Lai for the first time.
DN | Private Prisons for Immigrant Families Grow Despite Court Ruling Against "Detention as Deterrence" (03/25/15) [15:06]
TRNN | Representatives and the pharmaceutical industry say 21st Century Cures will foster innovation, while critics argue that the legislative effort is a ploy to dismantle safeguards for short-term financial gain (03/25/15) [8:02]
TRNN | Mark Weisbrot says: What is Behind the Collapse of the Centre Left Parties in Europe? (03/25/15) [10:09]
TYT | Traitor Senators Used Israeli Spies Against Their Own Country (03/24/15) [12:00]
TYT | George Zimmerman Whines He Was Victim, Blames Obama (03/24/15) [6:47]
TYT | Religion In The Military. (03/24/15) [3:42]
*RT | CrossTalk: China Banks It (03/25/15) [24:20]
Ring of Fire | Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV (03/22/15) [57:00]
  1. 00:51 - "Republican Treason and Endless War." Howard Nations will tell us about the letter that 47 Republicans sent to Iranian officials trying to undermine president Obama, and the push for ground troops to fight ISIS. #RepublicanTreason
  2. 10:56 - "The Arbitration Trap -- Your Rights Are Gone." David TeSelle will discuss the new CFPB report that explains why mandatory arbitration is destroying the rights of consumers. #ReadTheFinePrint
  3. 22:23 - "Big Oil's Bomb Trains." DeSmogBlog contributor Justin Mikulka will tell us about the continuing dangers of big oil's "bomb trains" and why so little is being done about the growing threat. #BombTrains
  4. 31:42 - "Has The Tort Reform Fight Been Won?" Will Atkinson will explain how tort reform efforts have destroyed state economies, as well as the lives of consumers living in tort reform states. #TortReformFail
  5. 39:52 - "The Republican Super PAC Super Scam." Pap with Amanda Marcotte.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | What the Hell is Wrong with our Media? (03/19/15) [8:55]
Chris Hayes - All In
Chris Hayes | Ted Cruz is in! The first-term Texas senator is the first major candidate to formally enter the presidential race -- and potentially a big headache for the Republican Party. (03/24/15) [11:11]
Chris Hayes | It's true: Ted Cruz is going on Obamacare (03/24/15) [6:51]
More Articles

7 More Netflix Hacks Every Binge-Watcher Needs To Know
HP | Bill Bradley | 03/21/15

Netflix is well on its way to turning everybody in the world into binge-watching homebodies. But really, who cares? Life is just all that inconvenient stuff that happens in between "Breaking Bad" marathons. With the announcement of the premiere dates for "Orange is the New Black" and "Wet Hot American Summer," it's clear the indent you're making in the couch is about to get a little more permanent. ... Read more

What's Expiring On Netflix In April 2015?
**Netflix by Genres
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.25.2015. 11:55

Tuesday March 24, 2015
News Articles

Meet Ted Cruz's Karl Rove: "He Leaves a Path of Destruction"
MotherJones | Pema Levy | 03/24/15

It was no surprise on Monday when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) formally announced his presidential bid. By last summer, he was making key hires for his campaign crew. And this included recruiting a controversial Missouri-based political operative named Jeff Roe, who is known for his ruthless, bare-knuckled style and who has recently been in the news due to a tragic death. ... Read more

Utah Reinstates Firing Squad As Execution Method.

George Soros Warns Greece "Is Going Down The Drain"
ZeroHedge | author | 03/24/15

"Right now we are at the cusp," billionaire George Soros tells Bloomberg TV in this brief clip, the chances of Greece leaving the euro area are now 50-50 and the country could go "down the drain." The 84-year-old fears that talks between Greece and 'the institutions' could "break down," adding that "Greece is a long-festering problem that was mishandled from the beginning by all parties," concluding that the chances of Greece leaving the euro area are now 50-50 and the country could go "down the drain." Finally, Soros notes, what worries him the most is Ukraine. ... Read more
Bloomberg | Soros: Greece Is Going Down the Drain (03/24/15) [2:20]

Scientists: Ted Cruz's Climate Theories Are a "Load of Claptrap"
MotherJones | Tim McDonnell | 03/18/15

... There's also a big underlying flaw with Cruz's cherry-picked timespan of 17 years, which almost any climate scientist would agree is far too short to observe any meaningful trend. 1998, the year Cruz starts with, was itself exceptionally warm thanks to the biggest El Nino event of the 20th century. If that's your starting place, the warming trend does indeed look weak. But look over a longer time period, and it's obvious that very warm years are more common now than before. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

PHOTOS : Hypnotic Northern Lights Time-Lapse Captured Over 2 Magical Nights in Alaska
HP | DL Cade | 03/23/15

The Northern Lights -- or Aurora Borealis, or Polar Spirits, or whatever you'd like to call it -- is far up my bucket list. Like really far up. So far up I often have dreams of standing in the middle of a frozen landscape, completely alone, looking up at this celestial display, awestruck. ... Read more
Hypnotic Northern Lights Time-Lapse Captured Over 2 Magical Nights in Alaska (03/23/15) [3:06]

Short-Term Gains & Long-Term Disaster
ZeroHedge | author | 03/24/15

It's time for the Japanese to get seriously scared now. Like many other countries, Japan -- and its political class -- creates a false image of enduring prosperity by letting its central bank increasingly buy up ever more of its sovereign bonds. It's a total sleight of hand, there is nothing left that's real. There's no there there. This is of course the same as what happens in Europe. And it's precisely because central banks buy up all these bonds, that their yields scrape the gutter. It's a blueprint for killing off the last bit of actual functionality in an economy. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, March 24 [11:42]
*DN | After Liberation Came Destruction: Iraqi Shiite Militias Accused of Looting, Burning Sunni Villages (03/24/15) [9:38], Part 2 [10:13]
DN | An Angry White House Vows to Confront Netanyahu, But Will It End Key U.S. Support for Occupation? (03/24/15) [17:21]
Jon Stewart - Daily News
Jon Stewart | Fox News fails to provide coverage of the Department of Justice report that revealed widespread systemic racism in the Ferguson police department. (03/19/15) [9:12]
Jon Stewart |Democalypse 2016 - Ted Cruz Is In (03/23/15) [5:59]
*Jon Stewart |The Department of Veteran Affairs launches an initiative to better provide health care to veterans, but the results are mixed at best. (03/23/15) [7:38]
*TRNN | Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson says: Ted Cruz Running for President as Defender of Wealth (03/24/15) [6:01]
*TYT | Will Ted Cruz Be President In 2016? (03/23/15) [7:18]
TYT | Sen. Ted Cruz : George W. Bush Levels Of Hilarious And Crazy Quotes (03/23/15) [6:54]
TYT | Insane Conspiracy Theories Ted Cruz Actually Believes (03/23/15) [7:03]
TYT | Frank Underwood & Josiah Bartlet & TV Presidents More Popular Than Obama? (03/23/15) [3:04]
RT | Keiser Report: Oppa Ponzi Style! (E734) (03/21/15) [25:44]
*In the second half, Max interviews former Goldman Sachs banker, Nomi Prins, author of All the Presidents' Bankers about the Cold War - Wall Street nexus of World Bank and NATO style institutions designed to enforce US hegemony.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Thom Hartmann on Science & Green News (03/24/15) [7:16]

03.24.2015. 11:11

Monday March 23, 2015
News Articles
Pretty good article... I read it from top-to-bottom.

Many Fears Stalk the Aging As Safety Nets Shrink; Media Stereotypes Miss the Full Story
AlterNet | Steven Rosenfeld | 03/19/15

This week, I told one verbose middle-aged friend who called that his college roommate has been taking care of his wife's 91-year-old mother at his home, which silenced him. His ex-roommate, an accountant, was stunned when told by a local nursing home "to bring her in and we'll figure out the finances later." They charge $10,000 a month. ... Read more

Ted Cruz Announces He's Running For President In 2016
HP | Samantha Lachman | 03/23/15

Cruz will make a formal announcement Monday at Liberty University in Virginia. Cruz is the first high profile candidate to officially declare that he is running for president and will forego an exploratory committee. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

Who Left the Crash Window Open?
ZeroHedge | author | 03/23/15

Given that we live in a world where a modest 3% decline in the stock market triggers panicky demands for more quantitative easing (QE 4), few observers expect much a correction, regardless of the souring fundamentals such as sales and profits. Interesting article, lots of Graphs ... Read more

France Decrees New Rooftops Must Be Covered in Plants or Solar Panels.

Companies Profiting the Most From War
247wallst.com/ | Thomas C. Frohlich | 03/18/15

Worldwide military expenditure shrunk in 2013 for the second consecutive year, falling by 1.9% to $1.75 trillion. The 100 largest arms-producers sold a combined $402 billion worth of arms and military services in 2013, also down -- for the third consecutive year.

However, not all countries are spending less. Military spending in North America and in Western and Central European countries has continued to decline, while other countries such as Brazil and Russia have increased their arms investments. ...

CompanyArm SalesTotal SalesProfits# Empl
Lockheed Martin$35.5 b$45.5 b$3.0 b115,000
Boeing $30.7$86.6$4.6168,400
BAE Systems$26.8$28.4$28.484,600
Raytheon$21.9$23.7 $2.063,000
General Dynamics$18.7$31.2$2.496,000
Airbus Group$15.7$78.7$2.0144,060
United Tech$11.9$62.6$5.7212,000
and Read more

7 More Netflix Hacks Every Binge-Watcher Needs To Know
HP | Bill Bradley | 03/21/15

Netflix is well on its way to turning everybody in the world into binge-watching homebodies. But really, who cares? Life is just all that inconvenient stuff that happens in between "Breaking Bad" marathons. With the announcement of the premiere dates for "Orange is the New Black" and "Wet Hot American Summer," it's clear the indent you're making in the couch is about to get a little more permanent. ... Read more

What's Expiring On Netflix In April 2015?
**Netflix by Genres

Rapacious Companies Go After Defenseless People in Debt
AlterNet | Jim Hightower | 03/14/15

Debt firms routinely file thousands of lawsuits a day against financially devastated Americans. They know that most debtors can't understand the legal gibberish filed against them, can't afford a lawyer, can't take time off to go to a court hearing and can't mount an effective defense against the corporate lawyers. So, some 95 percent of these lawsuits produce default judgments against hapless borrowers -- meaning debt buyers can then confiscate the wages of borrowers or freeze their bank accounts. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 23 [12:08]
*DN | Yemen in Crisis: U.S. Closes Key Drone Base & Withdraws Forces as U.N. Warns of Civil War (03/23/15) [17:56]
DN | RIP Danny Schechter: Media Pioneer Who Covered Apartheid South Africa, Occupy & Kissinger (03/23/15) [15:53]
John Oliver
*HBO | John Oliver: Municipal Violations (03/22/15) [17:54]
TRNN | Economist Michael Hudson says: Europe Tilts East Towards China, Part 2 (03/23/15) [7:23]
TRNN | Professor Vincent Navarro maps the conditions that led to the rise of Podemos in Spain, Part 1 (03/23/15) [13:40]
TRNN | The Rise of Podemos, Part 2 (03/23/15) [15:58]
TYT | What John Boehner's Nuclear Netanyahu Visit Means (03/22/15) [4:33]
TYT | Dave Ramsey And His Big Ass House And Money From Jesus (03/22/15) [8:11]
TYT | "Whites Only" Stickers Posted In Front Of Austin Businesses (03/22/15) [5:48]
*RT | CrossTalk: Viva Venezuela! (03/23/15) [24:32]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Bernie Sanders: Republicans Work for the Rich! (03/20/15) [3:38]
ThomHartmann | Republican Disrespect for Obama has no End... (03/20/15) [4:59]
Chris Hayes - All In
Chris Hayes | Where do right-wing conspiracies come from? (03/20/15) [8:33]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
Jordan Maxwell - Matrix of Power () [1:05:09]
Was Jesus a Copy of Horus, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysus and Other Pagan Gods?
Zeitgeist: The Movie () [1:50:52]
Jordan Maxwell The Naked Truth () [1:50:23]
Was Jesus a Copy of Horus, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysus and Other Pagan Gods? (article) (03/07/12)
Similarities Between Jesus and Pagan Deities (webpage)
Zeitgeist Refuted (02/19/10) [1:59:19]
  1. Krishna
  2. Buddha
  3. Horus
  4. Zoroaster
  5. Mithras
  6. Attis
  7. Dionysus-Bacchus
  8. Alleged Crucified Deities
Zecharia Sitchin
Zecharia Sitchin was raised in Palestine, where he acquired a profound knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, and the history and archaeology of the Near East.

He attended the London School of Economics and Political Science and graduated from the University of London, majoring in economic history. A leading journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New York.

One of the few scholars able to read and understand Sumerian, Sitchin has based The Earth Chronicles, his recent series of books dealing with Earth's and man's histories and pre-histories, on the information and texts written down on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East.
Books of Zecharia Sitchin (books/articles)
  1. The 12th Planet - 1976
  2. The Stairway to Heaven - 1980
  3. The Wars of Gods and Men - 1985
  4. The Lost Realms - 1990
  5. Genesis Revisited - 1990
  6. When Time Began - 1993
  7. Divine Encounters - 1995
  8. The Cosmic Code - 1998
Parts of the 'original' Bible have been modified since then, and so were born the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha books. This is in spite of the real historical facts of these books. Proof of these facts came out when the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' were found in the year 1947 and a small part of the scrolls were translated and published.
The Books of Adam and Eve (articles/books)

The Book of Enoch - Entire Book, R. H. Charles Version (03/28/12) [3:27:24]
First Book of Adam & Eve - Entire Book () [2:39:19]
Book of Jasher Audio Version () [3:24:08]
Unterstanding Western Politics
The Newpolitik: A Four-Establishment Model to Understand Western Politics (article) (11/09/13)
The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo- American Establishment and its Historical Support for Fascism
The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11: White House, CIA, Saudis, Pakistanis, a Russian GRU Firm, and the Israelis (article) (01/13/13)
Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and Coast To Coast AM (article) (12/28/14)
The World's Sixteen Crucified SSaviors.pdf () (book)
Meet the World Money Power (12//04) (article)

03.23.2015. 13:08

Friday March 20, 2015
News Articles

The Central Banks Will Not Be Able to Control This
ZeroHedge | author | 03/19/15

The biggest issue facing the finacial system today is the US Dollar rally. The Fed and other Central Banks are trying to maintain the illusion that they have everything in control by talking about interest rates, but the reality is that the US Dollar carry trade is ABOVE $9 trillion in size. That is almost as big as ALL of the money printing that occurred between 2009 and 2013.

Globally, the world is awash in borrowed money... most of it in US Dollars. The US Dollar carry trade is north of $9 trillion... literally than the economies of Germany and Japan COMBINED. When you BORROW in US Dollars you are effectively SHORTING the US Dollar. So when the US Dollar rallies... you have to cover your SHORT or you blow up. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

US "Isolated" As Key Ally Japan Considers Joining China-Led Bank.
And then there were none. Like dominoes, US allies have fallen in line on the heels of the UK's decision to join the China-sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment bank and now, the stanuchest supporter of Washington's position on the venture looks set to defect as well.

When The World's Reserve Currency Flash Crashed: "I Haven't Seen Anything Like It Since The Financial Crisis'
ZeroHedge | author | 03/20/15

On Wednesday afternoon, just after the close of the market, the US Dollar, the world's reserve currency flash crashed. "I haven't seen anything like it since the financial crisis," said Paul Lambert, head of currency at Insight Investment, which manages $480 billion of assets. For a few minutes on Wednesday, the lack of dollar buyers caused a short-term freeze in electronic trading platforms, according to a New York-based trader at a major currency-dealing bank. "There was a lot of shouting on the desk, a lot of nervousness," the trader said. ... Read more

Regulations brought in after the financial crisis have dried up the liquidity in markets, by crimping banks' ability to carry risky bets on their balance sheets. YEA RIGHT!

Petraeus: The Islamic State isn't our biggest problem in Iraq
Washington Post | Liz Sly | 03/20/15

General David Petraeus, who commanded U.S. troops during the 2007-2008 surge, was back in Iraq last week for the first time in more than three years. He was attending the annual Sulaimani Forum, a get-together of Iraqi leaders, thinkers and academics, at the American University of Sulaimaniya in northern Iraq's Kurdistan region.

In his most expansive comments yet on the latest crisis in Iraq and Syria, he answered written questions from The Post's Liz Sly, offering insights into the mistakes, the prosecution and the prospects of the war against the Islamic State, which he refers to by its Arabic acronym, Daesh. ... Read more

McConnell Urges States to Help Thwart Obama's 'War on Coal'
NYTimes | Coral Davenport | 03/19/15

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has begun an aggressive campaign to block President Obama's climate change agenda in statehouses and courtrooms across the country, arenas far beyond Mr. McConnell's official reach and authority.

The campaign of Mr. McConnell, the Senate majority leader, is aimed at stopping a set of Environmental Protection Agency regulations requiring states to reduce carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants, the nation's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. ... Read more

The poorest households in the debt-ridden country of Greece lost nearly 86% of their income, while the richest lost only 17-20%. The tax burden on the poor increased by 337% while the burden on upper-income classes increased by only 9%!!!

Arctic Sea Ice Hits Record Low Winter Maximum, Points To Evidence Of Long-Term Climate Change
Reuters & HP | author | 03/19/15

Arctic sea ice this year is the smallest in winter since satellite records began in 1979, in a new sign of long-term climate change, U.S. data showed on Thursday. The ice floating on the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole reached its maximum annual extent of just 14.54 million square kms (5.61 million sq miles) on Feb. 25 - slightly bigger than Canada - and is now expected to shrink with a spring thaw.

"This year's maximum ice extent was the lowest in the satellite record, with below-average ice conditions everywhere except in the Labrador Sea and Davis Strait," the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said in a statement. A late season surge in ice was still possible, it said. The ice was 1.1 million sq kms smaller than the 1981-2010 average, and below the previous lowest maximum in 2011. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, March 20 [12:36]
DN | Ecuadorean Foreign Minister: The United States is the Real Threat in the Americas, Not Venezuela (03/20/15) [9:42]
DN | Ecuador: Why Did It Take Sweden 1,000 Days to Agree to Question Julian Assange in Our U.K. Embassy? (03/20/15) [7:09]
Climate Change
*ClimateState | Earth Under Water (08/08/13) [45:07]
*TRNN | Michael Hudson Report: Britain, German, France and Italy are among those who joined Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in an expression of their discontent over World Bank polices that force developing countries to depend on the US. (03/20/15) [14:07]
TRNN | Professor Robin Hahnel of E3 Network says Yellen is acting in the public interest and does not want to derail slow and tepid recovery. (03/20/15) [11:48]
TRNN | Silicon Valley Democrats Pursuing High-Skill Immigration Reform. Republicans along with many progressive groups oppose the reform, arguing that it's a front for keeping wages low in the Information Technology sector by bringing in cheap labor from abroad. (03/20/15) [4:55]
TYT | Dick Cheney Claims Obama Is Using Race Card To Avoid Criticism (03/19/15) [4:48]
TYT | Netanyahu Changes Mind On Palestinian Statehood... Again. (03/19/15) [8:37]
RT | CrossTalk: Bibi's Back /w Norman Finkelstein (03/20/15) [24:39]
*RT | Keiser Report: Let the Rage Out! (E733) (03/19/15) [25:45]
Ring of Fire | The Only Thing That "Trickles Down" Is Bullshit (03/18/15) [8:33]
Ring of Fire | Inside The Secret Campaign To Destroy Workers' Rights (03/18/15) [9:46]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | The Ron Reagan Ad CBS Doesn't want you to See... (03/19/15) [1:42]
ThomHartmann | The Right-Wingification of the World... (03/19/15) [1:47]
ThomHartmann | What Happens When California runs out of Water? (03/19/15) [2:14]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.20.2015. 12:30

Thursday March 19, 2015
News Articles

Battle Between House GOP Factions Prompts Budget Vote Delay
AP & HP | author | date

The failure of the GOP-led committee to approve its budget blueprint as scheduled was unprecedented in recent memory and could delay floor debate into April. Republicans, in charge in both the House and Senate now, are determined to prove they could govern after the humiliating defeat over homeland security funds and immigration.

Several conservatives on the budget panel appeared out of synch with GOP leaders seeking to mollify defense hawks. Several conservative hard-liners had opposed the election of John Boehner, R-Ohio, as Speaker.

In the Senate, two Republican defense hawks were joining House rebels in trying to rewrite the party's budget plans to add tens of billions of dollars to ease deficit-driven cuts to the military. ... Read more

Note: The above graph doesn't really represent all Defense spending. It doesn't include nuclear weapons, which come under the auspices of the Department of Energy, some DHS, and all the black projects. Most people in the know believe the true number is closer to 1.2 Trillion dollars.

De-Dollarization Accelerates As More Of Washington's "Allies" Defect To China-Led Bank
ZeroHedge | author | 03/19/15

"Ignoring direct pleas from the Obama administration, Europe's biggest economies have declared their desire to become founding members of a new Chinese-led Asian investment bank that the United States views as a rival to the World Bank and other institutions set up at the height of American power after World War II," The Times notes, in yet another indication of declining US influence. ... Read more

You Think You're An Investor? I Think Not
ZeroHedge | author | 03/19/15

Having a rigged, distorted system that fakes being a market and makes a bunch of grifters a lot of money, is not how you build a functioning society. One might conclude, when looking at the excessive attention 'everyone' paid yet again today to Janet Yellen and the Fed, waiting breathlessly to see if she utters the word 'patience', that those people who call themselves 'investors' are not even grifters, they're nothing but yet another group of lazy bums waiting for government -- and/or central bank -- hand-outs. Read more

Heartbreaking Photos and Tragic Tales of San Francisco's Homeless (PHOTOS)
MotherJones | Gabrielle Canon | older, 02/17/15

Psychiatrist Robert Okin spent years getting to know the city's street people. Now he's sharing their stories.

Jeff's is one of the many stories of homelessness chronicled in Robert Okin's new book Silent Voices. As a psychiatrist who has served as the Commissioner at the Department of Mental Health in both Massachusetts and Vermont, a professor emeritus at the University of California-San Francisco School of Medicine, and former Chief of Service in the San Francisco General Hospital's Department of Psychiatry, Okin has worked with homeless patients throughout his career. ... Read more

Here's What Will Happen If Antarctica Melts
MotherJones | Tim McDonnell | older, 03/06/15

When we talk about global warming at the poles, the Arctic tends to get more press than the Antarctic, because it's happening faster there than anywhere else on Earth. But Antarctica is still a juggernaut. As ice sheets there collapse--a process some scientists now see as irreversible--global sea level could rise 10 feet.

Tonight, our friends at VICE will kick off their third season of documentaries on HBO, and they're headed to Antarctica to get a close-up look at the potentially catastrophic changes underway there. ... Read more
HBO | Vice: Our Rising Oceans S03, E01 (03/11/15) [1:01]
***HBO Vice | Our Rising Oceans S03,E01 (full) (03/11/15) [42:09]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, March 19 [9:57]
*DN | Obama Seeks Fast Track for TPP, Trade Deal that Could Thwart "Almost Any Progressive Policy or Goal" (03/19/15) [13:14]
*DN | Blockupy: Thousands Protest in Frankfurt Calling on Eurozone to Dismantle "Laboratory for Austerity" (03/19/15) [7:54]
Jon Stewart - Daily Show
Jon Stewart |Jon Stewart To Benjamin Netanyahu: 'How Dare You!'. (03/18/15) [5:59]
TRNN | Mohamed-Salah Omri analyses the attacks in Tunis and why an estimated 3,000 young people flee Tunisia to join the IS. (03/19/15) [10:54]
TRNN | Analyst Shir Hever: Despite Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing, neoliberal, and racist policies, his reelection thwarted a potentially more aggressive and violent regime from taking power. (03/19/15) [14:43]
TYT | Netanyahu Wins Reelection In Israel At Last Minute (03/18/15) [5:56]
TYT | Israel Says No to Peace. What Happens Next? (03/18/15) [8:29]
TYT | Who Are Netanyahu's GOP Supporters? (03/18/15) [6:21]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Environment - Climate Change
2013 National Emmy Award Nominee: Melting Point Greenland (12/21/12) [41:55]
*Documentary | Greenland is the Melting Point (2014) [41:55]
*PBS NOVA | Antarctica Meltdown - Secrets Beneath the Ice (2014) [49:35]
What Scientists Are Seeing Over Antarctica (older, 2012) [8:33]

03.19.2015. 11:19

Wednesday March 18, 2015
News Articles

Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party Wins Israeli Election
HP | Jade Walker | 03/18/15

The Likud Party, led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has defied expectations and emerged as the winner in Tuesday's parliamentary elections, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Isaac Herzog, Israel's opposition leader, contacted Netanyahu on Wednesday to concede, Reuters reported. The final results, as reported by Haaretz, showed Likud won 30 seats while the Zionist Union came in second with 24 seats. ... Read more

ECB (Europe Central Bank) Prepares For Grexit, Anticipates 95% Loss On Greek Debt.

*House Republican budget: There's a mysterious $1.1 trillion in spending cuts in the House GOP's budget
Washington Post | Max Ehrenfreund | 03/17/15

"They have a magic asterisk," Hoyer said. ... ... Hoyer was apparently not referring to an actual asterisk, but to a row of figures with the innocuous label "Other Mandatory" in one of several tables at the back of the document. The numbers show that Republicans are planning to save $1.1 trillion over 10 years by reducing outlays for mandatory spending other than on health care and Social Security, a drastic reduction for that category as compared to current policy.

It was not immediately clear where the savings would come from, but they're necessary in order for the budget to balance within a decade, as Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), the chairman of the House Budget Committee, said it would. The large reduction in this category is crucial for attaining the budget's $5.5 trillion of overall savings, which the document stated could be achieved "without gimmicks or creative accounting tricks" or "sudden and arbitrary cuts to current services." House Republicans hope to reach those goals while increasing spending on the military and without raising taxes. ... Read more

CBS | Donald Rumsfeld Admits Day before 911 "2.3 TRillion Dollars Missing from DOD" () [2:54]
Daily Ticker | Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can't Account For (2014) [5:32]
This earthquake, however, was different. At magnitude 9.0, what became known as the Tohoku earthquake was the world's fifth largest since modern records began around 1900. In Tokyo, less than 200 miles from the epicenter, the trembling lasted a full six minutes. When it finally stopped, parts of the main island of Honshu had moved eight meters, or 26 feet, to the east.

Here's What Will Happen If Antarctica Melts
MotherJones | Tim McDonnell | older, 03/06/15

When we talk about global warming at the poles, the Arctic tends to get more press than the Antarctic, because it's happening faster there than anywhere else on Earth. But Antarctica is still a juggernaut. As ice sheets there collapse--a process some scientists now see as irreversible--global sea level could rise 10 feet.

Tonight, our friends at VICE will kick off their third season of documentaries on HBO, and they're headed to Antarctica to get a close-up look at the potentially catastrophic changes underway there. ... Read more
HBO | Vice: Our Rising Oceans S03, E01 (03/11/15) [1:01]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, March 18 [11:25]
DN | Hedge Fund-Backed Castellan Real Estate Group Intimidates NYC Tenants to Vacate Rent-Stabilized Apts (03/18/15) [4:00]
*DN | After Netanyahu Wins Israel Vote with Racism & Vow of Permanent Occupation, How Will World Respond? (03/18/15) [8:14]
*DN | "Arabs Voting in Droves": Netanyahu's Fear Materializes as Joint List Wins 3rd in Israeli Election (03/18/15) [19:51]
Jon Stewart - Daily Show
Jon Stewart | Hatewatch with Jon Stewart: A bipartisan human trafficking bill gets stuck in the Senate because Republicans slip in some anti-abortion language that Democrats failed to notice right away. (03/17/15) [8:07]
NASA | How The Sahara Keeps The Amazon Rainforest Going (03/05/15) [2:13]
*TRNN | Phyllis Bennis: Netanyahu or Herzog, Little Will Change in Israeli Policy (03/18/15) [13:01]
*TRNN | Ali Abunimah: Palestinians Better Off with Netanyahu (03/18/15) [14:00]
*TYT | The GOP Balanced Budget Plan - What's The Catch? (03/17/15) [7:43]
TYT | Senator Ted Cruz Scares Little Girl (03/17/15) [8:55]
TYT | Israeli Elections 2015. Will Netanyahu Win? (03/17/15) [2:56]
*RT | CrossTalk: Ukraine's delicate balance (03/18/15) [24:12]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across

03.18.2015. 11:39

Tuesday March 17, 2015
News Articles

GAO: U.S. Government Gave Away $125 Billion In Questionable Benefits Last Year
AP & HP | Stephen Ohlemacher | 03/17/15

While the errors were spread among 22 federal agencies, three programs stood out: Medicare, Medicaid and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Together, the three programs accounted for more than $93 billion in improper payments.

  1. The Earned Income Tax Credit provides payments to low-income families accounted for $18 billion.
  2. Medicare's payments to doctors and hospitals had the most improper payments, at $46 billion.
  3. Medicaid, the health insurance program for the poor: $17.5 billion.
  4. Medicare Advantage, which allows older Americans to get their Medicare benefits through private health plans: $12.2 billion.
  5. Unemployment insurance: $5.6 billion.
  6. Supplemental Security Income, a disability program for the poor: $5 billion.
  7. Social Security: $3 billion.
Read more

Federal Spending - Budget
Click picture to zoom in

Defense Spending

Plan B? Major European "Allies" Desert Obama, Join China-led Infrastructure Bank
ZeroHedge | author | 03/17/15

It appears the sea of de-dollarization has reached the shores of Europe. With Australia and UK having already moved in the direction of joining the China-led AIIB, The FT reports that France, Germany, and Italy have now all agreed to join the development bank as 'pivot to Asia' appears to be Plan B for Europe. ...

... De-dollarization continues... As Simon Black recently concluded, now we can see words are turning into action. Our Allies might be too polite to tell the US straight up - "Look, you have $18.1 trillion in official debt, you have $42 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and you're kind of a dick. I'm dumping you." ... Read more

Treasury Secretary Lew Admits US "International Credibility & Influence Is Being Threatened"
ZeroHedge | author | 03/17/15

While we try to our patriotic duty every day, Jack Lew's comment that: U.S. ECONOMIC RECOVERY WELL ESTABLISHED, LEW SAYS was too much to bear... so we provide the following 3 charts for guidance in comprehending the propaganda. Why would he blatantly lie in the face of unequivocally bad data? Simple, they are desparate to spin US economic strength as the world comes to realize it no longer needs to rely on a unipolar US-based model... Read more

Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors
firstlook.org/theintercept | Lee Fang | 03/09/15

Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors. The NDIA is composed of executives from major military businesses such as Northrop Grumman, L-3 Communications, ManTech International, Boeing, Oshkosh Defense and Booz Allen Hamilton, among other firms.

Cotton strongly advocates higher defense spending and a more aggressive foreign policy. As The New Republic's David Ramsey noted, "Pick a topic -- Syria, Iran, Russia, ISIS, drones, NSA snooping -- and Cotton can be found at the hawkish outer edge of the debate ... During his senate campaign, he told a tele-townhall that ISIS and Mexican drug cartels joining forces to attack Arkansas was an 'urgent problem.'" ... Read more

10 Things Black People Fear That White People Don't
AlterNet | Terrell Jermaine Starr | 03/16/15

The following is the latest in a new series of articles on AlterNet called Fear in America that launched this March.

  1. Getting fired because we don't fit into white cultural norms. Rhonda Lee, an African American meteorologist who worked at a Louisiana TV station wore her hair in a natural hairstyle one viewer found offensive.
  2. Encountering a police officer who may kill us. ProPublica reports that black males stand a 21 times greater chance of being killed by cops than their white counterparts.
  3. Not being able to get a job. The black unemployment rate has been twice the rate of unemployment for whites, basically forever.
  4. Our daughters being expelled from school because of "zero tolerance policies." New York City and Boston school districts, 12 percent of black girls were subjected to exclusionary suspensions compared to just 2 percent of white girls.
  5. We are much more likely to be harassed by police than by white residents in NYC. Between 2001 and 2013, roughly 81 percent of the summonses issued have been to African Americans and Latinos.
  6. Being bullied at work. Fifty-four percent of African Americans claim to be victims of workplace bullying compared to 44 percent of white respondents, according to the 2014 Workplace Bullying Survey.
  7. Being pulled over by the police. Black drivers are 31 percent more likely to be pulled over than white drivers.
  8. Being accused of shoplifting when we're shopping. Shopping while black can be pretty stressful.
  9. Getting sick and not having access to health care.
  10. Having white people say we're exaggerating these issues.
Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, March 17 [12:57]
*DN | A Double Standard on Leaks? As Whistleblowers Jailed, Petraeus Escapes Prison & Advises White House (03/17/15) [10:55]
DN | A Deadly U-Turn: Did Miriam Carey Need to Die After Wrong Car Move at White House Checkpoint? (03/17/15) [13:40]
60 Minutes
60 Minutes | Controversial conservationist Damian Aspinall wants to close all zoos, including his own, and free the animals to the wild. But is it a good idea? (03/15/15) [13:19]
60 Minutes | Back to the Wild website (03/15/15) (article)
John Oliver
This is an older piece by John Oliver but is good, especially toward the end when he talks about ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council).
*HBO | State Legislatures and ALEC (older, but good) [17:17]
*TRNN | Larry Wilkerson says: Kerry Opens a Door to Negotiating with Assad in Syria (03/17/15) [8:38]
TRNN | Max Blumenthal says: Zionist Union Leader Herzog Willing to Form a Coalition with Netanyahu's Likud. (03/17/15) [12:25]
TRNN | The Jewish Voice for Peace 2015 National Meeting: Jewish-American Leadership Rising in Opposition to Israeli Occupation. (03/17/15) [9:17]
TRNN | Michael Ratner says: Swedish Prosecutor in Julian Assange's Case Retreats; US Continues Espionage Investigation (03/17/15) [13:34]
TYT | Defense Industry Whores Release Nuclear Iran Ad To Scare America (03/16/15) [6:20]
TYT | Shocking Video Of Cruelty To Milk Cows Released (Warning! Disturbing Content!) (03/16/15) [7:29]
TYT | Gay Students Ordered To Take Christian Sensitivity Training (03/16/15) [5:47]
*RT | CrossTalk: 2015 is turning into a difficult year for the Russian economy. (03/16/15) [24:38]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Chris Hayes - All In
Chris Hayes | Robert Durst charged with first-degree murder. (03/16/15) [13:54]
The Judge who presided over Robert Durst's LAST murder trial tells Chris Hayes what she thinks about his apparent admission of guilt in HBO's documentary series "The Jinx", and what she thinks about the LA County District Attorney charging him with...
Portland considering tiny homes for city's homeless () [2:09]

03.17.2015. 12:46

Monday March 16, 2015
News Articles

Biggest corporate political interests spend billions, get trillions
sunlightfoundation.com |Bill Allison | older, 11/17/14

Between 2007 and 2012, 200 of America's most politically active corporations spent a combined $5.8 billion on federal lobbying and campaign contributions. A year-long analysis by the Sunlight Foundation suggests, however, that what they gave pales compared to what those same corporations got: $4.4 trillion in federal business and support. ... Read more
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China now owns 1 in 4 pigs raised in the U.S. as food becomes "the oil of the 21st century".

The Hidden Money Buying Condos at the Time Warner Center
NYTimes | author | older, 02/07/15

For more than a year, The New York Times examined the influx of global cash fueling the city's high-end real estate boom. The investigation pierced the secrecy of more than 200 shell companies that have owned condominiums at one complex, the Time Warner Center:

  1. Nearly half of the most expensive residential properties in the United States are now purchased anonymously through shell companies.
  2. The real estate industry does little examination of buyers' identities or backgrounds, and there is no legal requirement for it to do so.
  3. At the Time Warner Center, 37 percent of the condominiums are owned by foreigners. At least 16 foreigners who have owned in the building have been the subject of government inquiries, either personally or as heads of companies.
Read more
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In Program to Spur Affordable Housing, $100 Million Penthouse Gets 95% Tax Cut
NYTimes | Charles V. Bagli | older, 02/01/15

The penthouse at One57, which offers panoramic views from 1,000 feet above 57th Street, recently sold for a record-setting $100.5 million.

But it is not the price that has grabbed the attention of housing advocates, policy analysts, developers and city officials. Rather, it is one of peculiarities of New York real estate: a billionaire's lair that comes with an incentive that cuts this year's property tax bill by 95 percent, or an estimated $360,000. ... Read more

Governments operate on the premise that propaganda and threats will always be enough to cow their populaces into compliance and bribes will induce complicity.When lies, bribes and threats no long work, the state unleashes its full pathological powers on dissent.

When It Becomes Serious, First They Lie - When That Fails, They Arrest You
ZeroHedge | author | 03/16/15

"When it becomes serious, you have to lie." Jean-Claude Juncker simply gave voice to what the world's leaders practice on a daily basis, because now it's always serious.

And why is it now serious? Persuading tax donkeys and debt serfs (middle class) that everything is going their way is now impossible without lies. Persuading the populace that the leadership is working on their behalf was jettisoned in the wake of the 2008 bailout of bankers and parasites.

Stripped of the artifice that they care about anything other than preserving the wealth of their cronies, global political leaders now rely on propaganda: narratives designed to manage expectations and perceptions, bolstered by carefully tailored official statistics.

When 20% of the populace no longer believe the lies and begins questioning the state's enforcement of the status quo, the government devotes its resources to punishing dissenters, resisters and whistleblowers ... Read more

The New GOP Senator Tom Cotton
AlterNet | Medea Benjamin | 03/12/15

Hailing from Arkansas, 37-year-old Senator Cotton boasts the title of being the youngest member of the Senate, but he spouts the old warmongering rhetoric of 78-year-old Senator John McCain. From Guantanamo to Iran, food stamps to women's rights, here are ten reasons why Tom Cotton is a dangerous dude.

  1. He penned an underhanded letter to the leaders of Iran that borders on traitorous.
  2. Senator Cotton said the only problem he has with Guantanamo Bay prison is that "there are too many empty beds."
  3. He has compared the negotiations of the UN Security Council (P5+1) with Iran to the "appeasement of Nazi Germany."
  4. He thinks the use of killer drones should be expanded. Note: only 2% of all people killed by drone strikes have been confirmed "high-value" targets.
  5. He claims that "bombing makes us safer." While in some masochistic, twisted logic that might make sense in the short term, historically speaking US military intervention has led to more extremism.
  6. He uses fear-mongering to call for a crackdown on immigrants and a clampdown on the Mexican border. Senator Cotton says drug cartels in Mexico are ready to expand into human trafficking and even terrorism, and could infiltrate our southern border and "attack it right here in places like Arkansas."
  7. He received $700,000 for his senate campaign from the Emergency Committee for Israel. During the 2014 Israeli invasion of Gaza, when over 500 Palestinian were killed, Cotton called the Israeli defense force "the most moral, humanitarian fighting force in the world."
  8. As an Army Lieutenant in 2006, Cotton called for the prosecution of two New York Times journalists for espionage. When the New York Times published an article about how the government was tracking terrorist financing, Cotton called for the journalists to be imprisoned.
  9. He thinks food-stamp recipients are "addicts."
  10. He has opposed legislation to expand women's rights. Senator Cotton voted against equal pay legislation and the Violence Against Women Act.
Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 16 [13:30]
*DN | Johann Hari & Naomi Klein: Does Capitalism Drive Drug Addiction? (03/16/15) [53:22]
*DN | As U.N. Backs Fossil Fuel Divestment, Bill McKibben on Vanuatu, Oxford Vote, California Water Crisis (03/16/15) [11:29]
DN | After Swedish Prosecutors Back Down, Is WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Close to Freedom? (03/16/15) [10:39]
PBS NewsHour
PBS NewsHour | How did CIA money end up in al-Qaeda coffers? (03/15/15) [3"43]
More Contaminated water may have seeped into ground at Fukushima nuclear plant (03/13/15) [0:33]
Fox News - ISIS
Fox | Growing Expansion of ISIS Beyond the Boarders of Syria and Iraq (03/14/15) [5:53]
TRNN | Author Joshua Reubner: Iran Nuclear Program a Distraction from Israel's Nuclear Weapons (03/16/15) [5:31]
TRNN | TRNN reports from the Jewish Voice for Peace National Meeting: Israelis and Palestinians See Little Hope For Change In Upcoming Election (03/16/15) [6:25]
TRNN | Bill Black says: The Juncker Plan for Economic Recovery in Europe (03/16/15) [9:52]
Click picture to zoom in
TYT | College Graduation Rates Indicate Growing Wealth Gap (03/15/15) [6:07]
*TYT | Iceland Does The Unimaginable To Its Criminal Bankers (03/15/15) [4:01]
TYT | What It's Like To Live As A Women Under ISIS Rule (03/15/15) [6:42]
TYT | Lesbian Couple Custody Battle With Sperm Donors (03/15/15) [4:35]
RT | CrossTalk: GOP's Act of Treason? (03/11/15) [23:49]
RT | Keiser Report: Destroying the Middle Class (E730) (03/12/15) [25:31]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
John Oliver
HBO | The NCAA doesn't pay athletes because they consider them amateurs. (03/15/16) [20:53]
Counter Intelligence, Shining a Light on Black Operations | Five Part Program
This 5-part documentary is a great expose on the national surveillance state that has arisen over the last 50-100 years. Manipulating elections, overthrowing foreign governments, and secret assassinations are just a few of the heinous acts committed in the name of national security. Now that Edward Snowden has blown the lid off of the NSA's Prism snooping program, this film series is even more important and relevant. "Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations"-- that's plausible deniability and that's how govt runs our country!
Counter Intelligence | The Company, Part 1 () [1:18:34]
Part 1: The Company
This film takes a very informative and provocative look into the illegal and covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.). It lays out the historical foundations of the modern surveillance state.
Counter Intelligence | The Deep State, Part 2 () [1:25:25]
Part 2: The Deep State
For the first time during the Iran-Contra scandal, Americans get a look at the secret programs and operations of their government. Other topics include Watergate and the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs is essentially a massive coverup that allows criminal syndicates to generate massive profits and commit acts of murder and bribery with impunity throughout the United States and South America.
Counter Intelligence | The Strategy of Tension, Part 3 () [55:09]
Part 3: The Strategy of Tension
The Strategy of Tension examines the history of false flag operations used for war, propaganda and psychological operations--or 'psy-ops.' Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio are examples used to illustrate the nature of clandestine operation planning and execution; as well as shedding light on the intent and extent to which the National Security apparatus manipulates events and manufactures outcomes to suit its goals. This programme also looks at the issues that spin off from the history of false flag operations--such as how conspiracy theories are used to discredit inquiry and investigative journalism; and also how the cultural preconditions around dismissing false flag operations serve to protect their continuation and 'plausible deniability.'
Counter Intelligence | Necrophilous, Part 4 () [1:56:03]
Part 4: Necrophilous
An examination of torture, war crimes, and abuse of authority during protests and war. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay Cuba shed light on the US security state's attitudes towards those who resist (or are accused of resisting) the American Empire's attempt at global hegemony. Islamophobia -- largely a construct of media propaganda -- is the driving force behind American's lust for war in the middle east and Americans' tolerance for crimes against humanity and "collateral damage".
Counter Intelligence | Drone Nation, Part 5 () [50:04]
Part 5: Drone Nation
After President Obama signed the 2011 NDAA, the US government is allowed to kidnap and detain its own citizens without any warning or notification. A simple accusation of "terrorism" is all that is needed to murder innocents with drones from command centers thousands of miles away. Whatever your opinion of Anwar al Awlaki, his 2011 murder by drone strike, and subsequent lack of outrage, sets a dangerous precedent for Americans' liberty and security from its own government.
Dark Journalist
Dark Journalist | Defense Minister Paul Hellyer: Money Mafia And The UFO Cabal: Major Revelations! (11/05/14) [54:56]
Dark Journalist | Peter Dale Scott: American Deep State: Secret Government, CIA, FEMA (01/25/15) [2:04:17]

03.16.2015. 12:06

Friday March 13, 2015
News Articles

Parasite Turns On Parasite: HFT Sues Other HFTs For "Egregious Manipulation" Of Treasury Securities
ZeroHedge | author | 03/12/15

The beginning of the end of high frequency trading has arrived, and it has done so in a most unexpected fashion: with an HFT turning on other HFTs and revealing on the record, for the entire world to see, just how truly parasitic, manipulative and "market-rigging" the algorithms truly are.

Remember the massive Libor manipulation conspiracy, and what stumped the so-called experts, is how could something so vast, with so many moving pieces, remain a secret for as long as it did.

The answer is extremely simple: everyone who was in on the "secret" was also benefiting from it: from the lowliest Libor rigger to the CEO of Barclays and every other major bank, they all knew what was going on, but also knew that if the information became public knowledge, the jig would be up, and everyone's benefits would evaporate with some even going to jail (at least in a hypothetical legal system in which bankers actually go to jail). In other words, it was merely a case where everyone's interest was aligned to maintain the conspiracy cartel as long as possible.

Which brings us to High-Frequency Trading: another vast "conspiracy", this time involving market rigging and manipulation ... Read more
*CBS 60 Minutes | Wall Street: The High Speed Traders (older, but good) [13:36]

Flash Boys' Michael Lewis Warns "The Problem's Not Just HFT, The Problem Is The Entire System"
ZeroHedge | author | 03/13/15

As HFT shops begin to turn on each other, it seems appropriate to reflect on the impact that Michael Lewis' Flash Boys book had on exposing the ugly truth that many have been discussing for years in US (and international) equity (and non-equity) markets. As Lewis concludes, after explaining the attacks he has suffered from the HFT industry, "If I didn't do more to distinguish 'good' H.F.T. from 'bad' H.F.T., it was because I saw, early on, that there was no practical way for me or anyone else... to do it. ... The big banks and the exchanges [have] been paid to compromise investors' interests while pretending to guard those interests. I was surprised more people weren't angry with them." ... Read more

Michael Lewis Reflects on His Book Flash Boys, a Year After It Shook Wall Street to Its Core
Vanity Fair | Michael Lewis | 04//15

Flash Boys, the author's best-selling exposé of high-speed trading, made some of Wall Street's richest people very angry. Dissecting the reaction, he argues that the furor has obscured his book's real news.

When I sat down to write Flash Boys, in 2013, I didn't intend to see just how angry I could make the richest people on Wall Street. I was far more interested in the characters and the situation in which they found themselves. Led by an obscure 35-year-old trader at the Royal Bank of Canada named Brad Katsuyama, they were all well-regarded professionals in the U.S. stock market. ... Read more

What Happens To The Stock Market If The U.S. Follows The World Into Recession?
ZeroHedge | author | 03/13/15

Regardless of income, history shows that stocks crater when payrolls, industrial production and real final sales all tank. The current euphoria for stocks has several components: one is soaring corporate profits, and the other is quasi-religious faith in the power of central banks to keep stocks lofting higher in a complete disconnect from fundamentals such as sales, profits, production or payrolls. History is rather unkind to blind faith in central banks, just as the rising U.S. dollar and stagnant sales are being very unkind to corporate profits. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, March 13 [13:21]
*DN | Data and Goliath: Bruce Schneier on the Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World (03/13/15) [16:38]
*DN | Should McDonald's & Monsanto Have the Same Rights as People? A Debate on Corporate Personhood (03/13/15) [11:53]
Jon Stewart - Daily News
Jon Stewart | New Jersey Governor Chris Christie negotiates a settlement that favors ExxonMobil, and Senator Bob Menendez is accused of taking campaign gifts from an ophthalmologist. (03/12/15) [9:23]
PBS Frontline
*PBS Frontline | "Life in Baghdad": Finding Moments of Joy Amid the Chaos of War (03/11/15) [4:05]
PBS NOVA | Whether serving as Christian church, Islamic mosque, or secular museum, Hagia Sophia and its soaring dome have inspired reverence and awe. For 800 years. (02/25/15) [53:09]
TRNN | Business Council's Richard Eidlin discusses: 3 Ways TPP Could Cost Small Businesses (03/13/15) [5:23]
*TYT | War Crimes By U.S. Trained Iraqi Dirty Brigades Under Investigation (03/12/15) [13:06]
TYT | Fox News Reacts To Ferguson Shooting - Blame Obama? (03/12/15) [10:44]
TYT | Two Cops Shot In Ferguson (03/12/15) [8:41]
Shin Bet
ABC | Israel's spy leaders call for peace: 'The Gatekeepers' (older, 08/20/13) [10:15]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
PBS NewsHour - www.pbs.org/newshour/
PBS NewsHour | full episode (03/12/15) [53:28]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.13.2015. 11:51

Thursday March 12, 2015
News Articles

What Americans Think Is The #1 US Problem
ZeroHedge | author | 03/12/15

While dissatisfaction with government is by no means a new issue to the American people, it has not in recent months been as clearly the leading problem as it is now, given that fewer Americans mention the economy. ... Read more

Are Alarm Bells Ringing Over Greece's Pivot To Russia?
ZeroHedge | author | 03/12/15

With German media asking "who is more dangerous for us? Greece or Russia," recent actions by both 'antagonists' in that question suggest they may become one and the same sooner than many expected. With tensions rising between Greece and the Eurogroup, recent and future visits to Russia have gained in importance since Russian FinMin confirmed that Moscow "could consider financial help to Greece." While this Russian pivot meme was the stuff of conspiracy theorists just weeks ago, The BBC is now asking directly, "could Europe lose Greece to Russia?" and with more Greeks positive on Russia (61%) than Europe (23%), it should not shock anyone. ... Read more

People on Food Stamps Make Healthier Grocery Decisions Than Most of Us.

From Yellen Put To Yellen Massacre
ZeroHedge | author | 03/12/15

Yellen has created a narrative about the US economy, especially the (un)employment rate, and with the narrative is now firmly in place, Yellen and her stooges can claim they have no choice but to hike In short, Janet Yellen will go down into history as the person responsible for what may be the biggest economic crash ever, or at least delivering the final punch of the way into it, a crash that will make the rich banks even much richer. And there is not one iota of coincidence in there. Yellen works for those banks. The Fed only ever held investors' hands because that worked out well for Wall Street. And now that's over. Y'all are on the same side of the same trade, and there's no profit for Wall Street that way. ... Read more

3 Charts That Show Just How Much Wall Street Bonuses Swamp Low-Wage Worker Pay
AlterNet | Sarah Anderson | 03/11/15

New figures from the New York State Comptroller reveal that Wall Street banks handed out $28.5 billion in bonuses to their 167,800 employees last year. That's nearly double the combined annual earnings of the more than 1 million full-time U.S. minimum wage workers, according to a report I authored for the Institute for Policy Studies. ... Read more
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Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, March 12 [7:35]
*DN | Ex-U.S. Official: With Iran Letter, "Reckless" GOP Places Middle East Hegemony over Security (03/12/15) [25:17]
DN | Eyewitness to Ferguson Police Shooting: Gunfire Did Not Come From Area of Non-Violent Protest (03/12/15) [14:18]
Jon Stewart - Daily News
*Jon Stewart | Jon Stewart Destroys 'Morning Joe' and Fox for Blaming Racism on Rap. (03/11/15) [9:44]
Fox News
Megyn Kelly Hammers Tom Cotton Over Iran Letter: 'What's The Point? (03/11/15) [5:04]
TRNN | Secretary of State John Kerry: Senator Rand Paul says AUMF Will Further Endless War (03/12/15) [7:42]
TRNN | Jamala Rogers, co-founder of Organization for Black Struggle, discusses its significance and the next steps for those on the ground in Ferguson (03/12/15) [8:12]
TYT | Not Enough Change: Jon Stewart Slams Obama (03/11/15) [4:07]
TYT | Pope And Wolf PAC Share Same Views (03/11/15) [5:37]
RT | Year in Space, Twin Test: NASA astronaut tells RT about upcoming mission (03/11/15) [2:23]
For the first time NASA is planning to send an astronaut to the International Space Station for a whole year. RT spoke to Scott Kelly, who's currently getting ready to blast on his fourth ISS mission, about the risks and his hopes for the mission.
RT RAW: NASA tests megarocket booster for deep-space system (03/12/15) [1:36]
NASA has conducted a landmark test of a booster for its Space Launch System, the first heavy-lift rocket since the Apollo program ended in the 1970s. Working with Orbital ATK, NASA believes the booster will eventually help land a manned aircraft on Mars.
*RT | Mearsheimer: US democracy promotion means toppling govts (03/10/15) [24:32]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Cute Video
Shirley and Jenny: Two Elephants Reunited After More Than 20 Years (older) [7:21]
Not a new story but worth watching again and again! So amazingly touching - the story of Shirley and Jenny, two crippled elephants reunited at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee after a 22-year separation. The bonding was immediate, intense and unforgettable between the two former circus elephants.

03.12.2015. 11:58

Wednesday March 11, 2015
News Articles

HP | author | 03/11/15

Republicans, under fire for a letter signed by 47 senators to the leadership of Iran, said Tuesday that complaints about violating foreign policy convention should be leveled not at them, but at President Barack Obama.

GOP lawmakers spent much of Tuesday being pressed on why Senate party leadership went around the White House with an open letter warning Iran that any nuclear agreement may be undercut in the future by Congress or Obama's successor. ... Read more

The 3 Biggest Myths Blinding Us to the Economic Truth
magazine | Robert Reich | 03/10/15

Robert Reich | The 3 Biggest Myths Blinding Us to the Economic Truth (current) [2:35]
  1. 1. The "job creators" are CEOs, corporations, and the rich, whose taxes must be low in order to induce them to create more jobs. Rubbish. The real job creators are the vast middle class and the poor, whose spending induces businesses to create jobs. Which is why raising the minimum wage, extending overtime protection, enlarging the Earned Income Tax Credit, and reducing middle-class taxes are all necessary.
  2. 2. The critical choice is between the "free market" or "government." Baloney. The free market doesn't exist in nature. It's created and enforced by government. And all the ongoing decisions about how it's organized - what gets patent protection and for how long (the human genome?), who can declare bankruptcy (corporations? homeowners? student debtors?), what contracts are fraudulent (insider trading?) or coercive (predatory loans? mandatory arbitration?), and how much market power is excessive (Comcast and Time Warner?) - depend on government.
  3. 3. We should worry most about the size of government. Wrong. We should worry about who government is for. When big money from giant corporations and Wall Street inundate our politics, all decisions relating to #1 and #2 above become rigged against average working Americans.
"The Fed Blew It" ZeroHedge | 30/11/15

Republicans And Iran Deal Opponents Are Funded By The Same Mega-Donors
HP | Paul Blumenthal |03/10/15

... Now, many of these groups are promoting the latest effort to derail talks between the United States and Iran: a letter to Iran's ayatollahs, organized by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and signed by 46 other Republican senators, warning that Congress will not lift sanctions on Iran as part of any deal that Iran would accept. The letter further states that any such deal could be canceled by the next occupant of the White House.

The Israel Project is heavily promoting the senators' letter as part of an effort to move legislation in Congress to impose new sanctions on Iran and require the Obama administration to consult Congress on aspects of an Iranian nuclear deal, if one is reached. Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, called the letter an effort to promote a congressional role of "vigorous review, advice and consent" on a deal. Dubowitz has previously argued that any sanctions targeting Iran should aim for regime change instead of nonproliferation.

Cotton has received a great deal of support from the donors who fund these and other groups opposing an Iran deal. Singer and Klarman have given a combined $350,000 to the pro-Cotton super PAC Arkansas Horizon. Singer also gave $2.6 million to American Crossroads, $100,000 to B-PAC and $10,000 to John Bolton Super PAC, all of which spent money to support Cotton's Senate campaign last year. Klarman has directed $400,000 to American Crossroads. The Emergency Committee for Israel -- a nonprofit group, led by the neoconservative Bill Kristol, that opposes an Iran deal -- spent nearly $1 million to support Cotton in his election campaign. ... Read more

Worse Than The Cold War: 81% Of Russians Now View The US Negatively
ZeroHedge | author | 03/11/15

Russians view the United States much more unfavorably today than they did during the end of the Cold War era. As you will read about below, an astounding 81 percent of all Russians now view the United States negatively, and only 13 percent have a positive opinion of this country. In all of the years when Russians have been surveyed on their attitudes toward the U.S., they have never been this negative. But of course Americans generally do not view the Russian people unfavorably.

So why is this happening? Well, it all comes down to the actions of the Obama administration. The Russian people are convinced that U.S. organizations organized, funded and armed the rebels that violently overthrew the democratically-elected Ukrainian government. And once it was overthrown, the Obama administration immediately recognized the rebels as the legitimate government of Ukraine. And now most Russians are convinced that the U.S. government is trying to promote a similar revolution inside Russia. In recent years, the Russian people have become increasingly nationalistic, and at this point they view U.S. meddling in their affairs as a direct threat to their way of life. Even while most Americans are extremely apathetic about what is going on over in Russia, an increasingly large chunk of the Russian population is angry enough to go to war. Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, March 11 [13:09]
DN | Is Venezuela Really an "Extraordinary Threat"? U.S. Sanctions Top Officials as Tensions Grow (03/11/15) [19:35]
DN | Gateway to Freedom: Historian Eric Foner on the Hidden History of the Underground Railroad (03/11/15) [8:48]
*TRNN | Michael Hudson says quantitative easing is a pretext to assist banks make even more profits, Part 1 (03/11/15) [7:06], Part 2 [12:28]
TRNN | Miguel Tinker-Salas says: U.S. Sanctions Against Venezuela Denounced by Latin American Leaders (03/11/15) [9:56]
TRNN | Journalist Chiho Kaneko: Four Years After Fukushima Disaster, Radiation Dangers Remain Unknown (03/11/15) [14:14]
TYT | ATF Kills Green Tip Ammo Ban Because Of NRA Assault (03/10/15) [4:54]
*TYT | Senators Face Backlash Over Letter To Iran (03/10/15) [13:15]
TYT | Senator Tom Cotton Defends Letter To Iran (03/10/15) [7:46]
*RT | CrossTalk: Russia Watching (03/11/15) [23:49]
RT | Keiser Report: War is racket, that's why EU needs an army (E729) (03/10/15) [25:26]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Chris Hayes - All In
Chris Hayes | Chris Hayes talks to Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and former RNC Chair Michael Steele about what's behind a shocking open letter to the Iranian regime, signed by 47 Senate Republicans. (03/10/15) [13:18]
Chris Hayes | A former lawyer at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection tells Chris Hayes he was told not to use the phrases "climate change" and "global warming" after Gov. Rick Scott came into office in 2011. (03/10/15) [6:48]

03.11.2015. 11:18

Tuesday March 10, 2015
News Articles

Dear Treasury Secretary Lew: Here Is All You Need To Know About HFT
ZeroHedge | author | 03/10/15

About a decade after the arrival, and subsequent takeover of the market by high-frequency traders... 6 years after the start of our crusade to purge the capital markets of the 2nd worst scourge to capital allocation efficiency and fraud, the first being of course the central banks, and 5 years after the flash crash, we just realized that we, and all those others who caution every day against the threat that HFT poses every single day, have finally made an epic breakthrough. To wit:

Lew Says Government Trying To Understand High-Frequency Trading.

That's right: the US Treasury Secretary is finally trying to figure out what all this buying and selling and buying and selling (repeat that 1 million times in one second) is good for. Well... it was about time. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

*CBS 60 Minutes | Wall Street: The High Speed Traders (older, but good) [13:36]
ZeroHedge | High Frequency Trading: All You Need To Know (older, 04/07/14) (article)

White House Studying "New Bankruptcy Options" For Student-Loan Borrowers
ZeroHedge | author | 03/10/15

The default risk from the $1 trillions in student loans is several orders of magnitude above the 9% student loans which the Fed has revealed as currently "in default", as one has to add those 12% of loans in deferment and 11% in forbearance to the entire risk pool. In short: a third of all student loans are likely to end up unrepaid!

And, the punchline: according to the TBAC's worst case scenario of the future of student debt, this gargantuan load will triple over the next decade, to as much as $3.3 trillion by 2024. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

Elizabeth Warren wants to be the most powerful Democrat in America -- without running for president.
Politico | Glen Thrush | 03/15

Ask Elizabeth Warren for her first impression of Hillary Clinton, and she doesn't hesitate: She jolts forward to the edge of her seat, snaps her fingers and describes her as "quick!"

Clinton, of course, craves a more emphatic endorsement from Warren, hoping to bring the Democratic Party's rising populist firebrand into her 2016 fold as soon as possible. Last year, she praised the Massachusetts senator as "a passionate champion for working people" at a campaign event they both attended; Warren was noticeably cooler and barely even acknowledged Clinton in her remarks. And, in December, Clinton invited a still-noncommittal Warren to her mansion in Washington. (Warren politely but firmly suggested that Clinton needs to take a much tougher line on Wall Street.). ... Read more

Sony Is Making A Male 'Ghostbusters' Again Too
HP | Jessica Goodman | 03/09/15

Just as excitement over the all-female "Ghostbusters" starring Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig has settled, Sony made another announcement about the franchise: a second, "guy-themed" version is in the works, too.

Deadline.com reported that the studio has formed "Ghost Corps," a subsidiary with original "Ghostbusters" creatives Ivan Reitman and Dan Aykroyd, to produce more "Ghostbusters" branding opportunities. The first project will be a new "Ghostbusters" film from Joe and Anthony Russo ("Captain America: The Winter Soldier"). Drew Pearce ("Iron Man 3") will write the script, and Channing Tatum and his partners Reid Carolin and Peter Kiernan will produce. According to Deadline.com, Sony is hopeful Tatum will star as well. ...

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, March 10 [9:54]
DN | Martin Luther King III: Don't Idolize My Father, Embrace His Ideals of Freedom, Justice and Equality (03/10/15) [6:00]
*DN | Civil Rights Icon C. T. Vivian on Nonviolence & Hypocrisy of U.S. Promoting Democracy Abroad (03/10/15) [8:36]
DN | Republicans Make Pilgrimage to Selma -- But Will GOP Pass Bill to Restore Voting Rights Act? (03/10/15) [12:13]
60 Minutes
*60 Minutes | The untimely death of Alberto Nisman right before presenting damning charges against Argentina's government has set off a scandal that has captured the world's attention. (03/08/15) [13:19]
Comedy Central's - "Night Of Too Many Stars"
Comedy Central's biennial event that benefits autism () [4:36]
11-year-old Jodi DiPiazza, a musician on the autistic spectrum, who performed a moving rendition of "Firework" with Katy Perry. This year, she took the stage with Weird Al and Actionplay Chorus, an autistic children's choir, to sing "Yoda." It's by far the best version of the song you'll ever hear.
*TRNN | Colonel Larry Wilkerson: An Open Letter to the Ayatollah from Republicans (03/10/15) [10:08]
TRNN | Jane McAlevey says: So-Called Right to Work Legislation Only Possible Under Total Corporate Control (03/10/15) [12:19]
TYT | Obama Racist? Fox's Tantaros Says Yes (03/09/15) [6:02]
TYT | GOP Leaders Write Letter To Iran (03/10/15) [10:36]
TYT | Netanyahu Flip Flops On Palenstine (03/09/15) [5:41]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Chris Hayes - All In
Chris Hayes | Chris Hayes talks to Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and former RNC Chair Michael Steele about what's behind a shocking open letter to the Iranian regime, signed by 47 Senate Republicans. (03/09/15) [13:18]
Chris Hayes | If the public wants ground troops, restart the draft (03/06/15) [8:54]
Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow | Obama to Congress: Honor Selma, restore Voting Rights Act (03/09/15) [18:30]
Rachel Maddow | Feeble GOP gestures highlight partisan gap on race (03/06/15) [15:05]

03.10.2015. 11:54

Monday March 09, 2015
News Articles

Republicans Warn Iran Against Nuclear Deal With Obama
Reuters & HP | author | 03/09/15

Republican senators warned Iran on Monday that any nuclear deal made with U.S. President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, in an unusual intervention into U.S. foreign policy-making.

The letter, signed by 46 U.S. senators, says Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements and points out that Obama will leave office in January 2017, while many in Congress will remain in Washington long after that. "We will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei," the letter read. ... Read more

NRA Top Lobbyist: Obama Admin. Proposal To Ban Armor-Piercing Ammo Is Actually A Move Against Women
MediaMatters | Tim Johnson | 03/03/15

On February 13 the ATF published a letter describing its intent to ban the importation and manufacture of a type of armor-piercing ammunition commonly called "green tip" that is used in AR-15 and other "AR-type" assault weapons. Because the "green tip" round contains a steel penetrator, it is more powerful than some other types of ammunition used in such firearms, and its use is already banned at some shooting ranges, including the NRA's.

Chris Cox, the National Rifle Association's top lobbyist, falsely claimed that a recent move by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to ban a type of armor-piercing ammunition is motivated by animus towards women. In fact, the proposal aims to protect law enforcement officers. ... Read more

Evolution vs Intelligent Design vs Creationism
C-Span Book TV | Intelligent Design Theory vs. Evolution Debate: Schools, Evidence, Flaws, Facts, Arguments (older, 2008) [1:21:12]
A friend and I had dinner on Friday and originally we were talking about the economy. I said I was afraid of the right-wing Republicans, because of their seemingly disregard of science. We then got onto the topic of Creationism and strict Bible interpretation. I thought I would post several articles/videos on Evolution vs Intelligent Design and take care of the issue. Little did I realize the nuances that can enter into such a debate!

Earth's magnetic field can flip in less than 100 years, new study
TheWatchers | author | 10/15/14

It is known that Earth's magnetic field has flipped many times throughout the planet's history. Its dipole magnetic field remains about the same intensity for thousands to millions of years, but for incompletely known reasons it occasionally weakens (such is the case now) and, presumably over a few thousand years, reverses direction. A new study, however, shows that the final stage - a sudden 180-degree flip - can happen within a human lifetime.

The new study was done by a team of scientists from Italy, France and USA and it demonstrates that the last magnetic reversal of Earth's poles which happened some 786 000 years ago actually happened very quickly, in less than 100 years.

The discovery comes shortly after ESA's "Swarm" satellite array revealed that the intensity of Earth's magnetic field is decreasing 10 times faster than normal, decreasing in strength about 5 percent a decade rather than 5 percent a century. ... Read more

The sun's magnetic poles flip every 11 years.

Pole shift | Earth Crustal Displacement
Wikipedia | author | current

The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis suggests that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern-day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events.

There is evidence of precession and changes in axial tilt, but this change is on much longer time-scales and does not involve relative motion of the spin axis with respect to the planet. However, in what is known as true polar wander, the solid Earth can rotate with respect to a fixed spin axis. Research shows that during the last 200 million years a total true polar wander of some 30° has occurred, but that no super-rapid shifts in the Earth's pole were found during this period. A characteristic rate of true polar wander is 1° or less per million years. Between approximately 790 and 810 million years ago, when the supercontinent Rodinia existed, two geologically rapid phases of true polar wander may have occurred. In each of these, the magnetic poles of the Earth shifted by ~55°. ... Read more

Dating Methodologies in Archaeology
Wikipedia | author | current

Dating material drawn from the archaeological record can be made by a direct study of an artifact, or may be deduced by association with materials found in the context the item is drawn from or inferred by its point of discovery in the sequence relative to datable contexts. ...

Absolute methods
Absolute dating methods rely on using some physical property of an object or sample to calculate its age. Examples are:
  1. Radiocarbon dating - for dating organic materials
  2. Dendrochronology - for dating trees, and objects made from wood, but also very important for calibrating radiocarbon dates
  3. Thermoluminescence dating - for dating inorganic material including ceramics
  4. Optically or optical dating for archaeological applications
  5. Potassium--argon dating - for dating fossilized hominid remains
  6. Archaeomagnetic dating - Clay lined fire hearths take on a magnetic moment pointing to the North Pole each time they are fired and then cool. The position of the North Pole for the last time the fire hearth was used can be determined and compared to charts of known locations and dates
  7. Lead Corrosion Dating.
  8. Amino acid dating
  9. Obsidian hydration dating - a geochemical method of determining age in either absolute or relative terms of an artifact made of obsidian
  10. Rehydroxylation dating - for dating ceramic materials

Relative methods
Relative or indirect methods tend to use associations built from the archaeological body of knowledge. An example is seriation. Ultimately, relative dating relies on tying into absolute dating with reference to the present. One example of this is dendrochronology which uses a process of tying floating chronologies of tree rings together by cross referencing a body of work.

In practice several different dating techniques must be applied in some circumstances, thus dating evidence for much of an archaeological sequence recorded during excavation requires matching information from known absolute or some associated steps, with a careful study of stratigraphic relationships.

Written markers
  1. Epigraphy - analysis of inscriptions, via identifying graphemes, clarifying their meanings, classifying their uses according to dates and cultural contexts, and drawing conclusions about the writing and the writers
  2. Palaeography - the study of ancient writing, including the practice of deciphering, reading, and dating historical manuscripts
  3. Numismatics - many coins have the date of their production written on them or their use is specified in the historical record

Age-equivalent stratigraphic markers
  1. Paleomagnetism: the polarity of the Earth changes at a knowable rate. This polarity is stored within rocks; through this the rock can be dated.
  2. Tephrochronology: volcanic ash has its own signature for each eruption. In a sedimentary sequence the associated material within the ash layer can be dated, giving a date for the eruption. If this ash is found anywhere else in the world, a date will already be known (bearing in mind transportation time).
  3. Oxygen isotope chronostratigraphy: this is based on the climatic stages displayed in SPECMAP relating to different cold and warm stages experienced in deep time; for example, point 5.5 in the SPECMAP chronology describes the peak of the last interglacial 125,000 years ago.

Stratigraphic relationships
Archaeologists investigating a site may wish to date the activity rather than artifacts on site by dating the individual contexts which represents events. ... Read more
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 09 [6:52]
DN | Voting Rights Remain Under Attack 50 Years After the Bloody Sunday March in Selma (03/09/15) [7:38]
DN | 103-Year-Old Civil Rights Pioneer Joins Original Foot Soldiers, Jesse Jackson to Mark Bloody Sunday (03/09/15) [6:10]
*DN | "Struggle is a Never-Ending Process": MLK Daughter Bernice King on Selma March, Black Lives Matter (03/09/15) [2:37]
PBS Masterpiece - Downton Abbey
*PBS | Downton Abbey Season05: Episode 1-9
There is only 1 week left to watch all the Season 05 of Downton Abbey. I really love the PBS Masterpiece program.
John Oliver
HBO | John Oliver: U.S. Territories (03/08/15) [13:12]
*TRNN | Economist Richard Wolff discusses: U.S. Workers Returning to Labor Force with Part-time Jobs and Stagnant Wages (03/08/15) [11:09]
TRNN | Professor Vijay Prashad discusses Iran's major offensive against ISIS in Iraq and the need for a Mideast coalition against ISIS (03/09/15) [6:53]
TRNN | Netanyahu Speech Sets Dangerous Precedent (03/06/15) [4:53]
TYT | 'Piggy' CEO L. Dennis Kozlowski Released From Jail (03/07/15) [9:38]
TYT | Huge Counterattack Against ISIS In The Iraqi Town Of Tikrit (03/07/15) [6:31]
TYT | ISIS = Islamic Extremists? 'No' Says Obama and Jordan's King Abdullah II (03/07/15) [3:07]
TYT | NRA Calls Ban On Armor Piercing Ammo Sexist (03/07/15) [5:25]
*RT | CrossTalk: Battleground 2016 (03/09/15) [24:24]
RT | Keiser Report: Abandoning Free Market Principles (E728) (03/07/15) [25:43]
Ring of Fire | Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV (03/09/15) [52:58]
  1. 00:59 - "TPP Sale Echoes Broken NAFTA Promises." Howard Nations will tell us how the Obama administration's TPP sales pitch echoes the same empty promises that were used to sell NAFTA. #TPP
  2. 12:20 - "Progressives Too Silent on Loretta Lynch." David Hersh will explain the lack of progressive outcry against AG nominee Loretta Lynch, and why we need to be very wary of her confirmation. #GetMadGetLoud
  3. 22:41 - News with Pap and Sam.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Prof. Richard Seager: How Drought and Climate Change Helped Make ISIS (03/06/15) [9:28]
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
5 Awful Things Hidden In The Budget Deal (recent) [7:01]
Gil Fulbright for Senate - Honest Political Ads (recent) [1:43]
Crop Circles Decoded (2013) [14:47]
UFOs File | Crop Circles - Hyperspace Gateways (2014) [1:16:45]
UFOs File | Lecture by Alan Foster - Crop formations - Messages for Humanity (2012) [1:34:23]
HC | Crop Circle Controversy () [1:41:10]
National Security Act of 1947
The National Security Act of 1947 was a major restructuring of the United States government's military and intelligence agencies following World War II. The majority of the provisions of the Act took effect on September 18, 1947, the day after the Senate confirmed James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. His power was initially limited and it was difficult for him to exercise the authority to make his office effective. This was later changed in the amendment to the act in 1949, creating what was to be the Department of Defense.

The Act merged the Department of War (renamed as the Department of the Army) and the Department of the Navy into the National Military Establishment (NME), headed by the Secretary of Defense. It also created the Department of the Air Force, which separated the Army Air Forces into its own service. Initially, each of the three service secretaries maintained quasi-cabinet status, but the act was amended on August 10, 1949, to ensure their subordination to the Secretary of Defense. At the same time, the NME was renamed as the Department of Defense. The purpose was to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force into a federated structure.
Linda Moulton Howe: UFO Crash Retrieval lecture (2013) [59:19]
Linda Moulton Howe: CIA Army Agent UFO Alien Disclosure (2014) [45:13]
Linda Moulton Howe interviews a CIA/NSA operative.
The leaks are coming faster and these people are only risking themselves by coming forward what do they gain through fraud? The truth speaks for itself you decide but its an amazing interview. Also links other interviews Richard Dolan & 80 year old ex-CIA operative. The interviewing you are listening to was done more than 17 years ago at Cooper's house in Florida. He dropped out of Linda Moulton Howe's project because of fear. Out of respect for him LMH held the interview after the man died in early 2014.
UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network | I Know What I Saw (11/2/14) [1:33:12]

03.09.2015. 12:18

Friday March 06, 2015
News Articles

Queen Rania: Let's Drop The First 'I' In ISIS. There's Nothing Islamic About Them
HP | Kathleen Miles | 03/06/15

Queen Rania of Jordan said Thursday evening that there is nothing Islamic about the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS. She was speaking with Huffington Post Editor-In-Chief Arianna Huffington as a part of The WorldPost Future of Work Conference. "I would love to drop the first 'I' in ISIS because there's nothing Islamic about them," Queen Rania said, prompting applause from the audience.

... "ISIS wants to be called Islamic … because any action against them will automatically be called a war against Islam, which is exactly what they want it to be," she said. "They want it to be the West coming against Islam because it will help them with their recruiting." ... Read more
HP | Queen Rania: Let's Drop The First 'I' In ISIS (03/06/15) [3:56]

"As Goes Apple, So Goes America" - Apple To Replace AT&T In The Dow.

The One Chart You Need To Predict The Future
ZeroHedge | author | 03/06/15

After 30 years of success, the endgame is finally here. We are witnessing a profound secular sea-change: the failure of expanding debt and leverage to lift the real economy of wages and household income. When push comes to shove therefore, you only need one chart to predict the future... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

Did The BLS Again Forget To Count The Tens Of Thousands Of Energy Job Losses?
Click to zoom - for Full Image
CPAC - Conservative Political Action Conference
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which took place this past weekend in Maryland, is almost always stacked with white nationalists and extremists. And this year was no different, even though American Conservative Union has sought to shun far-right groups and individuals from its event. From anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant extremists, to the anti-LGBT activists who paraded halls, a good number of groups and individuals still managed to share the spotlight.
CPAC website
CPAC 2015 Schedule.pdf
CPAC Speakers
  1. Rep. Marsha Blackburn
  2. Amb. John R. Bolton
  3. Brent Bozell III
  4. Gov. Sam Brownback
  5. Ann Marie Buerkle
  6. Jeb Bush
  7. Dr. Ben Carson
  8. The Hon. Ted Cruz
  9. Carly Fiorina
  10. The Hon. Newt Gingrich
  11. Sean Hannity
  12. Laura Ingraham
  13. Gov. Bobby Jindal
  14. Mark Levin
  15. KT McFarland
  16. Governor Sarah Palin
  17. Sen. Rand Paul
  18. Gov. Rick Perry
  19. Senator Marco Rubio
  20. Sen. Rick Santorum
  21. Donald Trump
  22. Gov. Scott Walker
Iowa Freedom Summit

Sarah Palin bemuses Republicans with rambling speech and talk of 2016 run
theguardian.com | Jon Swaine | older, 01/28/15

The former Alaska governor and vice-presidential nominee revived speculation about her future over the weekend by twice telling reporters that she was interested in running for the White House next year, before addressing the Freedom Summit in Des Moines.

However, her disjointed 33-minute speech -- in which she described President Barack Obama as an "overgrown little boy who is acting kinda spoiled", and declared "the man can only ride you when your back is bent" -- received poor reviews even from some conservatives. ... Read more

Iowa Freedom Summit - Some of the Speakers
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Governor Scott Walker (R-WI), Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ), Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR), Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), and others spoke at the 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit. The summit took place on January 24 at Hoyt Sherman Place in Des Moines, Iowa.
Iowa Freedom Summit (01/24/15) [9:18:52] (Note: Scroll down about 3/4" to video window. Start the video. Then use the Progressbar to scroll, back and forth, between speeches. Sarah Palin is at 07:18:00)
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, March 06 [15:44]
*DN | As Boston Marathon Bomber Admits Guilt, FBI Sued for Killing Friend of Tsarnaevs in Florida (03/06/15) [8:09]
DN | Meet Jesús "Chuy" García, the Chicago Activist Aiming to Unseat "Mayor 1%" Rahm Emanuel (03/06/15) [22:21]
Sarah Palin's Channel - sarahpalinchannel.com/
TYT | Sarah Palin's CPAC Speech: How To Solve The ISIS Problem & PTSD (03/01/15) [4:02]
Palin's Response to Elizabeth Warren's Progressive Commandments (08/08/14) [0:46]
Matt Damon RIPS Sarah Palin (older, but good) [1:42]
CBS | Katie Couric interviews Sarah Palin's (good) (09/25/08) [5:18]
Sarah Palin getting ready to become Vice President (03/14/12) [0:59]
Sarah Palin's - Game Change () [14:58]
MSNBC | Rachel Maddow: Sarah Palin Going "Rogue" - Again (11/14/09) [7:37]
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart | Jordan Klepper travels to Florida to investigate a piece of legislation that prevents doctors from discussing gun safety with their patients. (03/04/15) [5:03]
Alan Greenspan
Alan Greenspan Says... (03/06/15) [11:24]
*TRNN | Larry Wilkerson: Underestimating ISIS: An Indictment of Decades of Failed US Policy in the Middle East (recent) [16:02]
Larry Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff for the Secretary of State, says the US military's failure to understand and adequately respond to ISIS underscores America's decades-long blunders in Iraq.
TRNN | Johann Hari: Chasing the Scream - The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs, Part 1 (03/06/15) [16:56], Part 2 [16:56]
TYT | Sarah Palin Out-Palins Herself In Weird, Wild, 'Tragic' Speech (01/26/15) [10:03]
TYT | Ben Carson's Queer Silence About His Homosexual Remarks (03/05/15) [5:36]
TYT | The Collapse Of Detroit, A Sign Of Things To Come For America? (03/05/15) [10:23]
TYT | Iran Wants To Exterminate Jews? No. Annihilate Israel? Yes. (03/05/15) [3:00]
RT | CrossTalk: Can Washington say 'Yes' to peace with Iran? (03/06/15) [23:48]
RT | Keiser report: UK's crackhead economics (E726) (03/03/15) [15:17]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.
CBS | Game Change: Interviews Weren't "Off The Record" (01/12/10) [14:24]
Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, authors of the new bombshell "Game Change" spoke with Sharyl Attkisson about claims by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and others that his comments were meant to be off the record. According to the authors those claims are "inaccurate."
CBS | "Game Change" director talks Palin, McCain (03/05/12) [6:50]
Charlie Rose and Gayle King speak with "Game Change" director and producer Jay Roach about the controversial HBO movie that chronicles the McCain-Palin 2008 presidential campaign.
Saving Bitty: This Terrified Dog Was Rescued From A Sewer Tunnel (current) [5:49]

03.06.2015. 12:44

Thursday March 05, 2015
News Articles

This Year's CPAC Speakers: Three Generations of Stupid
HP | Bob Cesca | 03/03/15

Sadly, the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference is over. And while none of the speakers used Super Big Gulps as props this year, the level of stupid reached all new depths. One speaker after another proved that far-right conservatives are more interested in thoughtless applause and bumper-sticker slogans than serious policymaking. For example, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson delivered a speech in which he talked about sexually transmitted diseases. ... Read more
CPAC 2015 | Sarah Palin Talks PTSD and Veterans (02/26/15) [20:40]

Sarah Palin mocks State Department for saying you can't kill your way out of war: "Tell that to the Nazis. Oh wait, they're dead. We killed them".

How a 25-Year-Old Sparked Lumber Liquidators' Stock Plunge
Bloomberg | Matt Townsend | 03/04/15

Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc.'s stock plunge over the past week, fueled by allegations of excessive formaldehyde in its flooring, can be traced back to a blog post from an obscure 25-year-old short seller.

Xuhua Zhou, who had dropped out of UCLA's doctoral program in finance and became an individual investor, took an interest in Lumber Liquidators about two years ago. After seeing a surge in the company's gross profit margin, Zhou learned that it sourced some products from China. That raised his suspicions that safety might have been skirted in pursuit of lower costs, he said in an interview. ... Read more

Jeb Bush Is Taking Foreign Policy Advice From These Influence Peddlers
HP | Paul Blumenthal | 03/05/15

The Chertoff Group boasts a rich and mostly secret client list of intelligence and security companies, as previously detailed by The Huffington Post, that benefit financially from the global war on terror through government contracts and policies. The founder of that firm now has the ear of potential White House candidate Jeb Bush.

The former two-term Florida governor has assembled a foreign policy advisory team laden with officials who served in his father's and brother's presidential administrations and have since spun through the revolving door into the world of influence peddling.

Besides Chertoff himself, they include former CIA Director Michael Hayden, who works for the Chertoff Group, and former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, retired Adm. Robert Natter and Tom Ridge, the first Homeland Security secretary -- the latter three all run their own consulting firms. All of these men also sit on the boards of companies ready to reap huge rewards from defense, intelligence and security contracts. ... Read more

Who Said It? "If You Take Out Saddam, I Guarantee It Will Have Enormous Positive Reverberations"
ZeroHedge | author | 03/05/15

In 2002, Benjamin Netanyahu already harbored some extremely strong convictions on how to deal with both Iran and Iraq - "If you take out Saddam's Regime, I guarantee you, that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region." Fast forward nearly thirteen years, and rather than recognizing that this man's plan in Iraq only led to death, chaos, and the emergence of ISIS, Congress felt the need to ask him for advice once again. Since as we all know, being wrong in America doesn't lead to consequences, it leads to promotions. ... Read more

There really ARE more fish in the sea: Scientists find deep sea species untouched by fishing makes up 95% of all fish in the world
DailyMail | author | date

Scientists have vastly underestimated the number of fish in the sea - and say the majority of them have never been fished.

Australian researchers found that mesopelagic fish, which live between 100 and 1000m below the surface, constitute 95 per cent of the world's fish biomass and are untouched by fishing. ... Read more
Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open ocean .pdf (research)

The Global Problem: Monetary Policy Can't Fix An Economy's Structural Problems
ZeroHedge | author | 03/05/15

What with all the praise being heaped on central banks for "saving" the world from economic doomsday in 2008, it's only natural to ask which structural problems their unprecedented policies solved in the past 6 years. After all, "saving" the world from financial collapse was relatively quick work; so what problems beyond imminent implosion did the central banks policies solve in the past 6 years? Answer: none. zip, zero, nada. The truth is central bank policies of zero-interest rates and free money for financiers have made many structural problems worse. ... Read more

CPAC | Phil Robertson talks at CPAC (02/27/15) [5:40]
Fox - Sean Hannity | Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson discusses how he would deal with ISIS (older, 09/02/14) [8:20]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, March 05 [9:32]
*DN | Jihadi John Unmasked: Did U.K. Security Agencies Play a Role in ISIS Militant's Radicalization? (03/05/15) [18:54]
*DN | Millions Could Lose Obamacare Coverage as Supreme Court Weighs Dubious Koch-Backed Case (03/05/15) [8:23]
DN | Attica's Ghosts: New Calls to Close Site of Prison Revolt After Guards Avoid Jail for Brutal Abuse (03/05/15) [11:57]
Matt Damon - Thoughts on Sarah Palin
Matt Damon RIPS Sarah Palin (older, but good) [1:42]
TYT | Sarah Palin could have been president! (older) [5:47]
Howard Stern On Sarah Palin Being An Idiot (01/28/15) [9:13]
60 Minutes
60 Minutes | Lumber Liquidators' Chinese-made laminate flooring contains amounts of toxic formaldehyde that may not meet health and safety standards (03/01/15) [13:16]
Environment - Climate Change
*Documentary | Greenland is the Melting Point (2014) [41:55]
What Scientists Are Seeing Over Antarctica (older, 2012) [8:33]
PBS NOVA | Antarctica Meltdown - Secrets Beneath the Ice (2014) [49:35]
TRNN | CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou and investigative reporter Marcy Wheeler: Petraeus Plea Deal Shows Double-Standard in U.S. Government's Prosecution of Leakers (03/05/15) [13:54]
TRNN | The Case That Could Unravel Obamacare (03/04/15) [4:18]
TRNN | Dmitri Lascaris says: Reform Within the Euro-Zone is a Delusion for Greece (03/05/15) [12:15]
TYT | Upcoming Supreme Court Ruling Could Kill Obamacare (03/04/15) [8:51]
*TYT | MSNBC's Chris Matthews Calls Netanyahu Speech A "Takeover Attempt" (03/04/15) [6:51]
TYT | Rand Paul Attacked For Not Applauding Netanyahu Enough (03/04/15) [9:13]
TYT | Democrats FINALLY Show Some Backbone (03/04/15) [2:07]
TYT | Ben Carson, When Did You Choose To Be Straight? (03/04/15) [7:23]
Rinf of Fire | The Rise of Right Wing Hate (older) [3:33]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.05.2015. 12:04

Wednesday March 04, 2015
News Articles

Netanyahu Visit Polarizes Americans
HP Poll | author | 03/02/15

NBC/WSJ FINDS DISAPPROVAL OF GOP'S NETANYAHU INVITATION - Mark Murray: "Nearly half of American voters -- 48 percent -- say that congressional Republicans should not have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Tuesday without first notifying President Barack Obama, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. By contrast, 30 percent of those polled believe the invitation was fine, and another 22 percent don't know enough to say either way. Not surprisingly, the issue breaks along partisan lines, with 66 percent of Democrats saying Republicans shouldn't have invited Netanyahu without first notifying the president, compared with just 28 percent of Republicans who say that." ... Read more

Click picture to zoom in

Only 17% Of Americans See The US As The World's Economic Superpower
ZeroHedge | author | 03/03/15

Echoing former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers' quip, "There is surely something odd about the world's greatest power being the world's greatest debtor," it appears that economic reality is finally beginning to set in for Americans... Only hours ago, Gallup released a new poll showing that only a small minority (just 17%) of Americans still view the US as the world's economic superpower. ... Read more

A Group 'Hacked' the NSA's Website to Demonstrate a Widespread Bug | Motherboard.vice.com (03/03/15)

House breaks impasse, passes security funding without provisions
Reuters | David Lawder | 03/03/15

A chaotic three-month-long fight in Congress over funding the U.S. domestic security agency finally ended on Tuesday, but not before it highlighted House Speaker John Boehner's inability to halt the Republican Party's further descent into disorder. ... Read more

As Cleanup Efforts Grind On, Giant New Earthquake Looms at Fukushima

Scientists Are Using Cosmic Radiation To Peer Inside Fukushima's Mangled Reactor
Motherboard.vice.com | author | 03/02/15

Scientists designed the reactor walls at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station to prevent some of the most powerful radiation in the universe from getting out--but they're lucky that at least one kind of radiation can still get in.

In the wake of 2011's disaster, ?scientists realized they might be able to harness the impressive penetrating power of natural, high-energy cosmic rays to paint a much-needed picture of the ruined Japanese reactor's cores. ... Read more
*Fukushima: New Findings On Fallout; Muon May Locate Melted Fuel (01/29/15) [13:36]

Fukushima: Nuclear Waste On Roof of Fukushima Reactor Flowing Directly In Ocean (02/25/15) [21:39]

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech Deepens Rift Between U.S., Israel And American Jews
USToday & HP | William M. Welch | 03/02/15

American Jewish leaders and activists are worried about widening political divisions between Israel and the White House sparked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial address to Congress on Tuesday despite strident objections by President Obama.

... "People are upset about it," said Rob Eshman, publisher and editor in chief of the Jewish Journal, a Los Angeles-based publication and website. "They're obviously concerned about Iran and want a good deal and think it's really unfortunate that Prime Minister Netanyahu is doing this -- creating a conflict outside the existing conflict." ... Read more

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress
John Boehner(youtube account) | Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress (03/03/15) [42:31]

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, March 04 [12:09]
*DN | Michelle Alexander: Ferguson Shows Why Criminal Justice System of "Racial Control" Should Be Undone (03/04/15) [12:37], Part 2 [7:22]
DN | Noam Chomsky: Snowden & Why NSA Surveillance Doesn't Stop Terror While the U.S. Drone War Creates It (03/03/15) [4:53]
DN | Noam Chomsky: As Venezuela Struggles to Fix Economy, U.S. Should Stop Trying to Undermine Its Gov't (03/03/15) [5:48]
Environment - Climate Change
NASA | Greenland's Ice Layers Mapped in 3D (01/23/15) [3:36]
Jon Stewart
*Jon Stewart | Speaker of the House John Boehner invites Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to appear before Congress despite President Obama's disapproval. (03/03/15) [9:52]
TRNN | Ali Abunimah, editor of Electronic Intifada, says: Netanyahu Invokes Biblical Armageddon in US Congress (03/03/15) [17:51]
Ali Abunimah, editor of Electronic Intifada, says Netanyahu is playing to the extreme Israeli right, Christian evangelical Zionists, and attempting to prepare conditions for war.
*TRNN | Robert Kelley says: Former IAEA Director Says No Basis for Netanyahu Iran Claims (03/04/15) [14:08]
TRNN | Meet the Family With A Megaphone in US & Israeli Politics, Part 2 (03/04/15) [11:27]
*TYT | Benjamin Netanyahu Speech To Congress (03/03/15) [2:50]
TYT | Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Hawkish Speech At Congress (03/03/15) [10:13]
TYT | Government Shutdown Crisis Averted... For Now (03/03/15) [3:05]
TYT | Did Hillary Clinton Break The Law? (03/03/15) [4:43]
Ring of Fire | Supreme Court Brutalizing The Working Class (03/01/15) [7:07]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
Other Videos and Documentaries I Ran Across
Note: I don't endorse any of the videos in this section.
As I construct My News Pages I constantly run across a lot of NEW videos, and since I find YouTube frustrating trying to re-find videos, I save the links in this section so I can find them again.

03.04.2015. 10:30

Tuesday March 03, 2015
News Articles

Former CIA Head Pleads Guilty To Mishandling Classified Information, Faces Year In Prison
ZeroHedge | author | 03/03/15

WSJ reports that David Petraeus - the former director of the US Central Intelligence Agency - will plead guilty to a charge of mishandling classified information. The reitred military general, whose career was cut short by a very public affair with his biographer, reached a plea deal over sharing unauthorized information with her, in order to avoid an embarrassing trial. To summarize, the man trusted with all of the America's most secret secrets just plead guilty to pillow-talk-sharing of classified information... ... Read more

Record-Breaking Cold Likely in the First Week of March
weather.com | author | 03/03/15

Click picture to zoom in
With the US sporting a Debt to GDP ratio of over 100%... and the Wall Street banks sitting on over $191 TRILLION worth of derivatives trades based on interest rates (bonds), the very last thing the Fed wants is even a WHIFF of debt deflation to hit the bond markets.

Mass Grave With 200 Skeletons Found Under Supermarket In Central Paris
HP | Ryan Grenoble | 03/02/15

Archaeologists have made a strange and rather gruesome discovery under a supermarket in central Paris: an ancient mass grave containing the skeletal remains of more than 200 people.

... The store has long been known to rest on the site of a hospital that operated from the 12th through the 17th century, The Telegraph reported. So remains weren't unexpected, though no one guessed there would be this many. ... Read more
Click picture to zoom in

The title of Citi's 2015 outlook piece "Keep Calm and Lever Up."

Wherein Citi strategists say: "now is the time to wade into synthetic tranches".

USGS: Fracking's disposal wells are the cause of earthquakes in Oklahoma
kfor.com/ | author | older, 02/21/15

OKLAHOMA -- It's the million dollar question in Oklahoma: What's causing all the earthquakes? There have been a lot of theories about fracking causing earthquakes. But now, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) says that fracking's disposal wells are indeed, to blame. ... Read more

Breaking Bad (Debt) - Part 3
ZeroHedge | author | 03/03/15

The 2008 worldwide financial crisis was produced due to excessively easy monetary policy, which caused the largest debt driven mal-investment in housing, automobiles, and Chinese produced crap in world history. The consequences of this debt bacchanalia should have been the orderly liquidation of the Wall Street entities that created the crisis, the writing off of trillions in bad debt, corporate and personal bankruptcies of businesses and people who borrowed recklessly, a sharp steep economic decline to cleanse the excesses, and politicians who immediately began the process of reducing budgets and addressing long term unfunded unpayable liability promises. Instead, the psychotic oligarchs did not want to lose any of their power, wealth or control over the proletariat. They have done the exact opposite of what needed to be done. ... Read more
Part 1
Part 2

As Jeb Bush Pounces On The Hillary Email Scandal, The Real Winner Is... Goldman Sachs
ZeroHedge | author | 03/03/15

Hillary Clinton's use of personal email accounts as America's former top diplomat is a far more serious issue as it touches directly on accountability, and rational decision-making while in a top position of government power. To say that it impairs her image as a presidential candidate who puts the country ahead of her own interests, would be an understatement.

However, depending on just how aggressive the US DOJ is, it may have criminal implications as well: according to the Weekly Standard, citing CNN conversations with "experts", Hillary Clinton broke the law by using her personal email account to conduct official State Department business while she was secretary of state. ... Read more
CNN | Experts say Hillary Clinton broke the law (03/03/15) [1:48]

Ring of Fire | Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV (02/22/15) [54L58]
  1. 00:50 - "The Big Bank Mafia Runs America." Peter Mougey will explain how the banking industry has become the new mafia in America, and why they are never held accountable for their crimes. #BigBankMafia
  2. 11:06 - "Supplement Industry is Scamming You." Howard Nations will tell us about the dangers of the dietary supplement industry, and why you should be skeptical about their "miracle" products. #SupplementDangers
  3. 18:57 - "Dirty Energy Judge Saves Industry Billions." Farron Cousins will explain how a former lawyer for the dirty energy industry became a judge and subsequently dismissed a $50 billion lawsuit against her former clients. #DirtyJudges
  4. 31:35 - News with Pap and Sam.
Ring of Fire | Jeb Can't Distance Himself From Train Wreck Brother (02/28/15) [7:04]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, March 03 [7:52]
*DN | Noam Chomsky: Chomsky on Cuba: After Decades of U.S. Meddling & "Terrorism," Restoring Ties is Least We Could Do (03/03/15) [5:43]
*DN | Noam Chomsky: To Deal with ISIS, U.S. Should Own Up to Chaos of Iraq War & Other Radicalizing Acts (03/03/15) [16:51]
DN | Noam Chomsky: Chomsky: Greece's Syriza & Spain's Podemos Face "Savage Response" Taking on Austerity "Class War" (03/03/15) [3:54]
60 Minutes
60 Minutes | thousands of homeowners were denied their flood insurance claims after Hurricane Sandy because of fraudulent engineers' reports. (03/01/15) [14:20]
John Oliver
*HBO | John Oliver Explains How America's Neglected Infrastructure Is Like A Lego Set (03/01/15) [21:13]
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart | Jon Stewart Exposes Boehner's Kissy Face, And 'The Turds Clogging Our Legislative Plumbing' (03/03/15) [8:43]
Bill Maher
HBO | New Rule: Income Inequality In America (older, 02/28/14) [5:16]
TRNN | Is Iran or Netanyahu a Threat to Israel's National Security? (03/03/15) [2:18]
TRNN | AIPAC Conference Pushes War on Iran (03/03/15) [5:51]
*TRNN | Jeff Halper: What Do Ordinary Israelis Think of Netanyahu's U.S. Visit? (03/03/15) [11:22]
*TRNN | Larry Wilkerson says: Netanyahu says Iran Intends to Destroy Israel (03/03/15) [14:17]
*TYT | Why Earthquakes Are Happening Where They've Never Happened Before (03/02/15) [5:42]
*TYT | Warren Buffet Warns Elizabeth Warren (03/02/15) [7:37]
TYT | Protest Sparked By Putin Critic's Murder (03/02/15) [7:58]
TYT | LAPD Executes Homeless Man In The Street (03/02/15) [7:50]
RT | CrossTalk: Dangerously Spinning Russia Story (03/02/15) [24:24]
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | Thom Hartmann on the Science & Green News (03/02/15) [6:47]

03.03.2015. 11:16

Monday March 02, 2015
News Articles

Netanyahu Arrives In U.S., Signs Of Easing Of Tensions Over Iran Speech
Reuters & HP | Matt Spetalnick | 03/01/15

The United States and Israel showed signs of seeking to defuse tensions on Sunday ahead of a speech in Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he will warn against a possible nuclear deal with Iran.

Israel fears that U.S. President Barack Obama's Iran diplomacy, with an end-of-March deadline for a framework accord, will allow its archfoe to develop atomic weapons, something Tehran denies seeking. ... Read more

Bill Gross: "Central Banks Have Gone Too Far In Their Misguided Efforts To Support Economic Growth"
ZeroHedge | author | 03/02/15

"None dare call it a "currency war" because that would be counter to G-10/G-20 policy statements that stress cooperation as opposed to "every country for itself", but an undeclared currency war is what the world is experiencing. Close to the same thing happened in the 1930's, a period remarkably similar to what many countries' policies resemble today. ... Read more

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Media For Not Covering Obama's (TPP)Trade Deal
HP | Andrew Hart | 03/01/15

"The major television networks are not covering the TPP. Incredible as it may sound, this trade agreement--the largest trade agreement in the history of the United States of America--has received virtually no coverage, no coverage, on the major networks," Sanders said from the Senate floor on Thursday.

TPP is a trade deal being negotiated between the U.S., Canada and ten other Asia-Pacific nations, covering about 40 percent of the global economy. Supporters of the treaty argue that it would boost economic growth in participating countries by reducing tariffs, increasing investments and bringing the member nations closer together.

Critics aren't buying it, arguing TPP would take jobs out of the U.S., increase income inequality, allow multinational corporations to sidestep U.S. regulations and reward countries with poor human rights records. ... Read more

Lehman Moment For Austrian "Bad Bank" Means Worse Coming
ZeroHedge | author | 03/02/15

Today, following the "spectacular development" over the weekend that the bank will be wound down due to the discovery of an $8.5bn "hole" in its balance sheet, the 2Y HETA bonds are trading below 50c on the dollar (at a yield of 54%). This is indeed Austria's "Lehman" moment as for the first time in the new European 'bail-in' era, senior debt is getting a massive haircut.

... Of course, this being Austria, and the Creditanstalt, aka the bank which failed in 1931 under almost identical circumstances and set off the dominos that led to a global financial crisis which in turn bank fanned the flames of the Great Depression, also being Austrian, suddenly everyone is asking: "what just happened and what happens next?" ... Read more

10 Things America Must Do to Stop Ruining the World
AlterNet & TomDispatch | Tom Engelhardt | 03/01/15

I feel a responsibility for the acts of this country that I don't feel for those of other states or groups. When, for instance, a wedding party blows up thanks to a Taliban roadside bomb, or the Islamic State cuts some poor captive's head off, or Bashar al-Assad's air force drops barrel bombs on civilians, or the Russians jail a political activist, or some other group or state commits some similar set of crimes, I'm not surprised. Human barbarity, as well as the arbitrary cruelty of state power, are unending facts of history. They should be opposed, but am I shocked? No.

Still -- and I accept the irrationality of this -- when my country wipes out wedding parties in other lands or organizes torture regimes and offshore prison systems where anything goes, or tries to jail yet another whistleblower, when it acts cruelly, arbitrarily, or barbarically, I feel shock and wonder why more Americans don't have the same reaction. ... Read more

  1. Thou shalt not torture: Torture of every horrific sort in these years seems to have beenremarkably ineffective in producing useful information for the state.
  2. Thou shalt not send drones to assassinate anyone, American or not: The ongoing U.S. drone assassination campaigns, while killing individual terrorists, have driven significant numbers of people into the arms of terror outfits.
  3. Thou shalt not invade another country: D'oh!
  4. Thou shalt not occupy another country: By the way, how did that work out the last two times the U.S. tried it?
  5. Thou shalt not upgrade thy nuclear arsenal: The U.S. has now committed itself to atrillion-dollar, decades-long upgrade of its vast arsenal.
  6. Thou shalt not intercept the communications of thy citizens or others all over the world or pursue the elaboration of a global surveillance state based on criminal acts: There seems to be no place the NSA has been unwilling to break into in order to surveil the planet.
  7. Thou shalt not be free of punishment for crimes of state: In these years of genuine criminality, official Washington has become a crime-free zone. No matter the seriousness of the act, none.
  8. Thou shalt not use a massive system of secret classification to deprive Americans of all real knowledge of acts of state: In 2011, the U.S. classified 92 million documents and the shroud of secrecy over the business of the "people's" government.
  9. Thou shalt not act punitively toward those who want to let Americans in on what the national security state is doing in their name: The fierce and draconian campaign the Obama administration has launched against leakers and whistleblowers is unprecedented in our history.
  10. Thou shalt not infringe on the rights of the citizenry to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: Need I even explain?

Even The Regulators Are Rigged: Prominent HFT Critic Stiglitz Blocked From SEC Panel
ZeroHedge | author | older 01/05/15

That markets are rigged, at both the macro level, through central banks, and micro, through HFTs, dark pools and purposeful market fragmentation, should be painfully obvious to everyone by now. But when even the regulators engage in "jury rigging", or in this case blocking prominent HFT-critic Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel prize winning economist (a prize which doesn't count for much on these pages but should - at least on paper - impress such statist cronies as the SEC), has been blocked from a government panel that will advise regulators on issues facing U.S. equity markets, it becomes clear as day that the rigging is not just in the markets: worse, it is openly involves the market's "regulator" and "enforcer." Read more

Other Videos
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 02 [12:49]
DN | Noam Chomsky: Opposing Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel's Goal Isn't Survival -- It's Regional Dominance (03/02/15) [7:38], Part 2 [4:45], Part 3 [13:05], Part 4 [4:22]
TRNN | Journalist and author Doug Henwood says: Hilary Clinton has close ties to Wall Street and big business, hawkish foreign policy, and a lack of vision to address looming structural economic and environmental catastrophes (03/02/15) [12:49]
TRNN | TRNN's Jessica Desvarieux: Nurses Unite to Stop TPP Fast Track (03/02/15) [5:54]
TRNN | Bill Black: HSBC Offshore Tax-Evading Scandal Widening (03/02/15) [14:47]
TRNN | Pernille Ironside, UNICEF Chief of Gaza Field Office: 30 UN Agencies and International NGO's released a letter condemning the lack of reconstruction and development in Gaza after the war last summer. (03/02/15) [9:26]
TYT | Foreign Donors Buying Political Influence Through The Clinton Global Initiative? (03/01/15) [4:57]
TYT | Elizabeth Warren Asked About Hillary Clinton & It's Devastating (03/01/15) [5:09]
TYT | Senator Jim Inhofe Throws A Snowball On The Senate Floor (03/01/15) [11:28]
TYT | State Politicians Want To Declare Idaho Officially Christian (03/01/15) [4:11]
TYT | Sarah Palin's CPAC Speech: How To Solve The ISIS Problem & PTSD (03/01/15) [4:02]
TYT | CPAC Confuses Black Guys And Then Plays The Photoshop Card (03/01/15) [3:59]
RT | CrossTalk: Ukrainian Narratives (02/27/15) [24:34]
RT | Keiser Report: Inflation = War (E725) (02/28/15) [25:41]
In the second half, Max continues his interview with Liam Halligan, editor-at-large at BNE.eu and columnist at the Telegraph, about the latest on the unpayable debt crisis in Greece and about which nation will be the first to exit the euro.
Thom Hartmann - www.thomhartmann.com/
ThomHartmann | How Reaganomics Changed Corporations (02/26/15) [5:54]
Thom Hartmann comments on a Roosevelt Institute report that corporations today don't stimulate investment, growth, and wages because, additional funds are funneled to shareholders through buybacks and dividends.

03.02.2015. 11:15

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Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

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Environment & Climate Change

The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics | AI - Artificial Intelligence
Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Economy, Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.

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Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.

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Daniel Ellsberg | Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".

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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

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Rana Foroohar and Fall of American Business
Rana Foroohar

Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.

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The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick | 2014 | 10 Episodes

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.

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Kuznick Interviews

Kuznick Interviews

Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay

The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB

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China Valley of Tunnels

China Valley of Tunnels

A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.

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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

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Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

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Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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I am one of those "once" middle class, over 60, over educated, under-employed, semi retired, soon to be poor workers, that everyone is talking about. 
But I have a modest standard of living so I plan to give all extra donation, beyond my immediate needs, to several of my favorite charities.


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