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Tuesday October 31, 2017

Could a Footnote in the Papadopoulos Announcement Bring Down the Whole Trump Campaign?
AlterNet | Brad Reed / Raw Story | 10/30/17

Monday's revelation that former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about his efforts to arrange meetings between the Trump campaign and the Russian government has delivered some explosive details about the Russian effort to help get Trump elected president.

However, buried within the announcement of Papadopoulos's guilty plea is a key footnote that may implicate the high-level officials within the Trump campaign in knowledge of collusion with the Russian government. ... Read more

Trump Twiter Archive
Trump Twiter Archive
Afghanistan: Mission Impossible?
A U.S.-led military coalition invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 to dismantle Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda militant group and remove the Taliban government that had given it sanctuary. After 16 years, many indicators are heading the wrong way. | WSJ | | 10/30/17

Donald Trump's Approval Rating Hits New Low In Latest Gallup Poll
HP | Mary Papenfuss | 10/30/17

... Gallup's tracking poll, based on a three-day rolling average ending Sunday, put Trump's average approval rating at 33 percent, the lowest of his presidency, with 62 percent disapproving of the job he's doing -- a new high.

The survey comes on the heels of a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted Oct. 23-26 and released Sunday that found that 38 percent of Americans approved of Trump's job performance while 58 percent disapproved. The poll found a fall off among independents and Trump's core supporters. ... Read more

Trump and allies dismiss Papadopoulos as the 'coffee boy'
Politico | Louis Nelson | 10/31/17

President Donald Trump and his allies fought back Tuesday against special counsel Robert Mueller's wave of indictments against former campaign aides, dismissing an ex-foreign policy adviser who cut a plea deal with prosecutors as a "liar" and nothing more than the "coffee boy."

The White House was rocked on Monday after Mueller's team went public with charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, another campaign aide, including money laundering and other crimes related to the pair's relationship with pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine. ... Read more

The sudden fall of Washington's ultimate power broker
Politico | Anna Palmer | 10/30/17

He has a home in Washington a few doors down from Barack Obama, a villa in Italy, an apartment in New York and a multimillion-dollar art collection. He's been a K Street rainmaker, holding fundraisers for the Democratic Party's top elected officials and mingling with the most powerful liberals in the country. Last week, he attended Hillary Clinton's 70th birthday party.

Some of the world's largest companies -- BAE Systems, Walmart and Lockheed Martin -- have paid him piles of cash to represent them in the Capitol. His firm's receipts reached nearly $30 million in 2010, and his company has swelled to nearly 60 employees. ... Read more

We Have Indictments. What Can We Expect Next? (#141) | Keith Olbermann | 10/31/17 | 9:35
Note: now it is the next 12 countries
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 31 [11:47]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 31 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Marcy Wheeler Says Indictments in Russia Probe Further Incriminate Attorney General Jeff Sessions
  3. Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Condemns "Indefensible" Whitefish Contract & Calls for PREPA Chief's Firing
  4. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz On Trump, Shock Doctrine & "Disaster Capitalism" in Puerto Rico
Trump Picks Infamous Climate Change Denier for Top Environmental Job | TRNN | 10/30/17 | 12:35
Investigative Journalist Steve Horn discusses President Trump's pick to head up the powerful White House Council: former Texas Commissioner on Environmental Quality, Kathleen Hartnett White, who has links to ExxonMobil, the Koch Brothers, and Big Coal.
Fox News: What Indictments? Cheeseburger Emojis Are The REAL Story | TYT | 10/30/17 | 6:20
Trump's Totally Not Guilty Twitter Meltdown | TYT | 10/30/17 | 7:47
How Paul Manafort Spent His Russia Money | TYT | 10/30/17 | 6:00
*What Is Mueller's Next Move? | 1a.org | 10/31/17 | 1hr
Monday brought the first charges in the special federal investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Will they be the last?

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted two former Trump campaign advisers and a third has admitted to lying to federal investigators. As the legal process around these men unfolds, many questions remain about whether the president's ties to the defendants means he also has ties to the Russian government and its efforts to influence the election.
With Charges Filed, What Happens Next In The Russia Investigation? | 1a.org | 10/30/17 | 1hr
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his former assistant Rick Gates have surrendered to law enforcement. Manafort is facing a dozen charges, including conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to launder money.

Now that the first indictments have been issued, we look at what comes next in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Robert Mueller Flipped Trump Camp Adviser Who Relayed Offers From Russia | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/30/17 | 16:46
'It Was A Tremendous Day For Special Counsel Robert Mueller' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/31/17 | 9:47
Inside The Robert Mueller Russia Probe: 'This Is Only The Beginning' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/31/17 | 9:47
Inside The Robert Mueller Russia Probe: 'This Is Only The Beginning'Robert Mueller Puts Out 'Just Enough To Scare' President Donald Trump Orbit | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/31/17 | 9:53
House Of Cards Canceled, Netflix Is "Deeply Troubled" Over Kevin Spacey Scandal | The Alex Jones Channel | 10/31/17 | 6:52
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Fox News Ducks The Robert Mueller Indictments Story | Stephen Colbert | 10/31/17 | 3:00
'Tis The Season For Treason: A Very Mueller Christmas | Stephen Colbert | 10/31/17 | 9:34
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
It's Mueller Time: The First Indictments in the Trump-Russia Probe | Trevor Noah | 10/30/17 | 6:11
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Paul Manafort's Indictment, Man Locked in Beer Cooler | Seth Meyers | 10/31/17 | 2:54

10.31.2017. 12:31

Monday October 30, 2017

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Surrenders In Russia Probe
HP | Jesselyn Cook | 10/30/17

Paul Manafort, onetime campaign chairman to President Donald Trump, surrendered to the FBI Monday. Former Manafort business associate Rick Gates also has been told to turn himself in to federal authorities, multiple news outlets reported on Monday.

Manafort left his Virginia condo and, with his attorney, walked into the FBI field office in Washington early Monday.

Manafort and Gates are expected to be charged in an intensifying investigation into Russian meddling in the United States' 2016 presidential election. Read more

Hurricane Sandy Hit Five Years Ago Today. Here's What We Learned--And Forgot.
MotherJones | Jessica Leigh Hester | d10/30/17

... It's taken years to fully repair mass transit that was doused with water. Manhattan's South Ferry subway station, inundated with 15 million gallons, just reopened this June, after renovations topping $340 million. Storm-related repairs on the embattled L line--which shuttles 225,000 daily riders back and forth between Brooklyn and Manhattan--are slated to begin in April 2019, long after flooding snarled mechanical systems.

Housing repairs have been slow going, too. Renovations to buildings managed by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) have met with significant delays. The outfit received $2.9 billion in FEMA funding, plus an additional $317 million from HUD--but in a comprehensive accounting of where the money went, DNAInfo reports that 129 buildings are still under construction, and only one has been completely repaired. ... Read more

Alex Jones: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | LastWeekTonight | older, 07/30/17 | 22:21

A Trump aide pleaded guilty, and it's worse than Paul Manafort's indictment
Salon | Matthew Sheffield | 10/30/17

Former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos says a Russian-connected professor told him about Hillary's emails

While the multiple-count indictment against President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner has dominated Monday's headlines, special counsel Robert Mueller also announced a guilty plea that will likely prove to be more significant because it discusses actions that took place during the presidential campaign.

The document presents clear evidence that Trump's former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos was interested in collaborating with people affiliated with the Russian government and that he was informed about "thousands" of emails from the Clinton campaign before they were released on the web. ... Read more

Kushner took unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia
Politico | Annie Karni | 10/29/17

... Kushner was accompanied in the region by deputy national security adviser Dina Powell and Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt. Greenblatt continued from Saudi Arabia to Amman, Jordan; Cairo; the West Bank city of Ramallah; and Jerusalem, where he was on Sunday.

The Trump administration has said its strategy is to try to draw in neighboring Arab leaders to play a role in Middle East peace. "Jared has always been driven to try and solve the Israel-Palestinian dispute," said billionaire real estate investor Tom Barrack, a longtime friend and close Trump confidant. "The key to solving that dispute is Egypt. And the key to Egypt is Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia." ... Read more

The Hidden Story Of Whats Really Happening In Africa | WeAreChange | 10/24/17 | 16:20
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 30 [14:30]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 30 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Spain Charges Catalan Leaders with "Sedition, Rebellion & Embezzlement" & Implements Direct Rule
  3. Head of Puerto Rico Electrical Workers' Union Demands Corruption Probe of Whitefish Energy Contract
  4. Trump Admin Continues Threats & Provocations Against North Korea, Laying Groundwork for Nuclear War
*Trump Admin Continues Threats & Provocations Against North Korea, Laying Groundwork for Nuclear War | DN | 10/30/17 | 8:11
*Nick Turse: From Niger to Somalia, U.S. Military Expansion in Africa Helps Terror Groups Recruit | DN | 10/27/17 | 31:45
*Expansion of Imperialist U.S. "War on Terror" in Africa Preceded Deadly Attacks in Niger & Somalia | DN | older, 10/24/17 | 21:12
*US Military Breeds Violence in Africa | TRNN | 10/24/17 | 14:42
Matt Taibbi on The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur | TYT | 10/28/17 | 37:14
*First Charges Filed In Robert Mueller's Trump Russia Probe | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/27/17 | 11:51
*Robert Mueller's Office Set To Issue First Indictment Monday | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/30/17 | 11:04
*'This Is Happening Today Because President Donald Trump Fired James Comey' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/30/17 | 13:39
*Frank Figliuzzi: I Worked For Bob Mueller. Bob Mueller's Not Happy. | MSNBC | 10/30/17 | 5:27
LastWeekTonight with John Oliver
*Floods: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | LastWeekTonight | 10/29/17 | 19:28
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
This Week's Russia Round-Up | Stephen Colbert | 10/28/17 | 5:03
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Donald Trump: A Man of Characters | Trevor Noah | 10/30/17 | 5:36
Alt Right
Trump Releases Withheld Files Showing Deep State Killed JFK! | The Alex Jones Channel | 10/29/17 | 1:20:52
Flashback: Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Really Shot JFK | The Alex Jones Channel | 10/30/17 | 29:18
Ted Cruz's Father Role In The JFK Controversy | Roger Stone | | 10/26/17 | 20:34
Hitler In Argentina til 65' ( JFK files) | | 10/29/17 | 10:27

10.30.2017. 13:58

Friday October 27, 2017

UPS, FedEx Already Get Millions in Tax Benefits for a Mixed Bag on Job Creation
TYT | author | 10/25/17

... On CNN last week, Stephen Moore -- a senior economic adviser for Donald Trump's presidential campaign -- said that Smith told him during a private dinner that in the event of a corporate tax cut, FedEx would create "thousands" of jobs.

Moore told TYT that the conversation took place at a dinner hosted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, a group cofounded by Moore and other conservative economists, as well as Forbes Media CEO Steve Forbes. Moore said that Smith's remarks were made in the context of a 15 percent corporate tax rate, which President Donald Trump has publicly endorsed. The tax guidelines released by Republican congressional leadership call for a 20 percent corporate rate. ... Read more
Companies Not Delivering On Tax Cut Promises | TYT | 10/26/17 | 11:59

Note: talk about a softball interview.
Check out Stephen Colbert monologue down below.
Lou Dobbs Tonight - Full Exclusive Interview With President Trump | FoxNews | 10/27/17 | 34:45

'Our Backyard Has Become A Graveyard': Saving Lives On The U.S.-Mexico Border
HP | Louise Roug | 10/26/17

Residents of Arivaca, Arizona, are stepping in to offer humanitarian aid to desperate people crossing from Mexico.

But Jacobson, a former librarian, is undeterred. With a group of fellow-retirees, she tries to prevent death and suffering in the borderlands around Arivaca, a community of about 695 people in southern Arizona.

Fewer people seem to be trying to cross the border today than in years past ? the number of people apprehended at the U.S. border has dropped to the lowest level in 50 years. Despite this, the number of deaths has remained fairly constant, with a recent uptick. More people died on the border in the first seven months of 2017 compared with the first seven months of 2016, according to the United Nations' migration agency. ... Read more

Note: The Kennedy Papers are about to be released and I have to admit I'm interested to see if we get to see them without being heavily redacted. Whatever the outcome, history has constantly been rewritten in the past century with new releases of once classified documents. I feel the below series "Untold History of the United States" is a great recap of all the changes.
The Untold History of the United States - Bush & Obama - Age of Terror, Episode 10 | Oliver Stone | Youtube | 59:00
Note: I wish the above video was of better quality. I suggest viewing all 10 episodes on Netflix (see below).
The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick (all 10 Episodes)
Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick with Abby Martin - Debunk American Exceptionalism | RT | older, 10/27/17 | 24:06
The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Peter Kuznick

Multiple Academy Award-winner Oliver Stone has directed such iconic movies as Platoon, Wall Street, JFK, Natural Born Killers, and W and is known for his often controversial point of view and probing exploration of weighty historical and political topics. Now, Stone collaborates with esteemed American University professor Peter Kuznick to present our country's "secret history," one that has been unearthed through recently discovered archives and newly declassified material.

Filled with poignant photos and little-known historical facts, this book covers the rise of the American Empire and national security state from the late nineteenth century through the Obama administration, revealing how deeply rooted the seemingly aberrant policies of the Bush-Cheney administration are in the nation's past -- and why it has proven so difficult for President Obama to significantly change course.

By discerning patterns that have previously gone unrecognized and examining the most recently released classified documents, Stone and Kuznick challenge prevailing orthodoxies and ask questions not normally raised. The result is not the kind of history taught in schools or represented on television or in popular movies, and it will come as a surprise to the vast majority of American and global citizens, shocking and astounding both experts and history-lovers alike.
Watch These Hard-to-Believe Multiple Effects of Climate Change on Earth | | 10/15/17 | 11:54
Edward Snowden Exposes Donald Trump | | 2017 | 52:46
JFK Assassination Records - 2017 Additional Documents Release | | 10/27/17 | list
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 27 [9:33]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 27 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Nick Turse: From Niger to Somalia, U.S. Military Expansion in Africa Helps Terror Groups Recruit
  3. Neuroscientist Dr. Carl Hart: People Are Dying in Opioid Crisis Because of Politicians' Ignorance
Democrats Funded the Steele Dossier that Fueled Russiagate | TRNN | 10/26/17 | 27:47
IMF Worried that High Inequality Could Threaten Global Capitalism | TRNN | 10/27/17 | 14:47
Outspoken Former CIA Operative Lindsay Moran - Interview | TYT | older, 10/17/13 | 38:41
Trump Loves "The King Of China" | TYT | 10/26/17 | 3:24
Keiser Report: Credit Market Crash? (E1141) | RT | 10/26/17 | 25:45
*Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 10/27/17 | 1hr
Sniping among Republicans went from the halls of the Senate to the floor of the chamber to the White House lawn this week, as outgoing Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake took aim at President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, reports confirmed and deepened what had previously been suggested -- that Democratic operatives had helped pay for the now-infamous dossier on President Trump. But while it was known that Democrats had helped finance the research, "until now, though, the dossier had not been tied specifically to the Clinton campaign or the DNC," the Washington Post reports.

A legal battle over an immigrant teenager's abortion flared up and was resolved.

And in Puerto Rico, a small firm in charge of restoring power to the hurricane-ravaged island apologized after fighting with the mayor of San Juan on Twitter.
*Friday News - International | 1a.org | 10/20/17 | 1hr
Xi Jinping officially began his second five-year term as China's president. After those five years are up? It's anybody guess what will happen next.

Meanwhile in Kenya, boycotts and deadly violence erupt over a controversial "do-over" election.

And a landslide victory for Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party in Japan.
Committee Splits As President Donald Trump Warrants Scrutiny | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/25/17 | 21:20
Governor Chris Christie On Opioid Crisis: We Have A 9/11 Every 2.5 Weeks | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/27/17 | 21:45
US Releases Most John F. Kennedy Assassination Files But Delays Others | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/27/17 | 6:23
Lawrence On 'The Knuckleheads Running The Show' | MSNBC Last Word | 10/26/17 | 11:58
Steve Bannon Is 'Going For The Kill' In War With GOP Establishment | MSNBC 11th Hour | 10/26/17 | 7:23
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump Has Now Been Interviewed On Fox News 19 Times | Stephen Colbert | 10/27/17 | 7:00
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Donald Trump Thinks Republican Senators Love Him | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/26/17 | 3:26
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump, Corker, Flake and the GOP Civil War | Seth Meyers | 10/25/17 | 9:18
Fox News Showers Trump with Praise, Obsesses Over Hillary | Seth Meyers | 10/26/17 | 9:14
Alt Right
CIA Mutinies Against Trump, Refuses To Release 300 JFK Documents | Alex Jones Channel | 10/27/17 | 11:40
Alex Jones | Roger Stone: Big News! Data dumps, Wars, Globalist, Neo-Cons! | Infowars | 10/27/17 | 17:09
David Knight | Limited JFK Release, Deep State Scared! | Infowars | 10/27/17 | 34:19
Interview With The Lifelike Hot Robot Named Sophia | NBC | 10/25/17 | 5:04
With artificial Intelligence we're summoning the Demon - Elon Musk | | 08/31/17 | 12:23
7 Days of Artificial Intelligence | | 04/11/16 | 7:24

10.27.2017. 13:53

Thursday October 26, 2017

Congress's Late-Night Vote to Protect Banks From Lawsuits
TheAtlantic | Gillian B. White | 10/25/17

In the final hours of Tuesday night, the Senate voted to nullify a rule that would've allowed customers of banks, credit-card companies, and other financial institutions to join together in class-action lawsuits if they felt they'd been wronged. The rule -- which was introduced in July by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), but was not yet in effect -- would have prevented financial institutions from forcing customers with legal grievances to resolve them out of court with the company's lawyers, in a process called arbitration.

After a split decision in the Senate, the deciding vote on Tuesday night was cast by Vice President Mike Pence. All Republican Senators, save for Lindsey Graham and John Kennedy, voted for the repeal. ... Read more
Congress Made It Easier For Big Banks To Steal From You | TYT | 10/25/17 | 7:53

Republicans Really Don't Think It's Their Job To Keep Trump In Check
HP | Jennifer Bendery | 10/25/17

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) stunned his colleagues when he announced on Tuesday he's not running for re-election and torched his party for not having the spine to call out President Donald Trump for his destructive comments and actions.

"I will not be complicit or silent. When the next generation asks us, 'Why didn't you do something? Why didn't you speak up?' What are we going to say?" Flake said in a blistering speech on the Senate floor.

He urged his colleagues to "respect each other again in an atmosphere of shared facts and shared values," while calling Trump's behaviors "outrageous" and "dangerous to democracy." ... Read more

That's not my problem. I've got my own things I'm trying to concentrate on, OK?"

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), on why he doesn't call out Trump when he says dangerous things
Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK by Barr McClellan (2003, 2011)

Blood, Money, & Power exposes the secret, high-level conspiracy in Texas that led to President John F. Kennedy's death and the succession of Lyndon B. Johnson as president in 1963. Attorney Barr McClellan, a former member of L.B.J.'s legal team, uses hundreds of newly released documents, including insider interviews, court papers, and the Warren Commission, to illuminate the maneuvers, payoffs, and power plays that revolved around the assassination of Kennedy and to expose L.B.J.'s involvement in the murder plot.

In addition to revealing new information, McClellan answers common questions surrounding the assassination of our thirty-fifth president. Who had the opportunity, motive, and means to assassinate J.F.K.? Who controlled the investigation and findings of the Warren Commission? This historically significant book is proof that absolute power, money, blood, corruption, and deception were at the heart of politics in the early 1960s, and it represents the very best investigative journalism has to offer.
How LBJ Killed JFK: Money, Attorneys, and the Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theory (2003) | BookTV/C-Span/The Film Archives | 01/10/14 | 55:06

Southern California Is Breaking Heat Records By Alarming Margins
HP | Lydia O'Connor | 10/25/17

At one coastal airport, the 1983 record was shattered by 15 degrees.

According to the National Weather Service office in Los Angeles, heat records for Oct. 25 were shattered in a number of places Wednesday. The most notable record was set at the Camarillo Airport in Ventura County, where a high of 103 degrees broke the previous record, 88 set in 1983, by a jaw-dropping 15 degrees.

Scientists have long warned that these types of heat waves will become the new normal. "If we continue with business-as-usual burning of fossil fuels, and warm the planet by [3 degrees Celsius] by the end of this century, then what we today call 'extreme heat' we will instead call 'midsummer,'" Michael Mann, a leading climate scientist and professor of meteorology at Penn State University, told HuffPost during a heat wave plaguing the Midwest and Northeast last summer. ... Read more
Climate Change Costs A Fortune | TYT | 10/24/17 | 7:32

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 26 [11:46]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 26 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. In "Wet Kiss" for Wall Street, Congress Overturns Rules Allowing People to Sue Banks for Misconduct
  3. FCC Enables Faster Media Consolidation as Pro-Trump Sinclair Group Seizes Even More Local Stations
  4. Undocumented Teen Wins Abortion Fight, But Thousands in Shelters Still Live Under Anti-Choice Policy
*In "Wet Kiss" for Wall Street, Congress Overturns Rules Allowing People to Sue Banks for Misconduct | DN | 10/26/17 | 12:40
*Bill Black discusses -> Wall Street Wins as Senate Blocks Consumer Protection Rule | TRNN | 10/25/17 | 12:43
*Bill Black discusses -> Pollution Kills 9 Million People a Year | TRNN | 10/26/17 | 9:16
Republican: "Class Warfare" To Tax Millionaires | TYT | 10/25/17 | 7:00
OMG, GOP | 1a.org | 10/26/17 | 1hr
We talked about the woes of the Democratic Party this week. Now we'll talk about Republicans.

Things aren't at all quiet across the aisle. Republican Senators Jeff Flake, John McCain and Bob Corker and former President George W. Bush have all been outspoken about the shift in their party's tone and style under President Donald Trump.

While these critics might make impassioned speeches, all but McCain are either out of office or not seeking re-election. And the senators still largely vote along the party line.

Will anyone with an office and a campaign join this chorus, or are Flake, McCain, Corker and Bush part of an older faction of a changing party?

As the New York Times notes: Well aware of the mercurial nature of the president, most congressional Republicans are loath to do or say anything that could upset Mr. Trump and risk provoking an early-morning Twitter tirade from the White House when they are trying to delicately piece together a complex tax agreement. One can practically sense Republicans tiptoeing around the Capitol, taking extra care not to awaken the president to their presence in a way that could draw a scolding or rebuke. ...
President Donald Trump's Approval Rating Hits New Low In Fox News Poll | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/26/17 | 5:25
Joe: Sen. Jim Inhofe Is Getting It Wrong On President Donald Trump's Approach | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/26/17 | 7:05
Breaking News Trump 10/25/17 Bob Corker, Jared Kushner, Russia Investigation, Robert Mueller | MSNBC | 10/25/17 | 43:21
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Our President Is An Old Man Yelling On His Lawn | Stephen Colbert | 10/26/17 | 7:05
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
The Battle for the Republican Party | Trevor Noah | 10/25/17 | 5:58
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Scott Pruitt vs. The World | October 25, 2017 | Samantha Bee | 10/25/17 | 6:14
Alt Right
100% Total, Epic FAIL! Democrats Forced To Admit Peegate Is A Total Lie, Financed By Hillary | The Alex Jones Channel | 10/26/17 | 10:01
DC Rocked, Imploding! Roger Stone 10/25/17 | Infowars | 10/26/17 | 31:12
David Knight - Alex Jones Infowars | Infowars | 10/26/17 | 42:59

10.26.2017. 12:41

Wednesday October 25, 2017

How Betsy DeVos Became The Most Hated Cabinet Secretary
HP | Amanda Terkel | 10/24/17

Cabinet secretaries are rarely household names. For every Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton, there are 10 Ann Venemans and Anthony Foxxes. If an official does gain wider name recognition, it's usually someone in a higher position like the attorney general or secretary of state.

Under President Donald Trump, however, something different is happening: Everyone hates the education secretary, the person who is 16th in line to the presidency and controls only 3 percent of the federal budget. Lawmakers and activists say they've heard more about Betsy DeVos than any other Cabinet secretary ever ? often from people who aren't usually politically engaged.

"All the time," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). "This is true in town halls, when I'm walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood, when I go into the grocery store. People come up to me to talk about Betsy DeVos. There's just no comparison. I've never had this happen with any other Cabinet secretary."... Read more

Jeff Flake Won't Seek Re-Election, Says There 'May Not Be A Place' For Him In Trump's GOP
Sen. Jeff Flake announces he won't seek re-election | PBS | 10/24/17 | 17:28
Bob Corker: Donald Trump's Legacy Will Be The 'Debasement Of Our Nation'
New Yorker Cover
The cover of the latest issue of the New Yorker depicts President Trump as a sinister clown with razor-sharp teeth leaning out from behind a tree in a dark forest. He's not exactly Pennywise the Dancing Clown from It -- the makeup is wrong, as are the stripes, and the artist, Carter Goodrich, didn't mention It when he discussed the cover -- but the teeth are pretty distinctive, and the pose echoes a widely circulated promotional picture of the latest film's Pennywise closely enough that it will be the first thing most people think of when they see it. See.

The Fourth Shattering: How Donald Trump Is Breaking America Apart
AlterNet | John Feffer / TomDispatch | 10/24/17

When the historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., published his bestseller The Disuniting of America in 1991, he didn't seriously entertain the worst-case scenario suggested by the title. At the time, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were imploding, while separatist movements in Quebec, East Timor, Spain's Basque country, and elsewhere were already clamoring for their own states. But when it came to the United States, Schlesinger's worries were principally focused on the far smaller battlefield of the American classroom and what he saw as multiculturalism's threat to the mythic "melting pot." Although he took those teacup tempests seriously, the worst future Schlesinger could imagine was what he called the "tribalization of American life." He didn't contemplate the actual dismemberment of the country. ... Read more

Is Donald Trump Paying Hush Money? (#139?) | Keith Olbermann | 10/24/17 | 6:56
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 25 [11:19]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 25 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Khizr Khan: Trump's Handling of Call to Gold Star Widow Showed He's "Void of Empathy"
  3. Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Speaks Against War & Iraq Invasion: "Look at the Cost of That Mistake"
Expansion of Imperialist U.S. "War on Terror" in Africa Preceded Deadly Attacks in Niger & Somalia | DN | 10/24/17 | 21:12
Hyper-Globalized World, i.e. The Banks Lebowski
*Finance Has Become the Dominant Force in Shaping the Global Economy | TRNN | 10/24/17 | 18:02
Trump Caught In Gold Star Letter Lie | TYT | 10/23/17 | 5:10
O'Reilly Settles Bank-Breaking Sexual Harassment Case | TYT | 10/23/17 | 18:28
Jeff Flake Leaving Senate, Issues Warning Against Trump | TYT | 10/24/17 | 13:46
Note: Just Remember *Meet Trump's New Sugar Daddy | TYT | older, 09/29/16 | 20:08
*Jane Mayer on Robert Mercer & the Dark Money Behind Trump and Bannon's Radical Vision | DN | older, 03/23/17 | 19:19
TRNN Documentary: The Real Story of How Bannon and Trump Got to the White House | TRNN | older, 08/18/17 | 31:20
*Joe: We Are Seeing The Coming End Of The GOP | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/25/17 | 19:07
Senator Jeff Flake On White House Behavior: We Can't Continue To Remain Silent | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/25/17 | 8:33
Diplomatic Efforts With North Korea On 'Last Legs': Report | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/25/17 | 7:28
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Bob Corker Throws Down, Jeff Flake Steps Down | Stephen Colbert | 10/25/17 | 9:19
God Responds To Bill O'Reilly | Stephen Colbert | 10/25/17 | 3:38
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Mr. "Personal Responsibility" Bill O'Reilly Plays the Blame Game | Trevor Noah | 10/24/17 | 6:30
Late Night with Seth Meyers
The Check In: Robert and Rebekah Mercer | Seth Meyers | 10/25/17 | 6:36
Protestor Throws Russian Flags at Trump, Citi Bike's Handlebars | Seth Meyers | 10/25/17 | 3:50
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Protestor Throws Russian Flags at Trump, Citi Bike's HandlebarsJimmy Kimmel monologue 10/24/17: "Trump's tweetstorm Vs. Sen. Bob Corker, Sen. Jeff Flake" | Jimmy Kimmel Live | 10/24/17 | 17:27
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to what the Alt Right is listening to. Sometimes pretty scary.
Roger Stone: Alex Jones Prediction George Bush Will Be Further Implicated In JFK Secret Records Dump | Infowars | 10/25/17 | 19:16
Roger Stone Deep Insights into JFK w/ Saint James Hunt and also Dr. Jerome Corsi | Infowars | 10/24/17 | 37:40
First Look At The Trump JFK Files | The Alex Jones Channel | 10/24/17 | 21:27
Full Show - Google Announces Plan To Build Domed Cities On Earth! - 10/24/2017 | Infowars | 10/24/17 | 2:48:41

10.25.2017. 11:18

Tuesday October 24, 2017

America Has Slid So Far Off the Chart That George W. Bush Has Just Received a Character Award at West Point
AlterNet | Vijay Prashad | 10/23/17

The West continues to throw gasoline on its fires.

News comes like a hurricane. Iraqi forces take Kirkuk, while Syrian Democratic Forces seize Raqqa. Ai Weiwei releases a film about refugees, while refugees continues to trek across the Sahara Desert and across the lip that divides Myanmar from Bangladesh. Puerto Rico still has no power, while a cyclonic storm hits Ireland. U.S. troops die in Niger, a massive bomb kills hundreds in Mogadishu (Somalia), the Taliban attacks in Paktia and Ghazni (Afghanistan). A sensation of dread fills the air over the potential of another illegal American war, this time against Iran or North Korea or both. ... Read more

America Has Slid So Far Off the Chart That George W. Bush Has Just Received a Character Award at West Point.
9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out | 12/03/16 | 1:28:57
Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World by David Ray Griffin

The events of September 11, 2001, set off a chain of global crises and civil perils that have normalized a climate of fear and conflict. Starting with assaults on the U.S. Constitution, Griffin reviews various ways in which the world has been made worse over the past fifteen years by the Bush-Cheney reaction to the attacks and by power plays for global influence enabled by 9/11. These include the disastrous effects of regime-change operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya; the war on terror, the rise of ISIS, the Syrian conflict and European refugee crisis; the explosion of Islamophobia and the American acceptance of extrajudicial murder-by-drone; and the growing existential threats of ecological and nuclear holocaust. Looking back, it is clear that the story of 9/11 has been used to legitimize and manufacture support for disastrous policies.

In Bush and Cheney, Griffin analyzes what Noam Chomsky, Paul Craig Roberts, and many others across the political spectrum consider the most serious threat today the threat to global survival. He argues that ripple effects of 9/11 have become so destructive and dangerous that the press, policy elites, and citizens should finally confront what we have allowed to happen. A national reckoning has become essential, in the words of William Rivers Pitt, to stop the dominoes of September from continuing to fall.
Donald Rumsfeld, on 9/10, exposes 2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing from DOD
Donald Rumsfeld 2.3 Trillion Dollars Just Gone | 2001 | 1:48
$10 Trillion Missing From Pentagon And No One -- Not Even the DoD -- Knows Where It Is
Event Chronicle | Claire Bernish | 06/20/17

Over a mere two decades, the Pentagon lost track of a mind-numbing $10 trillion -- that's trillion, with a fat, taxpayer-funded "T" -- and no one, not even the Department of Defense, knows where it went or on what it was spent.

"Over the last 20 years, the Pentagon has broken every promise to Congress about when an audit would be completed," Rafael DeGennaro, director of Audit the Pentagon, told The Guardian recently. "Meanwhile, Congress has more than doubled the Pentagon's budget."

Worse, President Trump's newly-proposed budget seeks to toss an additional $54 billion into the evidently bottomless pit that is the U.S. military ... Read more

Catherine Austin Fitts: We Need Our $40 Trillion In Stolen Cash Back | Gregg Hunter//USA Watchdog | 07/24/17 | 30:20
John Kelly and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Must Resign (#138) | Keith Olbermann | 07/23/17 | 7:43
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 24 [13:45]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 24 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Puerto Rican Climate Activist: Aid Being Unfairly Distributed & Superfund Sites Continue to Overflow
  3. Expansion of Imperialist U.S. "War on Terror" in Africa Preceded Deadly Attacks in Niger & Somalia
Wilkerson: Trump's Generals Aren't Saviors, They're Dangers | TRNN | 10/23/17 | 14:36
No Evidence that Trump's Tax Plan Would Boost Economy or Create Jobs | TRNN | 10/23/17 | 15:12
*Ores, Mine And Ours: Mining And The Environment In Minnesota | 1a.org | 10/24/17 | 1hr
Minnesota is a land of beautiful lakes and gorgeous landscapes. It's a natural magnet to nature-seeking tourists. But the geology that created the wonder of the lakes also houses rich deposits of nickel, iron, copper and other valuable minerals. This has stirred a fierce debate over who these rare natural resources are for.

Mining these lakes could bring jobs. So can tourism. And demand for scenic vistas as well as copper will only increase as each becomes more rare.

Should Minnesota's lakes remain as they are, or is it what's underneath that counts?
PBS NewsHour full episode Oct. 23, 2017 | PBS | 10/23/17 | 53:30
President Donald Trump 'Blatantly Lies' In New Tweets Against Corker | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/24/17 | 9:35
Steve Bannon Makes 'Inexplicable' Claims About President Donald Trump | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/24/17 | 11:25
U.S. Military Investigators: Niger Attack Likely A Terrorist Set-Up | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/24/17 | 7:38
Don Lemon's Brilliant Fact Check Of John Kelly's "INSANE" Cover Up Of Trump's Lies | CNN & Jon Snow | 07/23/17 | 7:03
Lawrence: 'The Worst Thing We Know About John Kelly' | MSNBC Last Word | 07/23/17 | 9:06
Stockman: Here's Why Trump's Tax Plan Won't Stimulate the Economy Like Reagan's | FoxNews | older 07/19/17 | 10:38
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump Takes Credit For Releasing The JFK Files | Stephen Colbert | 10/24/17 | 5:13
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
General Kelly Owes Representative Wilson an Apology | Trevor Noah | 10/23/17 | 6:22
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Trump's Tax Plan, Twitter Insults and Rambling Fox News Interview | Seth Meyers | 10/23/17 | 12:02
Alt Right | And Other Sources
Roger Stone Discusses JFK, Latest News and Current events October 23rd, 2017 | Infowars & N Jacobson | 07/23/17 | 37:52
JFK Assassination Solved! Trump Set To Release Motherload | The Alex Jones Channel | 07/23/17 | 18:40
How LBJ Killed JFK: Money, Attorneys, and the Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theory (2003) | BookTV/C-Span/The Film Archives | 01/10/14 | 55:06
Note: I usually like LipTV & Buzzsaw interviews
LBJ and the Killing of JFK with Roger Stone | TheLipTV | 11/24/13 | 48:27

10.24.2017. 11:15

Monday October 23, 2017

If you're a black man, expect police brutality under U.S. law and policy
WashingtonPost | Paul Butler | 10/19/17

'The police department is like a crew. It does whatever they want to do." Those words -- from an old-school hip-hop song by the group Boogie Down Productions -- were the soundtrack in my head as I read "I Can't Breathe," journalist Matt Taibbi's gut-wrenching account of the death and life of Eric Garner.

As the whole world knows, Garner died in 2014 after being placed in an illegal chokehold by a New York City cop who was trying to arrest him for supposedly selling a "loosie" tobacco cigarette on a Staten Island street. The book is a deep dive into every aspect of the case, including its legal impact, which is minimal, and its cultural and political impact, which has been profound. ... Read more
Author Matt Taibbi: Eric Garner Death Symptom Of "Bad Politics And Bad Policy" | MSNBC | 10/23/17 | 4:45

The REAL Leaders Of The World | History Repeats Itself | | 2:17:46
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money | corbettreport | 59:34

Trump Promises to Release Secret JFK Files, But Let's Hold the Applause
AlterNet | Jefferson Morley | 10/21/17

The tweet was probably sincere in expressing Trump's instinct that all of the government's long-secret records on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy should be made public. The president knows public opinion favors a conspiratorial explanation of the mysterious assassination of the popular liberal president on November 22, 1963.

He knows, too, that the bogus conspiracy theory he floated during the 2016 campaign, smearing the father of Ted Cruz, was effective in attracting attention and harming a rival.

Trump has also heard from friend and confidante Roger Stone, the hard-right political operative who blames the assassination on Lyndon B. Johnson. Stone told conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars this week that he personally lobbied Trump to release all of the documents. ... Read more

In 263 days, President Trump has made 1,318 false and misleading claims.

How Airbnb Affects Home Prices and Rents
WSJ | Lisa Ward | 10/22/17

Could the use of Airbnb increase home prices and rental rates? A new, not-yet-published working paper suggests the popular home-sharing service might do just that. The researchers looked at rents and home prices in the 100 largest metro areas in the U.S. between 2012 and 2016. They found that a 10% increase in Airbnb listings leads to a 0.39% increase in rents and a 0.64% increase in house prices.

"That may sound minuscule, but between 2012 and 2016, rents rose by about 2.2% annually [on average in the 100 areas], so a 0.39% increase in that context isn't very small at all," says Edward Kung, an assistant professor of economics at the University of California Los Angeles and one of the study's authors. The same is true for home prices, which rose by an average of about 4.8% annually in the 100 areas, he adds. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 23 [13:06]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 23 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Will Catalonia Declare Independence After Spain Moves to Impose Direct Rule, Oust Catalan Leaders?
  3. How Trump's Presidency Is Fueling Right-Wing Nationalist & Anti-Immigration Movements Across Europe
  4. Trump's Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump & Cabinet While Sparking Global "Tax War"
Trump's Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump & Cabinet While Sparking Global "Tax War" | 10/23/17 | 19:29
The Sacrifice Zones of Hurricane Harvey | TRNN | 10/23/17 | 26:56
Is The Problem With Capitalism Or Neoliberalism? | TYT | 10/22/17 | 3:45
*What Is America's Military Mission In Africa? | 1a.org | 10/23/17 | 1hr
White House chief of staff General John Kelly says America's mission in Africa is clear. "They're helping those partners be better at fighting ISIS in Africa so we don't have to send large numbers of troops."

But after four soldiers were killed in a recent ambush attack in Niger, an investigation is underway into how and why they died.

What exactly are American troops doing in Africa today? And is it working?
Joe: Steve Bannon's Scam Will Blow Up Next Midterm | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/23/17 | 11:37
Does President Donald Trump Spit Out Controversies Du Jour To Distract? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/23/17 | 10:52
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to what the Alt Right is listening to. Sometimes pretty scary.
Roger Stone Discusses JFK and Classified Files Release Authorized by President Trump | Infowars | 10/22/17 | 21:35
Roger Stone BOMBSHELL: Weinstein Procured Children via Bill Clinton | Operation HAL & Infowars | 10/21/17 | 11:37
WTF?! Vegas Massacre Vanishes from News, Still No Answers | Infowars & Operation HAL | 10/21/17 | 13:48

10.23.2017. 14:55

Friday October 20, 2017
*Debate Recap: Sanders Vs. Cruz on Trump's Tax Plan | TRNN | 2017/17 | 9:29

Steve Mnuchin Says It's 'Very Hard' Not To Cut Rich People's Taxes
HP | Arthur Delaney | 10/18/17

WASHINGTON ? It's just too tricky to reform the tax code without delivering a windfall to the wealthy, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said in an interview published Wednesday.

Mnuchin is right in one sense: Because of the way the tax code adds layers of higher marginal tax rates as income rises, wealthy people automatically benefit if the lower rates are reduced, since they pay both the lower and higher rates.

But Mnuchin is wrong that it would be difficult to devise a tax plan that doesn't make up for lost revenue with higher marginal rates for the wealthy. ... Read more
Mnuchin: "It's Very Hard Not To Give Tax Cuts To The Wealthy" | TYT | 10/18/17 | 7:41

Trump on health care: 90 seconds of talk, 5 fact checks
Politico | Politico Staff | 10/19/17

The president released another 90-second stream of thoughts on health care reform -- one of several this week. After a meeting Thursday on Puerto Rico hurricane recovery, he was asked about the bipartisan Obamacare fix proposed by Sens. Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray. He's flipped back and forth on that bill several times. Here's POLITICO's annotated guide to his latest remarks: ... Read more

Alaska Is Warming At Twice The Rate As The Rest Of The Planet | Journeyman Pictures | older, 08/30/16 | 16:39

Trump: Obama-era uranium deal is 'real Russia story'
TheHill | Max Greenwood | 10/19/17

President Trump said Thursday that an Obama-era uranium deal with Moscow is "the real Russia story," and again dismissed allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia as "a hoax."

The comments came hours after Trump tweeted Thursday morning that the so-called "Fake Media" did not want to cover news about the 2010 uranium sale, which gave Moscow control of more than 20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply.

"The problem is mainstream media does not want to cover that story because that affects people they protect," Trump claimed. "So they don't like covering that story. But the big story is uranium and how Russia got 20 percent of our uranium and, frankly, it's a disgrace and it's a disgrace that the fake news won't cover. It's so sad." ... Read more
Trump Actually Telling The Truth About Clinton-Russia Uranium Scandal? | TYT | 10/19/17 | 13:01

Why Did Paul Manafort Need to Get to Trump? (#137) | Keith Olbermann | 10/19/17 | 7:00
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 20 [10:25]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 20 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Fearing Deportation, Immigrants Fleeing California Wildfires Avoid Shelters & Face Homelessness
  3. Urban Conflagration: Fire Scientist on Climate Change & What Makes California's Wildfires Different
  4. Major Victories for Climate Movement, But Global Chaos Grows: Roundtable with Leaders on What's Next
Protesters Drown Out Nazi Richard Spencer | TYT | 10/19/17 | 12:46
You'll Never Guess How Trump Grades His Puerto Rico Response... | TYT | 10/19/17 | 2:40
Trump's Wall: Prototypes 'spring up' along Mexican border. | RT | 10/20/17 | 1:45
*Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 10/20/17 | 1hr
There was a lot of confusion -- perhaps even more than usual -- about the state of health care this week. After President Trump signed an executive order and said he'd eliminate Affordable Care Act cost-sharing payments that help low-income recipients pay out-of-pocket expenses, the subsidies seemed to be temporarily reinstated. But then ... confusion.

In this edition of the News Roundup, we'll also ask what the president said, or didn't say, to the widow of a veteran killed in Niger. And why did he take so long to reach out to the families of the fallen?

Plus another block for Trump's travel ban and a review of the president's meeting with Ricardo Rosselló, the governor of Puerto Rico.
*Friday News - International | 1a.org | 10/20/17 | 1hr
Stories of fights against militants dominated international news this week:

  1. In a significant blow to ISIS, U.S.-backed forces say they've retaken the northern Syrian city -- and de facto ISIS capital -- of Raqqa. But it's not yet time to declare victory, reports the Los Angeles Times
  2. Col. Ryan S. Dillon, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition fighting IS in Syria and Iraq, told reporters at the Pentagon that Raqqa is about 90 percent freed, but more fighting will be required to fully liberate the city.
  3. In Somalia, nearly 300 people were killed in a truck bombing in Mogadishu.
  4. And the U.S. continues looking for answers as it investigates the deadly ambush in Niger earlier this month.

In other headlines, the Spanish government is cracking down on Catalonian autonomy in response to pushes for independence. And a journalist who covered corruption in Malta was killed in a car bombing attack.
General John Kelly's Powerful Speech Hit At Wilson And President Donald Trump | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/20/17 | 28:08
Former Presidents Bush And Obama Speeches Take Aim At Heart Of Trumpism | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/20/17 | 18:58
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló: I Answered Donald Trump Truthfully | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/20/17 | 7:45
Wilson responds to John Kelly | CNN | 10/20/17 | 17:52
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trump Feuds with Gold Star Families | Trevor Noah | 10/19/17 | 6:34
The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper - Bipartisanship Is an Evil Conspiracy | CC | 10/19/17 | 5:57
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to what the Alt Right is listening to. Sometimes pretty scary.
John McCain: A Globalist VS American Progress | Alex Jones Channel | 10/19/17 | 4:31
Roger Stone Discusses Bush Remarks at Trump, J Kelly Latest News and Current Events | Infowars | 10/19/17 | 1:19:05
John McCain, Traitor? (pt-2) | Infowars | 10/20/17 | 19:59
Roger Stone: Big Bombshell, CIA, JFK, FBI, Traitor Bush, Weinstein | Infowars | 10/20/17 | 19:26

10.20.2017. 12:08

Thursday October 19, 2017

The Big Lie pays off: Trump voters believe fake news (about the news being fake)
Salon | Heather Digby Parton | 10/19/17

Nearly half the public believes the media makes up stories about Trump -- and the media is partly to blame for that

Sometimes I think Donald Trump is trying to drive us all crazy. The relentlessness of the lies, the bizarre behavior and the overall chaos are just plain nuts. We've never experienced anything like this. Well, actually, there might be one precedent in "mad" King George, the monarch who was on the throne of England when America declared its independence. But that was a long time ago. Since then we've had good leaders and bad leaders: Some were even great while others were actual criminals. But this nonstop presidential pandemonium is unprecedented. And it's downright discombobulating.

In order to keep a grip on reality, it's tempting to look for a guiding logic behind all the activity and ascribe the confusion to some sort of underlying strategy. You observe a wily character like Steve Bannon and read about his bizarre fringe philosophy of "disruption" to bring on some sort of global denouement -- he literally called Donald Trump "a blunt instrument for us" -- and you figure this might just be a big act in service of his ominous vision. ... Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Stephen Bannon, Trump's New C.E.O., Hints At His Master Plan
Can the man behind Breitbart -- a Harvard M.B.A. who worked at Goldman Sachs and made a killing off of Seinfeld -- save Trump? And at what cost? | Vanity Fair | older 08/17/16

Poll: 46 percent think media make up stories about Trump
Politico | Steven Shepard | 10/18/17

But voters diverge from the president on whether the federal government should be able to punish news organizations that he believes make up stories about him

Nearly half of voters, 46 percent, believe the news media fabricate news stories about President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Just 37 percent of voters think the media do not fabricate stories, the poll shows, while the remaining 17 percent are undecided.

More than three-quarters of Republican voters, 76 percent, think the news media invent stories about Trump and his administration, compared with only 11 percent who don't think so. Among Democrats, one-in-five think the media make up stories, but a 65 percent majority think they do not. Forty-four percent of independent voters think the media make up stories about Trump, and 31 percent think they do not. ... Read more
Poll: Scary Amount Of Americans Believe Media Is Lying | TYT | 10/18/17 | 13:34

The Secretive Family Making Billions From the Opioid Crisis
Esquire | Christopher Glazek | 10/18/17

The Sackler name is no less prominent among the emerald quads of higher education, where it's possible to receive degrees from Sackler schools, participate in Sackler colloquiums, take courses from professors with endowed Sackler chairs, and attend annual Sackler lectures on topics such as theoretical astrophysics and human rights. The Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science supports research on obesity and micronutrient deficiencies. Meanwhile, the Sackler institutes at Cornell, Columbia, McGill, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sussex, and King's College London tackle psychobiology, with an emphasis on early childhood development.

The Sacklers' philanthropy differs from that of civic populists like Andrew Carnegie, who built hundreds of libraries in small towns, and Bill Gates, whose foundation ministers to global masses. Instead, the family has donated its fortune to blue-chip brands, braiding the family name into the patronage network of the world's most prestigious, well-endowed institutions. The Sackler name is everywhere, evoking automatic reverence; the Sacklers themselves, however, are rarely seen. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 19 [10:49]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 19 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Trump's Travel Ban Suffers Another Defeat as Judges Say Threat of Discrimination "Still Intact"
  3. Who Profits from the Opioid Crisis? Meet the Secretive Sackler Family Making Billions from OxyContin
  4. Guantánamo Prisoners on Hunger Strike Say Guards Threatened to Kill Them by Stopping Force-Feeding
Who Profits from the Opioid Crisis? Meet the Secretive Sackler Family Making Billions from OxyContin | DN | 10/19/17 | 24:03
Is China the next global leader? | Aljazeera | 10/18/17 | 25:00
Is Free Speech In A 'State Of Emergency'? | 1a.org | 10/19/17 | 1hr
White nationalist Richard Spencer plans to speak at the University of Florida in Gainesville on Thursday. In response, Florida Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency.

We live in a country where everyone has the right to voice their opinion, however, we have zero tolerance for violence and public safety is always our number one priority. I have been in constant contact with Sheriff Darnell who has requested this Executive Order to ensure that county and local law enforcement have every needed resource. This executive order is an additional step to ensure that the University of Florida and the entire community is prepared so everyone can stay safe.

Some college students are furiously asserting their right to hear from any speaker they want. Others are equally furious about shouting down hateful voices.
Maddow: What Is President Donald Trump Hiding About U.S. Military In Niger? | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/18/17 | 13:16
President Trump Disgrace Laid Bare In Interactions With Gold Star Families | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/18/17 | 17:43
Why Nobody Wins With The Latest Back-And-Forth | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/19/17 | 7:03
President Donald Trump Tweets: 'Who Knows?' If GOP has Votes For Budget | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/19/17 | 7:45
North Korean Official Confident The Nation Could Win A War | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/19/17 | 6:15
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
How to Solve the Harvey Weinstein Problem | Trevor Noah | 10/18/17 | 5:08
Profiles in Tremendousness - Senior Adviser Stephen Miller | Trevor Noah | older 02/14/17 | 6:12
Late Night with Seth Meyers
John Kelly's Press Briefing, Trump and FEMA | Seth Meyers | 10/13/17 | 3:00
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to what the Alt Right is listening to. Sometimes pretty scary.
Another 9/11 Coming, China Rising 10/19/17 | Infowars | 10/19/17 | 37:54
China weaponizing North Korea? | Fox News | 10/18/17 | 5:50
Roger Stone, Rage the Machine! 10/18/17 (pt-5) | Infowars | 10/18/17 | 30:32
US War With North Korea | Right Wing | 10/17/17 | 11:15
Breaking: China Moves To Kill The Petrodollar | The Alex Jones Channel | 10/18/17 | 12:11

10.19.2017. 11:13

Wednesday October 18, 2017

How Harvey Weinstein And Kenneth Cole Covered Up A Shady Deal
HP | Yashar Ali | 10/18/17

... Weinstein was meeting with two attorneys. One, he was trying to undermine: Thomas Ajamie, a Texas trial lawyer, was investigating a highly unusual financial transaction involving Weinstein and the American Foundation for AIDS Research, a nonprofit founded in the early '80s to help find a cure for AIDS. The other, he'd recently managed to co-opt: Lisa Bloom, a lawyer known for representing victims of sexual harassment. Weinstein had recently agreed to option Bloom's book about the Trayvon Martin case. But what Ajamie, and the public, didn't know at the time was that Bloom was also one of Weinstein's lawyers. Bloom, who had become known for parading victims of sexual harassment out in front of cameras, was now working with a man who would soon be exposed as a sexual predator. ... Read more

Professor Abdi Samatar of the University of Minnesota dicusses -> Somalia Bombing an Outgrowth of Foreign Meddling | TRNN | 10/18/17 | 13:47

U.S. Stood by as Indonesia Killed a Half-Million People, Papers Show
NYT | Hannah Beech | 10/18/17

BANGKOK -- It was an anti-Communist blood bath of at least half a million Indonesians. And American officials watched it happen without raising any public objections, at times even applauding the forces behind the killing, according to newly declassified State Department files that show diplomats meticulously documenting the purge in 1965-66.

In one of the documents, released on Tuesday, an American political affairs counselor describes how Indonesian officials dealt with prisons overflowing with suspected members of the Indonesian Communist Party, known by the acronym P.K.I. ... Read more
The Act Of Killing (Trailer) | | 09/07/12 | 3:03

NAFTA talks hit impasse as U.S. slams trading partners
Mexico, Canada and U.S. agree to delay next set of talks as a testy round wraps up.

Treasury secretary: Pass a tax bill or markets will tank
Politico | Ben White | 10/18/17

Steven Mnuchin has a stern warning for Congress: You could blow up the stock market if you fail to cut taxes.

The Treasury secretary, in the first episode of the "POLITICO Money" podcast, said Wall Street's big runup following the election of President Donald Trump is largely based on expectations of Congress passing a major tax-relief bill, and failure to do so could have significant consequences. The Dow is now up about 25 percent since the election, a fact Trump tweets about frequently.

"There is no question that the rally in the stock market has baked into it reasonably high expectations of us getting tax cuts and tax reform done," Mnuchin said in the interview. "To the extent we get the tax deal done, the stock market will go up higher. But there's no question in my mind that if we don't get it done you're going to see a reversal of a significant amount of these gains." ... Read more

Roger Stone
Get Me Roger Stone (Trailer) | Netflix | 03/29/17 | 2:09
Get Me Roger Stone | Netflix | | 1:41:00

Donald Trump is the Harvey Weinstein of Washington (#135) | Keith Olbermann | 10/17/17 | 5:27
Donald Trump is F*cking Crazy (#136) | Keith Olbermann | 10/18/17 | 8:29
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 18 [13:04]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 18 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. As Puerto Rico Faces $95 Billion Cleanup, Exposé Reveals Vulture Firms Who Own Its $74 Billion Debt
  3. Freed Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera on U.S. Colonialism After Hurricane Maria
  4. Rosa Clemente on Puerto Ricans Drinking Toxic Water & San Juan Mayor's Message to the Diaspora
  5. Why Are Incarcerated Women Battling California Wildfires for as Little as $1 a Day?
As Puerto Rico Faces $95 Billion Cleanup, Exposé Reveals Vulture Firms Who Own Its $74 Billion Debt | DN | 10/18/17 | 15:17
Climate Change Has Doubled Area Hit By Forest Fires in US, Part 1 | TRNN | 10/17/17 | 9:24
Climate Change Has Doubled Area Hit By Forest Fires in US, Part 2 | TRNN | 10/18/17 | 10:51
Trump To McCain: Be Careful... At Some Point I Fight Back | TYT | 10/17/17 | 7:41
The Deal With Drug Czars | 1a.org | 10/18/17 | 1hr
The role of drug czar took the spotlight this week when Trump administration nominee Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa., withdrew his name from consideration for the position.

Marino was the subject of a recent investigation by "60 Minutes" and The Washington Post that revealed the Congressman's role as a major player in weakening the Drug Enforcement Administration's ability to regulate opioid distributors.

Drug czars are charged with taking the lead on drug policy in the U.S. and the position has a history that dates back to 1930. But their agendas are largely set by the administrations they serve.
Where Do We Come From? | 1a.org | 10/18/17 | 1hr
If you want to answer the most existential of existential questions, don't look at the historical record, look in a microscope. The study of DNA has become so advanced in recent years "that it was transformed into a historical source," writes geneticist Adam Rutherford. This has upended our understanding of human history and evolution.

In his new book, "A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived," Rutherford dispels myths about DNA ("there are people in your family from whom you have inherited no genes at all") and clarifies concepts that were once beyond human understanding.

Rutherford joins us to talk about what we can learn from the 107 billion humans who have existed, and what this information can tell us about the next big question before us: where are we headed next?
Mike Pence Extremism, Unpopularity Overlooked In President Trump's Shadow | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/17/17 | 10:28
Joe: President Donald Trump Used Kelly Family As Political Throwaway Line | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/18/17 | 12:54
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson On Sergeant David Johnson: 'He Died As A Hero' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/18/17 | 10:08
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trump & McConnell's BFF Presser | Trevor Noah | 10/17/17 | 6:14
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to the other side... what the Alt Right is listening to.
Roger Stone latest news and current events October 17th, 2017 | Infowars | 10/17/17 | 28:17
$40 Trillion Missing! Catherine Austin Fitts | Infowars | 10/17/17 | 38:27

10.18.2017. 11:49

Tuesday October 17, 2017

John McCain Scorches Trump's 'Half-Baked' Nationalism in Fiery Liberty Medal Speech
AlterNet | Chris Sosa | 10/17/17

McCain is a strong critic of Steve Bannon's so-called "economic nationalism," which has strongly informed the isolationist policy decisions of the Trump administration.

"To fear the world where we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we've advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of Earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who had rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans have consigned to the trash heap of history," McCain said amid cheers from the audience. ... Read more

Thom Hartmann: The America I knew has almost disappeared
Salon & AlterNet | Thom Hartmann | 10/17/17

President Jimmy Carter took it head on when he told me on my radio program that the Citizen's United decision:

"[V]iolates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it's just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members. So now we've just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election's over."

This "complete subversion of our political system" grew, in large part, out of Richard Nixon's 1972 appointment of Lewis Powell to the Supreme Court. Powell, in 1971, had authored the infamous Powell Memo to the US Chamber of Commerce, strongly suggesting that corporate leaders needed to get politically involved and, essentially, take over everything from academia to our court system to our political system. ... Read more

A Remarriage of Convenience Between Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell
The president and the Senate majority leader make nice at the White House after a summer of bickering and ahead of a crucial period for the Republican agenda. | TheAtlantic | Russell Berman | 10/16/17

North Korea Says Nuclear War 'May Break Out Any Moment'
HP | Nick Visser | 10/16/17

The rhetoric is typical for Pyongyang but adds to an uptick in tensions with the U.S.

North Korea warned a United Nations committee on Monday that a nuclear conflict "may break out any moment," continuing a bombastic war of words between the East Asian country and the United States that has only increased in recent months.

Kim In Ryong, North Korea's deputy ambassador to the U.N., told the General Assembly's disarmament committee that his country was now a "full-fledged nuclear power which possesses the delivery means of various ranges, including the atomic bomb, H-bomb and intercontinental ballistic rockets," according to The Associated Press. ... Read more

The Great Undoer
Donald Trump's biggest political wins have come in dismantling existing policies, but constructive and proactive steps have eluded him. | TheAtlantic | David Graham | 01/17/17

Gregg Popovich Goes Full Throttle On 'Soulless Coward' Donald Trump
HP | Lee Moran | 10/17/17

"We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office."

San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich did not hold back in his latest criticism of President Donald Trump. The five-time NBA champion coach has a history of tearing into Trump, but on Monday he took his condemnation of the commander in chief to the next level by calling him a "soulless coward." ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 17 [13:53]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 17 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Mogadishu Massacre: Hospitals Run Out of Blood, Antibiotics for Victims in Mass Bombing Killing 300+
  3. Meet Tarana Burke, the Activist Who Started #MeToo Campaign to Ignite Conversation on Sexual Assault
Why didn't Kurdish Forces Fight Back the Iraqi Invasion? of Kirkuk? | TRNN | 10/16/17 | 11:50
*On Iran, Trump Follows the Neocons | TRNN | 10/17/17 | 21:06
*Piece By Piece: The End Of Obamacare | 1a.org | 10/17/17 | 1hr
There's a better way to offer health insurance to Americans, according to the president.

Subsidies known as cost-sharing payments are how an estimated 7 million people afford their co-pays and other out-of-pocket costs for medical treatment under the Affordable Care Act. President Trump has decided to do away with these payments to insurers, prompting outcry from both sides of the aisle.

With the enrollment period for the ACA fast approaching and the president pushing forward on his promise to dismantle it, what's at stake for consumers, health care providers, the markets and the lawmakers who have to answer to their constituents?
*Today Is The Day To End Poverty (Literally) | 1a.org | 10/17/17 | 1hr
October 17 is the United Nations' International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Nearly 11 percent of the world's population lives on less than two dollars a day, according to the World Bank. And that's an improvement. The World Bank says more than a billion people have moved out of poverty since 1990.

We ask what worked for that billion, and what would it take to improve the outlook for the world's poorest people.
President Donald Trump Hits 'Rock Bottom' Discussing Fallen Troops | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/17/17 | 12:32
Joe: Why Was Mitch McConnell There With President Donald Trump? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/17/17 | 10:05
Senator John McCain Delivers 'Incredible Moment' On Monday | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/17/17 | 6:36
President Trump: Barack Obama Didn't Call Families Of Fallen U.S. Troops | MSNBC 11th Hour | 10/16/17 | 6:35
House Speaker Paul Ryan Responds To Steve Bannon's Attacks (Full) | MSNBC | 10/16/17 | 8:26
Alt Right
Roger Stone, Deflect Attention | Infowars | 10/16/17 | 17:27
Info-Warriors, Seek the Truth | Infowars | 10/15/17 | 39:47
Roger Stone Discusses Barry Seal (American Made) | Infowars | older 10/09/17 | 29:06
President Trump Delivers Speech to the 2017 Values Voter Summit. | C-Span | 10/14/17 | 30:26
Watch Phil Robertson Preach! Values Voters Summit. | C-Span | 10/13/17 | 31:53
Roger Stone Speech at "Free-Speech" (10/14/2017) | C-Span | 10/13/17 | 31:53

10.17.2017. 10:55

Monday October 16, 2017

Deficit hawks trampled in GOP tax cut stampede
Politico | Rachael Bade | 10/16/17

But Republicans are still squabbling over the rising red ink, potentially jeopardizing Trump's tax plan.

Republicans' unified control of Washington is triggering an identity crisis within the party over what it means to be a fiscal conservative in the age of Donald Trump: Do deficits even matter, or do tax cuts trump all? If the White House and GOP lawmakers can't come to terms on the matter soon, it could very well doom Trump's cherished tax reform initiative.

Conservatives have long railed against the nation's now-$20 trillion debt. But now that they're desperate to pass a tax bill, many Republicans' repulsion to red ink is fading fast. Yet some deficit hard-liners are holding the line, insisting that tax cuts be paid for, either by axing deductions or with stiff spending cuts. ... Read more

Bomb Blasts Kill At Least 300 People In Somalia's Capital
HP | Reuters | date

The deadliest attack since the Islamist insurgency began in the country.

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - More than 300 people died after twin bomb explosions in Mogadishu, an official said on Monday, as locals packed hospitals in search of friends and relatives caught up in Somalia's deadliest attack in a decade.

"We have confirmed 300 people died in the blast. The death toll will still be higher because some people are still missing," Abdikadir Abdirahman, the director of the city's ambulance service, told Reuters on Monday. ... Read more

John Oliver Discusses Equifax
John Oliver discusses the massive impact of the cybersecurity breach at Equifax and their massively misguided attempts to mitigate the damage. | John Oliver | 10/15/17 | 15:21
*How the Iran nuclear deal works, explained in 3 minutes | Vox | 07/15/15 | 3:05
*The Middle East's cold war, explained | Vox | 07/17/17 | 10:18
Sunday Morning Talk/News Shows
Rex Tillerson full State of the Union interview | CNN | 10/15/17 | 17:33
Can the relationship between President Trump and Capitol Hill be repaired? | Face The Nation | 10/15/17 | 10:21
Tillerson says there are gaps in the Iran Nuclear Deal | Face The Nation | 10/15/17 | 8:56
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 16 [13:00]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 16 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. "Stop the Unconstitutional War in Yemen": Rep. Ro Khanna on Growing Opposition to U.S.-Backed War
  3. CA Rep. Khanna: "We Can't Control Environmental Catastrophes Caused by Extreme Climate Conditions"
  4. Scientist Daniel Swain on "Unprecedented Climate Conditions" Contributing to Deadly CA Wildfires
  5. "Everything was on Fire": CA Resident Describes Fleeing 30-Foot-High Flames Surrounding Her Ranch
  6. COINTELPRO 2? FBI Targets "Black Identity Extremists" Despite Surge in White Supremacist Violence
"Everything was on Fire": CA Resident Describes Fleeing 30-Foot-High Flames Surrounding Her Ranch | DN | 10/16/17 | 7:00
Scientist Daniel Swain on "Unprecedented Climate Conditions" Contributing to Deadly CA Wildfires | DN | 10/16/17 | 7:41
Decertifying Iran Deal, Trump Escalates His War | TRNN | 10/13/17 | 11:49
Return to Kandahar by Paul Jay and Nelofer Pazira (Documentary) | TRNN | 2002 | 1:04:48
How Trump Has Moved The Overton Window To The Extreme Right | TYT | 10/13/17 | 2:30
Lacking Policy Vision, Donald Trump Attacks Barack Obama Accomplishments | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/13/17 | 7:31
Leon Panetta: Donald Trump's Iran Deal Speech Is 'A Terrible Mistake' | MTP Daily | 10/13/17 | 7:17
Sen. Bob Corker: Donald Trump Has 'Publicly Castrated' Rex Tillerson | MSNBC Last Word | 10/13/17 | 5:58
Former Donald Trump Aide Priebus Questioned In Robert Mueller's Russia Probe | MSNBC 11th Hour | 10/13/17 | 7:14
Gen. Barry McCaffrey: Donald Trump Could Lead U.S. To War With North Korea | MSNBC 11th Hour | 10/13/17 | 3:13
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Models Trump's New Border Wall Prototypes | Stephen Colbert | 10/14/17 | 4:03
Late Show Presents: One Week Older, Equal Time Edition | Stephen Colbert | 10/14/17 | 4:14
Jimmy Kimmel Live
CBS Sunday Morning - Jimmy Kimmel's serious side | CBS | 10/15/17 | 9:57
Jimmy Kimmel's Plan to Stop Trump's Angry Tweeting | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/13/17 | 2:01
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Listen Up, Creeps: Weinstein Edition | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/11/17 | 5:56
Alt Right
U.S. Navy Heading Over to Deal With North Korea | Right Wing | 10/11/17 | 11:20
Startling New Las Vegas Shooting Evidence That Changes Everything | Right Wing | 10/13/17 | 10:06
Steve Bannon Voters Values Summit Full Speech (10/14/2017) | C-Span | 10/15/17 | 37:51
Sebastian Gorka Values Voter Summit Full Speech (10/14/2017) | C-Span | 10/15/17 | 19:51
Gorka & Bannon on Breitbart News Saturday (10/14/2017) | Conservative Citizen | 10/14/17 | 19:04

10.16.2017. 11:10

Friday October 13, 2017

John Kelly lets loose
Politico | Annie Karni | 10/12/17

He's not quitting or getting fired (at least not today). He's not frustrated in his position. The viral photos of him looking existentially troubled when President Donald Trump speaks? That's just his thinking face. And he does not want to be judged by his ability to control the president -- or the president's Twitter feed.

... Ari Fleischer, a former press secretary to President George W. Bush, said he couldn't remember an example of a Bush-era chief of staff conducting the daily briefing. Another former White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, said he couldn't recall a similar situation unfolding in the Obama White House. ... Read more

John Kelly and the White House News Briefing
John Kelly takes questions from media | CNN | 10/12/17 | 29:58
Watch For What John Kelly Didn't Say In White House Briefing | MSNBC Last Word | 10/12/17 | 16:24

Trump will scrap critical Obamacare subsidies
Politico | Josh Dawsey | 10/12/17

Cutting off the payments to insurers, which could happen almost immediately, is likely to provide another jolt to Obamacare markets.

President Donald Trump plans to cut off subsidy payments to insurers selling Obamacare coverage in his most aggressive move yet to undermine his predecessor's health care law.

The subsidies, which are worth an estimated $7 billion this year and are paid out in monthly installments, may stop almost immediately since Congress hasn't appropriated funding for the program.

The decision -- which leaked out only hours after Trump signed an executive order calling for new regulations to encourage cheap, loosely regulated health plans -- delivered a double whammy to Obamacare after months of failed GOP efforts to repeal the law. With open enrollment for the 2018 plan year set to launch in two weeks, the moves seem aimed at dismantling the law through executive actions. ... Read more

Throwing a bomb into the insurance markets, Trump now owns the busted health-care system
Donald Trump Interview with Sean Hannity
President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Sean Hannity Oct 11, 2017 | 10/11/17 | 18:46
For Facts Sake: Fact Check President Donald Trump's Tax Plan | MSNBC | 10/12/17 | 4:50

Officials Couldn't Believe How Botched Jared Kushner's Clearance Forms Were
HP | Willa Frej | 10/13/17

His paperwork contained more than 100 errors and omissions.

Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, made so many omissions on the security clearance forms he submitted that the governmental body responsible for reviewing them is incredulous. "I have never seen that level of mistakes," Charles Phalen, the director of the National Background Investigations Bureau, told a House subcommittee hearing on Wednesday.

The initial SF-86 form Kushner submitted left out about 100 contacts with foreigner nationals, including his June 2016 meeting he and Donald Trump Jr. had with Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. He had to update it twice.

He also omitted ownership of a real estate tech business, which enabled him to "enrich himself" in the meantime while the company raised millions of dollars, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said in the hearing.

Kushner's attorney Jamie Gorelick said Thursday in a statement that the omissions were the result of an "administrative error." Read more

Trump Unleashes Obamacare Chaos After He Halts Insurer Subsidy
Global Capitalism: Trump's/GOP's Tax Plan and a Changing US Economy | Democracy At Work | 10/11/17 | 1:17:10
Keith Olbermann
Is Mueller Trying to Stop Trump From Pardoning People? (#134) | Keith Olbermann | 10/12/17 | 7:05
What Mike Pence's Cynical Anthem Stunt Cost (#133) | Keith Olbermann | 10/11/17 | 8:45
Our Defense Spending Compared to the Next Eight Countries
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 13 [9:35]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 13 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Rep. Luis Gutiérrez: Trump Wants to Own Puerto Rico But Not Help Those Dying After the Hurricane
  3. Is Trump Slashing Healthcare Subsidies for the Poor to Decimate Obamacare & Cut Taxes for the Rich?
  4. Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton of Duty to Warn: Trump's "Relation to Reality" is Dangerous to Us All
  5. Robert Jay Lifton on the Apocalyptic Twins of Nuclear and Climate Threats & Reflections on Survival
Has the Pentagon Taken Over US Foreign Policy in Afghanistan? Part 1 | TRNN | 08/24/17 | 32:54, Part 2 | 28:08
Does Trump Have Alzheimer's? | TYT | 10/12/17 | 7:05
White House Leak: Trump Is Unraveling | TYT | 10/12/17 | 11:46
Trump Guts Obamacare With Executive Order | TYT | 10/12/17 | 8:35
Donald Trump On Executive Orders...Before He Was President | TYT | 10/12/17 | 4:03
*Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 10/13/17 | 1hr
The biggest news stories this week included President Trump questioning news networks' broadcasting licenses, proposing an IQ test for him and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and escalatingd his feud with Senator Bob Corker, but there was some movement on actual policy and governance.

The president issued an executive order that takes a bite out of the Affordable Care Act. He revised the "soft agreement" he'd struck with Democratic leaders on immigration. And he nominated a new leader of the Department of Homeland Security.

Meanwhile, Congress is moving forward on spending $36.5 billion on disaster relief following severe hurricanes and wildfires.
*Friday News - International | 1a.org | 10/13/17 | 1hr
Will he or won't he? The clock is ticking on President Trump's decision on the Iran nuclear deal. Can the world hold on to the agreement if the U.S. president lets go?

And what about peace in the Middle East, now that rival Palestinians are trying to mend fences?
Wildfires Burn Up Homes and Businesses in California | Bloomberg | 10/13/17 | 4:24
What It's Really Like On The Ground In Puerto Rico | MSNBC All In | 08/12/17 | 4:37
Wealth Comparison Between Obama's Cabinet vs Trump's Cabinet
Click to zoom in
Pressure On Democrats And GOP After Affordable Care Act Order | MSNBC Morning Joe | 08/13/17 | 7:07
Is President Donald Trump's Decision On Iran Nuclear Deal Just A PR Move? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 08/13/17 | 8:35
House Speaker Paul Ryan Discusses President Donald Trump's Feuds With GOP | MSNBC Morning Joe | 08/13/17 | 5:15
Stephen Colbert
Trump's Tax Plan Will Help Truckers. . . .About 30 Of Them | Stephen Colbert | 10/13/17 | 6:29
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump and Systemic Sexism | Seth Meyers | 10/12/17 | 10:22
Jimmy Kimmel Show
Jimmy Kimmel Wants Trump on His Show: "I Could Turn Him Around on a Couple of Things" | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/13/17 | 5:58
Alt Right
Roger Stone Discusses Trump, DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Joined by investigative Journalist Andrew Kerr | Infowars | 08/12/17 | 37:03
Sebastian Gorka on Breitbart News Daily | Conservative Citizen | 08/12/17 | 10:13

10.13.2017. 11:25

Thursday October 12, 2017

California Authorities Say Wildfires Are Only Getting Worse
HP | Sarah Ruiz-Grossman | 10/11/17

Three days after catastrophic wildfires first began scorching Northern California's wine country, authorities say the conditions are likely to deteriorate still further.

"It's actually getting worse," Sonoma Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Spencer Crum said on Wednesday afternoon. "The winds have picked up today, and we have more evacuations."

Since late Sunday evening, wildfires in Sonoma, Napa and neighboring counties have spread rapidly, killing at least 23 people, injuring more than 100 and leaving hundreds missing, according to the Sonoma Sheriff's Office. Thousands have been forced to flee their homes after mandatory evacuations.

"I've been in the fire service for over 30 years, and I'm horrified at what I've seen," said Cal Fire public information officer Jerry Fernandez, who grew up in the Sonoma area. He explained that the fire is at "zero percent containment," meaning it is not controlled, is continuing to spread, and that greater winds could make the situation worse in the coming hours and days. ... Read more

"I Hate Everyone In The White House!": Trump Seethes As Advisers Fear The President Is "Unraveling"
Vanity Fair | Gabriel Sherman | 10/11/17

In recent days, I've spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.

At first it sounded like hyperbole, the escalation of a Twitter war. But now it's clear that Bob Corker's remarkable New York Times interview--in which the Republican senator described the White House as "adult day care" and warned Trump could start World War III--was an inflection point in the Trump presidency. It brought into the open what several people close to the president have recently told me in private: that Trump is "unstable," "losing a step," and "unraveling."

The conversation among some of the president's longtime confidantes, along with the character of some of the leaks emerging from the White House has shifted. There's a new level of concern. NBC News published a report that Trump shocked his national security team when he called for a nearly tenfold increase in the country's nuclear arsenal during a briefing this summer. One Trump adviser confirmed to me it was after this meeting disbanded that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a "moron." ... Read more
Steve Bannon Warned President Donald Trump About The 25th Amendment | MSNBC Last Word | 10/11/17 | 12:52

Trump: We can't keep FEMA, military in Puerto Rico forever
Politico | Louis Nelson | 10/12/17

President Donald Trump warned Thursday that there is a limit to how much federal aid he is willing to expend on Puerto Rico and that "we cannot keep" federal response workers on the island "forever."

"'Puerto Rico survived the Hurricanes, now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making,' says Sharyl Attkisson. A total lack of accountability say the Governor. Electric and all infrastructure was disaster before hurricanes," Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday morning in a series of posts. "Congress to decide how much to spend. We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!" ... Read more

President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Sean Hannity Oct 11, 2017 | 10/11/17 | 18:46

Why the Vegas Shooter Did It
Politico | Daniel Benjamin | 10/12/17

In today's fame-obsessed world, mass killings have become a bloody route to immortality.

Why did he do it? A week after the worst mass killing in modern American history, the search for the motive behind Stephen Paddock's murderous spree in Las Vegas has become a national obsession. Remarkably, though, there appears to be not a scintilla of evidence to support the explanations that have been proposed so far--from the claim that he had secretly become a soldier for ISIS to the possibility that his gambling had led him into a financial mess. The latest theory -- that he had a deep, serious but secret mental illness -- seems less like a diagnosis than a tautology.

Absent a pathologist's determination, though, it's worth considering the message embedded in the Vegas killer's actions even if there is no trail leading to a specific grievance or hatred: Stephen Paddock was determined to make his mark as the most effective mass murderer in American history. A man whose existence was unremarkable, even forgettable, wanted to immortalize himself as a champion in an event that has become in recent years horrifyingly competitive, with six new records since Whitman's shooting and three in just the past decade. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 12 [8:29]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 12 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Tomi-Ann Roberts on Her Encounter with Harvey Weinstein & the Shame Women Feel After Assault
  3. Louise Godbold: "My Encounter with Harvey Weinstein and What It Tells Us About Trauma"
  4. NBC Reportedly Axed the Harvey Weinstein Story as Hollywood Made Rape Survivors the Butt of Jokes
'Unprecedented' California Wildfires: 21 Dead, More than 500 Missing | TRNN | 10/11/17 | 3:36
Trump Wants INSANE Amount Of Nukes | TYT | 10/11/17 | 11:57
Can Trump Shut NBC Down? | TYT | 10/11/17 | 5:52
Wildfire Aftermath Is Haunting | TYT | 10/11/17 | 5:52
*On Fire, Out West | 1a.org | 10/12/17 | 1hr
Wildfires continue to spread in the western United States, blazing through nearly every state west of the Rockies and leaving at least 17 people dead in California.

Every year, the wildfire season seems to get longer, to the point where it seems less like a season and more like a constant. If this is a new fact of life for the West, what can be done about it? Homeowners, farmers and a significant portion of the nation's economy may need to adapt.
*China: How A Superpower Sets Its Agenda | 1a.org | 10/12/17 | 1hr
It's an event that comes around every five years, and it sets the stage for political leadership of the world's most populous country. The national congress of China's Communist Party will convene on October 18, 2017 in Beijing. Chinese president Xi Jinping is likely to secure another five-year term, but there are questions about changing party policies.

China's economy is closing in on the United States' in size and while talk of China replacing the U.S. as the world's largest superpower is still just talk, some experts say more and more nations are looking to China as a viable strategic partner.

We preview the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and ask whether the country's status in the world will be markedly different by the time the next one rolls around.
Bad Leadership Turned Puerto Rico Crisis Into Catastrophe | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/11/17 | 19:13
Vanity Fair Report Paints Troubling White House Picture | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/12/17 | 11:08
Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., discusses -> 'Put The Phone Down,' Donald Trump | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/12/17 | 6:44
Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., of the Foreign Relations Committee -> What Guardrails Can Congress Set For Donald Trump? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/12/17 | 7:46
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
A Penis PSA, October 11, 2017 | 10/11/17 | 2:06
Finnish Fake News | 10/11/17 | 7:11
Listen Up, Creeps: Weinstein Edition | 10/11/17 | 5:56
When you're president, you can tell whatever lies you want. They just let you do it. | older, but entertaining 12/05/16 | 6:47
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
We've Reached A New Level Of 'Angry Trump' | Stephen Colbert | 10/12/17 | 5:09
Trump Doesn't Agree With 'We The People' | Stephen Colbert | 10/12/17 | 5:14

10.12.2017. 11:34

Wednesday October 11, 2017

Deadly California Wildfires Rip Through Once-Safe Areas
WSJ | Erin Ailworth | 10/11/17

Fire officials on Tuesday issued grim tallies as more than a dozen wildfires ripped through Northern California: at least 17 people dead, more than 100 missing, 20,000 evacuated, 115,000 acres charred, and at least 2,000 homes and businesses destroyed. 356 ... Read more

Trump attacks report he wanted massive increase in nuclear arsenal
magazine | author | date

President Trump attacked NBC News on Wednesday, dismissing as "pure fiction" an explosive report that he had sought a massive increase in the nation's nuclear arsenal.

On Twitter, Trump also raised the possibility that he would support stripping the broadcast licenses of news networks that report what he believes to be inaccurate information. The tweets came after NBC News reported that Trump purportedly told senior national security advisers during a meeting last summer that he favored what amounted to nearly a tenfold increase in nuclear weapons. ... Read more

Even though the United States has only 5% of the world's population, it has 25% of its prisoners.

Are Trump's Feuds With Tillerson and Corker a Prelude to War?
TheAtlantic | David A. Graham | 10/10/17

While it's tempting to view the spats as just more palace intrigue, they reveal a president impatient with diplomacy and drawn toward military force.

It is natural to see Donald Trump's latest feuds, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Senator Bob Corker, as just the most recent outbursts from a president who is only comfortable amid feuding. This is, after all, the guy who spent weeks humiliating his attorney general (but never cut him loose) and who runs his Oval Office on the same terms as his reality show, encouraging rivalries and backstabbing. What's new is the targets.

There's certainly some slapstick to the latest round. It includes Trump claiming Corker begged for an endorsement before deciding to retire (all reporting suggests that is untrue), and Corker referring to the White House as an "adult day care" while all but calling the president a liar: "I don't know why the president tweets out things that are not true. You know he does it, everyone knows he does it, but he does." A headline in the national paper of record states, accurately and forthrightly, "Trump Mocks Bob Corker's Height, Escalating Feud with a Key Republican." ... Read more

Cotton to the Defense
Politico | Susan Glasser | date

Tom Cotton is no Bob Corker. At least not yet. And he has a message for Tillerson and Mattis: If you can't get with the Trump program, quit.

This is a moment of truth for President Trump's national security team. He is set to overrule both his secretaries of State and Defense on the Iran nuclear deal this week, declaring it no longer in the U.S. "national interest" in explicit contradiction to their public position. And if they don't like it, Senator Tom Cotton says, then they should get out.

Their "job is now to move out and execute," Cotton, the Arkansas Republican and national security hawk who is one of Trump's closest remaining congressional advisers on foreign policy, says in a new interview for The Global Politico, our weekly podcast on world affairs. Or, "if you feel strongly enough, then you have to resign."

Cotton, who has personally advised Trump in recent days about the new Iran strategy he is set to release this week, stopped short of saying either embattled Secretary of State Rex Tillerson or Defense Secretary Jim Mattis should in fact resign. ... Read more

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 11 [8:53]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 11 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. As Deadly Wildfires Rage in California, a Look at How Global Warming Fuels Decades of Forest Fires
  3. Weeks After Hurricane, Puerto Rico Lacks Water, Working Hospitals, Electricity & Considers Solar
  4. Rev. Jesse Jackson: Colin Kaepernick is a "Martyr" & Deserves the Right to Play Football
  5. Rev. Jesse Jackson: Defend the Constitutional Right to Vote & Expand Automatic Voter Registration
  6. DREAMer: Trump's Deal to Preserve DACA But Escalate Deportations is a "Toxic Deal We Cannot Accept"
As Deadly Wildfires Rage in California, a Look at How Global Warming Fuels Decades of Forest Fires | DN | 10/11/17 | 8:59
*CNN's Jake Tapper Knows What The President Thinks Of His Network | 1a.org | 10/11/17 | 1hr
In 1973, CBS reporter Daniel Schorr read a freshly obtained copy of President Richard Nixon's "enemies list" on air, and found his own name on it.

Now, reporters don't have to dig at all to know what the president thinks of them.

Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump
I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about time!

CNN host and chief Washignton correspondent Jake Tapper hasn't been shy about firing back.

But there's no shortage of criticism of CNN's near-constant coverage of the president. So how does Tapper balance being in the middle, with the president saying his work is fake, others saying it's excessive and millions relying on it every day?
Sexual Allegations Against Harvey Weinstein Expose Open Hollywood Secret | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/10/17 | 20:37
President Donald Trump Called For Tenfold Increase To US Nuclear Arsenal | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/11/17 | 13:23
New York Times Columnist Thomas Friedman: I Hope Rex Tillerson Doesn't Leave | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/11/17 | 10:13
Fallout Over Harvey Weinstein Scandal Continues To Grow | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/11/17 | 15:36
Donald Trump On Reports Rex Tillerson Called Him A Moron: My IQ Is Higher | MSNBC 11th Hour | 10/10/17 | 10:24
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Stephen Found Trump's IQ Test Results | Stephen Colbert | 10/11/17 | 7:48
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Donald Trump Wants You to Know He's Smart | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/11/17 | 2:54
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Pence's NFL stunt, Trump vs. Bob Corker and Puerto Rico | Seth Meyers | 10/10/17 | 11:47

10.11.2017. 17:31

Tuesday October 10, 2017

Clinton chief of staff compares Trump White House 'chaos' to 'telenovelas'
TheHill | author | 08/06/17

Mack McLarty, former White House chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, slammed the Trump administration Sunday, comparing its "chaos" to the drama in "telenovelas." "President Trump needs to regroup. This White House really needs to not have these telenovelas," McLarty told radio host John Catsimatidis in an interview that aired Sunday on AM 970 in New York.

"The President kind of thrives on chaos. It is one thing to do that in a campaign. This president… needs to pivot from the campaign to governing," he continued. "There's too much drama, there's way too much partisanship, and there's not enough focus on the people's business that is making this economy stronger and working for everybody." ... Read more

NBC Meet The Press Full Show | Meet The Press | 10/08/17 | 47:36

Trump’s Russian Laundromat
NewRepublic | Craig Unger | 07/13/17

How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.

A monument to celebrity and conspicuous consumption, the tower was home to the likes of Johnny Carson, Steven Spielberg, and Sophia Loren. Its brash, 38-year-old developer was something of a tabloid celebrity himself. Donald Trump was just coming into his own as a serious player in Manhattan real estate, and Trump Tower was the crown jewel of his growing empire. From the day it opened, the building was a hit—all but a few dozen of its 263 units had sold in the first few months. But Bogatin wasn’t deterred by the limited availability or the sky-high prices. The Russian plunked down $6 million to buy not one or two, but five luxury condos. The big check apparently caught the attention of the owner. According to Wayne Barrett, who investigated the deal for the Village Voice, Trump personally attended the closing, along with Bogatin.

If the transaction seemed suspicious—multiple apartments for a single buyer who appeared to have no legitimate way to put his hands on that much money—there may have been a reason. At the time, Russian mobsters were beginning to invest in high-end real estate, which offered an ideal vehicle to launder money from their criminal enterprises. “During the ’80s and ’90s, we in the U.S. government repeatedly saw a pattern by which criminals would use condos and high-rises to launder money,” says Jonathan Winer, a deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement in the Clinton administration. “It didn’t matter that you paid too much, because the real estate values would rise, and it was a way of turning dirty money into clean money. It was done very systematically, and it explained why there are so many high-rises where the units were sold but no one is living in them.” When Trump Tower was built, as David Cay Johnston reports in The Making of Donald Trump, it was only the second high-rise in New York that accepted anonymous buyers. ... Read more
Trump's Been Laundering Russian Mob Money For Decades, Allegedly | TYT | older 07/24/17 | 24:32

Married to the Mob: Investigative Journalist Craig Unger on What Trump Owes the Russian Mafia | DN | older 07/20/17 | 10:11
Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Russian Oligarchs Exposed | USA News | older 05/13/17 | 45:14
Donald Trump grab her in the Pussy (#132) | Keith Olbermann | 10/09/17 | 6:53
Donald Trump grab her in the Pussy | | 10/08/16 | 6:37
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 10 [11:17]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 10 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Coming soon
Trump Admin to Rollback Obama's Clean Power Plan | TRNN | 10/09/17 | 4:06
U.S. Dirty Energy Depends on Subsidies ($20-$25,000,000,000.00) and Climate Denial | TRNN | 10/05/17 | 9:39
Alt-Right 'Flash Mob' Appears In Charlottesville | TYT | 10/09/17 | 10:49
Trump Team Gangs Up On Republican Senator | TYT | 10/09/17 | 4:35
Mike Pence Leaves NFL Game In "Protest" | TYT | 10/09/17 | 8:09
Trump Defends "Beautiful, Soft" Towels | TYT | 10/09/17 | 7:40
*CNN Special Report - Secret State "Inside North Korea" | CNN | 09/17/17 | 41:23
President Donald Trump Says His IQ Higher Than Rex Tillerson's | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/10/16 | 6:47
'Morning Joe' Unloads on Harvey Weinstein: 'The Silence is Deafening ... Where is Hillary Clinton' | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/10/16 | 5:38
NYT Columnist Nicholas Kristof Goes To North Korea And Leaves Unhopeful | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/10/16 | 8:04
MTP Daily with Chuck Todd 10/09/17 | Meet the Press | 10/09/16 | 44:24
Note: I'm starting to use other peoples screen grabs of major network shows, MSNBC, CNN, ABC. Those accounts can always be change and thus make the videos unavailable. I will try to correct problems when they crop up.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Bob Corker Gives Trump A Taste Of His Own Medicine: A Twitter Insult | Stephen Colbert | 10/10/17 | 7:18
Jon Stewart Grants Trump's Request For Equal Time On Late-Night | Stephen Colbert | 10/10/17 | 6:56
Harvey Weinstein Is A Bad Person | Stephen Colbert | 10/10/17 | 3:09
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter Fight with Donald Trump Jr. | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/09/17 | 5:24
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Women of Late Night React to Harvey Weinstein's Apology | Seth Meyers | 10/09/17 | 4:38
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to the other side... what the Alt Right is listening to.
Roger Stone Cold, Swamp Creatures! | InfoWars | 10/09/17 | 25:29
Alex Jones Interviews Roger Stone | InfoWars | 10/09/17 | 16:47
Fire and Fury Is Code For Secret Super Weapons | Alex Jones/InfoWars | 09/03/17 | 13:26

10.10.2017. 10:38

Monday October 09, 2017

The Enormous Emotional Toll of Trumpism
TheDailyBeast | Joy-Ann Reid | 10/07/17

At a certain point, the distaste becomes exhaustion. Donald Trump's presence in our national life has been alternately infuriating, embarrassing, revolting, gross and bizarre. His non-stop assaults on our political norms are testing our capacity to sustain constant outrage without giving in to despair.

I meet victims of Trump fatigue everywhere. They stop me in airports and restaurants and on the street and ask how long we'll have to put up with this madness -- when will Bob Mueller finally bring him down, and how much more can our systems bend before they break. When I tell them Trump is likely to clamor on until either the 2018 election slows him down or the 2020 election stops him (or if Russian interference, non-white voter suppression and liberal perfectionism succeed again, 'til he terms out in 2024), the look on their faces is something akin to terror.

Try as you might to put him out of your mind, he blunders back into your consciousness. He lumbers across your television and cellphone screens in his giant Trump suits, squinting and pouting with his silent, sullen wife or exhausted looking cabinet members in tow. One minute he's tearing up international agreements. The next, he's tweeting out his inner demons, mocking people of color, taunting unstable dictators with stupid nicknames and generally wreaking havoc. ... Read more

White House believes Kelly's personal phone possibly compromised at transition office
Politico | Josh Dawsey | 10/08/17

Officials have tried to determine whether Kelly signed onto an insecure wireless network or whether a hacker, foreign government or some other outside force could have accessed the phone there.

White House officials have homed in on President Donald Trump's Washington transition headquarters as a likely location where chief of staff John Kelly's personal cellphone could have been compromised in late 2016, two U.S. officials familiar with the matter said.

Kelly, who first served as Trump's secretary of homeland security, reported the phone had stopped working properly in December after he entered the transition office space, which was made available by the General Services Administration, the officials said. Kelly said it functioned well before that time.

Although many of Trump's high-profile meetings with lawmakers and potential Cabinet members before his inauguration occurred in New York at Trump Tower, much of his transition staff worked out of the office space about three blocks from the White House. ... Read more

Which country does the most good for the world? | TED Talk | 07/02/14 | 17:54

Kellyanne Conway: Bob Corker's tweeting is "incredibly irresponsible"
Salon | Matthew Sheffield | 10/09/17

White House counselor denounces Tennessee Republican for doing exactly what her boss does

On Monday, White House adviser Kellyanne Conway inadvertently undermined President Donald Trump as she sought to defend him from critical remarks made by Sen. Bob Corker.

Corker and Trump have been in a feud since Sunday morning when Trump randomly decided to call out the Tennessee Republican as having "begged" for a presidential endorsement, which he did not receive.

"I would fully expect Corker to be a negative voice and stand in the way of our great agenda," Trump wrote. "Didn't have the guts to run!"

Corker swiftly responded to the insult on his own Twitter account, saying, "It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center."

Clearly, the entire spat exists because of Trump. But to listen to Conway's appearance on "Fox and Friends" this morning, it is Corker who is to blame for the controversy, not the president.
Read more

These Are the Tax Issues Threatening to Divide Republicans
Bloomberg | Sahil Kapur | 10/09/17

President Donald Trump and Republican congressional leaders unveiled a framework in September for far-reaching changes to the U.S. tax code. Now it's up to the House and Senate tax-writing committees to turn the framework into legislation that can pass both houses. They can do that without Democratic support because of a Senate procedure that lets them avoid a filibuster on bills related to taxing and spending. But first they have to reach agreement within their own ranks. With Republicans holding 52 seats in the 100-member Senate, only a few defections could sink a bill -- as happened to their failed efforts to repeal Obamacare. Here are issues that might divide Republicans. ...

  1. Will tax cuts add to the deficit?
  2. How will the tax cuts be paid for?
  3. Should the cuts be permanent or temporary?
  4. Should the estate tax be repealed?
  5. How much benefit goes to the wealthy?
  6. Will some middle-income households pay more?
  7. What process should be used?
  8. ...
Read more

The Roots of Trump's Prejudice (#131) | Keith Olbermann | 10/06/17 | 5:45
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 09 [13:46]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 09 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. "Human Flow": World-Renowned Artist & Activist Ai Weiwei on His Epic New Documentary on Refugees
  3. World-Renowned Artist Ai Weiwei on His Childhood in a Labor Camp, Art, Activism, Prison & Freedom
Nuclear Ban Group ICAN Wins Nobel Peace Prize as Trump Threatens to End Iran Deal & Nuke North Koreat | DN | 10/09/17 | 13:37
Edward Smythe of Positive Money says -> UK Household Debt has Reached Unsustainable Levels | TRNN | 10/08/17 | 10:57
Trump Owes 300 Milliony To Deutsche Bank | TYT | old, but enlightenng 12/31/16 | 6:24
Trump's Companies are Almost $1.8 Billion in Debt to More Than 150 Institutions, a New WSJ Report Says | TYT | old, but enlightenng 01/15/17 | 5:37
Trump Still Making Personal Business Deals Despite Conflict Of Interest | TYT | old, but enlightenng 01/17/17 | 12:02
*Do Guns Really Make Us Safer? | 1a.org | 10/09/17 | 1hr
After the mass shooting in Las Vegas, stocks were hot. Shares in some gun companies jumped, and bump stocks -- which allow semi-automatic weapons to fire faster -- are selling more briskly at some gun shops.

But do guns, or ways to fire them faster, make us safer? Is "a good guy with a gun" likely to stop a "bad guy with a gun?"

Research suggesting that this might be the case has been roundly criticized by academics, but these numbers don't seem to deter many shoppers... or lawmakers.
Indigenous Peoples' Day: A Growing Cry Against Columbus | 1a.org | 10/09/17 | 1hr
Columbus Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1937, sparking a controversy that's lasted 80 years.

Critics of the day say there's no reason to celebrate Christopher Columbus, a man whose legend is built on "discovering" a land where people already lived. Some have also called for the second Monday in October to focus more on Native Americans and their mistreatment by European colonists.

It's a growing movement: Five U.S. states currently don't recognize Columbus Day; many more cities have adopted Indigenous Peoples' Day. Is it time for the nation as a whole to reconsider Columbus?
How America Overlooked The Russia Election Hack In One Crazy Day | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/06/17 | 12:38
Donald Trump Tweets Inch Us To Conflict, Says Former NATO Head | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/09/17 | 6:22
Will Hollywood Speak Up On Harvey Weinstein Controversy? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/09/17 | 11:11
The Dangers Of Attacking Republican Senator Bob Corker | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/09/17 | 10:10
President Donald Trump Could Bring About World War III, Senator Bob Corker Charges | TODAY | 10/09/17 | 5:08
LastWeekTonight with John Oliver
Confederate symbols are still celebrated despite the ugly history they symbolize. | John Oliver | 10/08/17 | 21:38
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
White Supremacists, You Won't Like Your DNA Results | Stephen Colbert | 10/08/17 | 5:27
Donald Trump's 1999 Pick-Up Lines, Revealed! | Stephen Colbert | 10/08/17 | 2:08
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Reassessing the Same Old Debate on Gun Control | Trevor Noah | 10/09/17 | 4:29
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to the other side... what the Alt Right is listening to.
Fox News
What did Trump mean with 'calm before the storm' comments? | FoxNews | 10/07/17 | 4:29
The Economist (??)
The War Is Coming! TRUMP on Attacking North Korea: "Sorry But Only One Thing Will Work" | The Economist | 10/08/17 | 13:17
The Alex Jones Channel
Roger Stone: Trump Is Planning To Strike North Korea! Strategic Patience Is Over | Alex Jones | 10/08/17 | 20:50

10.09.2017. 12:08

Friday October 06, 2017

John Kelly's personal cellphone was compromised, White House believes
Politico | Josh Dawsey | 10/05/17

White House tech support discovered the suspected breach after Kelly turned his phone in to tech support staff this summer.

White House officials believe that chief of staff John Kelly's personal cellphone was compromised, potentially as long ago as December, according to three U.S. government officials. The discovery raises concerns that hackers or foreign governments may have had access to data on Kelly's phone while he was secretary of Homeland Security and after he joined the West Wing.

Tech support staff discovered the suspected breach after Kelly turned his phone in to White House tech support this summer complaining that it wasn't working or updating software properly.

Kelly told the staffers the phone hadn't been working properly for months, according to the officials. ... Read more
TRMS Exclusive: Secret Service Bans Mobile Devices In West Wing | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 10/05/17 | 11:42

Trump to 'decertify' Iran nuclear deal next week: report
TheHill | Rebecca Kheel | 10/05/17

President Trump plans to "decertify" the Iran nuclear deal next week and announce that it is not in the United States' national interest, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Such an announcement would leave the next move up to Congress, which would have 60 days to use a fast-track process to reimpose sanctions and deliver a potentially fatal blow to the deal, which Tehran agreed to in 2015 with the U.S. and five other nations.

Trump faces an Oct. 15 deadline to tell Congress whether Iran remains in compliance with the Obama-era nuclear accord, which gave Tehran billions of dollars of sanctions relief in exchange for limits on its nuclear program. Read more
How Trump Is Sabotaging Iran Nuclear Deal | TYT | 10/05/17 | 17:49

'Calm before storm': Trump warns he'll 'put an end to Iran's aggression & nuclear ambitions' | RT | 10/06/17 | 2:12
Donald Trump Says Cryptically 'It's The Calm Before The Storm' | MSNBC Last Word | 10/06/17 | 8:45
The World's Glaciers
The Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting Faster Than Anywhere On Earth | Journeyman Pictures | 09/07/16 | 8:27
Glacier melt in B.C. at 'shocking' levels | The National | 10/21/15 | 10:18
World's fastest glacier. Calving enormous iceberg in Greenland. | Ruben poulsen | 09/02/15 | 11:21
World's fastest glacier, calving enormous iceberg. Captured in a plane, by me, Ruben Wernberg Poulsen. I was only 12 years old and i filmed this with an iPad. Sorry for the unstable camera
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines forFriday, October 06 [13:15]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, October 06 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Nuclear Ban Group ICAN Wins Nobel Peace Prize as Trump Threatens to End Iran Deal & Nuke North Korea
  3. Are Trump's Efforts to Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal a Precursor for U.S. War with Iran?
  4. Will the NRA Use Regulation of "Bump Stocks" as Excuse to Avoid "Real Action" on Gun Control?
  5. Special Report: Puerto Ricans in Vieques Cope with Devastation & Fear Toxic Contamination from Maria
*Professor Vijay Prashad -> Trump Plans to Decertify Iran Nuclear Deal | TRNN | 10/05/17 | 8:04
Trump Targets Iran Deal and Hints at War | TRNN | 10/06/17 | 11:53
Click to zoom in
*Who Gets The Most Money From The NRA? | TYT | 10/05/17 | 7:51
'Bump-Fire' Stocks Flying Off The Shelves After Vegas Tragedy | TYT | 10/05/17 | 11:08
*Friday News - Domestic | 1a.org | 10/06/17 | 1hr
President Trump visits San Juan two weeks after Hurricane Maria. He then flies to Las Vegas days after the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Investigators continue their search for a motive as the nation mourns the deaths of 58 people shot by a lone Nevada gunman.

Public comments by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to affirm his support for the president seem to highlight tensions between them.

Congress grills the former CEO of Equifax over a massive data breach. And Yahoo! discloses an even bigger breach, affecting 3 billion users.
*Friday News - International | 1a.org | 10/06/17 | 1hr
As Rex Tillerson works diplomatic channels on the North Korea crisis, the president tweets that his secretary of state is "wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man."

The worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history prompts a global response. World leaders send their condolences and many again ask why the U.S. cannot seem to do anything to resolve its gun violence problem. Australia offers to help and says it is time for America to "get real."

What's at stake for American credibility overseas?
Stocks Riding 20-Year-High Help Keep Donald Trump Afloat | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/06/17 | 7:09
President Donald Trump 'Storm' Remarks For Our Adversaries: Ignatius | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/06/17 | 6:00
Former Defense Secretary Criticizes President Donald Trump's Rhetoric | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/06/17 | 10:28
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
The Triumvirate Of Stupidity: Tillerson, Mattis And Mnuchin | Stephen Colbert | 10/06/17 | 3:43
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
A Primer On Puerto Rico | October 4, 2017 | Samantha Beet | 10/04/17 | 6:11
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Between the Scenes - The All-American Gun Debate | Trevor Noah | 10/05/17 | 3:38
Alt Right
Note: I add this just to expose you to the other side... what the Alt Right is listening to.
Bill O'Reilly on The Sean Hannity Show | Conservative Citizen | 10/05/17 | 17:49
Bill O'Reilly on The Laura Ingraham Show | Conservative Citizen | 10/05/17 | 10:59
Alex Jones
Roger Stone Covers Latest News and Current Events October 4th 2017 | Alex Jones | 10/05/17 | 35:19
Sebastian Gorka on Breitbart News Daily (10/6/2017) | Conservative Citizen | 10/06/17 | 43:08
Sebastian Gorka - Principles of an America-First Foreign Policy | Hillsdale College | 09/19/17 | 46:14

10.06.2017. 13:35

Thursday October 05, 2017

'Death spiral': Tillerson makes nice but may not last long with Trump
WashingtonPost | Anne Gearan | 10/04/17

The moment was as remarkable as it was unprecedented: A sitting U.S. secretary of state took to the microphone to pledge his fealty to the president -- despite his well-documented unhappiness in the job and the growing presumption in Washington that he is a short-timer.

Rex Tillerson said Wednesday he would stay as long as President Trump wants him to, and Trump said he has "full confidence" in the former ExxonMobil chief executive. Shortly afterward, Tillerson's spokeswoman also felt compelled to publicly deny an NBC News report that Tillerson had called the president a "moron," and she said he was determined to remain in his job.

But Tillerson's move on Wednesday to reassure Trump of his convictions may well be too little and too late for the long term, according to the accounts of 19 current and former senior administration officials and Capitol Hill aides, most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to offer candid assessments.... Read more

America's Gun Violence Problem Costs Taxpayers A Staggering Amount Each Year.
It's estimated that the Las Vegas massacre will cost at least $600 million.

Mystery Deepens on Las Vegas Shooter's Motive as Police Quiz Girlfriend
WSJ | Kate King | 10/05/7

The girlfriend of the Las Vegas shooter said she will cooperate with investigators, who see her as the key to understanding the motives behind one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.

Marilou Danley said through her lawyer she returned to the U.S. voluntarily to help with the investigation, but she never witnessed anything that led her to believe that Stephen Paddock was preparing an attack that so far has resulted in 59 fatalities, including his own. ... Read more

NRA: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | John Oliver | 10/04/15 | 12:37

The Problem With Trump's Madman Theory
TheAtlantic | Tim Naftali | 10/04/17

It didn't work for Nixon. It's even less likely to work now.

Last weekend, President Donald Trump reportedly told the U.S. trade representative to scare South Korean negotiators by telling them he was a madman. "You tell [the South Koreans] if they don't give the concessions now, this crazy guy will pull out of the deal," he said, referring to the U.S.-Korea free trade agreement. That report came at the end of a day in which the president's tweets about another issue on the Korean peninsula evoked comparisons to the Nixon-era "madman theory" that you can scare an opponent into concessions by cultivating an image of recklessness. "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," the president wrote. "... Save your energy Rex, we'll do what needs to be done!"

Although President Trump credits himself with breaking every presidential norm, in choosing to intimidate foreign opponents through feigned (or real) recklessness, he is borrowing from the playbook of a predecessor. ... Read more

Every "None-Violent" Person Has a Place in this World. We Just Got To Find It.
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines forWednesday, October 05 [11:17]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Thursday, October 05 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Russian Journalist Masha Gessen on Trump & Putin's Autocracy and Media's Refusal to Call Out Lies
  3. Masha Gessen: Trump Doing "Incredible Damage" to Democracy While Media is Obsessed with Russia Probe
  4. "It Was an Insult": Rep. Nydia Velázquez on Trump's Visit to Puerto Rico, Attacks on San Juan Mayor
*The White House has already walked back President Trump's suggestion of debt relief for Puerto Rico, threatening more draconian austerity | TRNN | 10/04/17 | 10:33
*Bill Black -> Senator Warren: Equifax Profits from Data Hack While Consumers Pay the Price | TRNN | 10/04/17 | 10:12
*Trump's Tax Plan Helps Wall Street, Not Main Street | TRNN | 10/05/17 | 11:08
Tillerson On Calling Trump A "F*cking Moron" | TYT | 10/04/17 | 11:48
Puerto Rico: Disaster And Debt | 1a.org | 10/05/17 | 1hr
The death toll from destruction caused by Hurricane Maria rose in Puerto Rico this week. Thirty-four people have been confirmed dead and that number could rise in the coming days.

Millions on the island are still without electricity and access to clean water and food remains a problem for many Puerto Ricans. The President's visit this week arguably did little to offer a sense of relief.

Trump did, however, allude to relieving the island's $73 billion debt...before others in his administration walked back the president's comments.
How Ivanka And Don Jr. Trump Avoided Criminal Indictment | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/05/17 | 11:03
Carol Lee: We Stand By Our Story On Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/05/17 | 6:07
Senator Chris Coons Is Worried About Morale In State Department | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/05/17 | 3:16
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Did Rex Tillerson Call Trump A 'Moron' Or A 'F***ing Moron'? | Stephen Colbert | 10/05/17 | 9:39
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
How Russia Is Dividing America with Real "Fake News" | Trevor Noah | 10/04/17 | 7:21
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr, Facebook Testifies Before Congress | Seth Meyers | 10/05/17 | 3:51

10.05.2017. 12:13

Wednesday October 04, 2017

How The Las Vegas Massacre Unfolded
HP | Mollie Reilly | 10/04/17

It was just after 9:40 p.m. when Donny Lee, his wife and some friends watched country superstar Jason Aldean take the stage to close out the Route 91 Harvest festival, a three-day country music celebration that drew fans from around the country to the famed Las Vegas Strip

Lee's group was among the 22,000 people packing the 15-acre open-air venue for three days of country-tinged revelry in the nation's most prominent party city. Held in a former parking lot near the Luxor and Mandalay Bay resorts, the festival known as the "neon sleepover" billed itself as a relatively intimate chance for country fans to see some of their favorite artists in one place. For many attendees, the early fall gathering -- this year celebrating its fourth anniversary -- had become an annual tradition. It was the last night of the festival, and the grounds were packed. ... Read more

Bernie Sanders: Trump's Puerto Rico tweets are unspeakable | CNN | 10/01/17 | 8:03

Leaked Talking Points Reveal White House Plan to Spin Las Vegas Massacre
AlterNet | Bob Brigham | 10/04/17

NBC news has revealed secret White House talking points on the mass shooting massacre at the Mandalay Hotel in Las Vegas.

The talking points produced by the White House communications department add context to the comments President Trump's administration has made since the shooting.

Early Tuesday President Donald Trump vowed to look at gun laws, "as time goes by." The secret White House talking points have a similar message, stating, "let's gather the facts before we make sweeping policy arguments for curtailing the Second Amendment." ... Read more

Rex Tillerson, Trump's Secretary of State, Reaffirms Support for President
NYTimes | Eileen Sullivan | 10/04/17

Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, in a hastily convened news conference on Wednesday, denied that he had ever considered resigning and dismissed an NBC News article reporting that he had called President Trump a "moron."

Mr. Tillerson said that Vice President Mike Pence had never had to persuade him to remain as secretary of state, as the NBC News story had reported, "because I have never considered leaving this post." Mr. Tillerson refused to address whether he had called the president a "moron." ... Read more

Mongolia's Nomads

Tillerson Says He's Not Quitting After Report He Called Trump a 'Moron'
Bloomberg | Nick Wadhams | 10/04/17

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he's "never considered" leaving his job, rejecting news reports that he had denigrated President Donald Trump and weighed resigning.

"My commitment to the success of the president and the country is as strong as it was the day I accepted his offer to serve as secretary of state," Tillerson, 65, told reporters Wednesday at the State Department in Washington. "I have never considered leaving this post." ... Read more

Trump is Not Planning to Rebuild Puerto Rico (#130) | Keith Olbermann | 10/03/17 | 7:33
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines forWednesday, October 04 [13:25]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, October 04 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Could Trump Actually Cancel Puerto Rico's Wall Street Debt After Devastation of Hurricane Maria?
  3. After Las Vegas Massacre, Advocates Look to Australia's Successful Fight to Curb Gun Violence
  4. Rev. Barber: Systematic Racialized Voter Suppression is the "Election Hacking" the U.S. Must Address
  5. Rev. Barber on NFL Protests: MLK Kneels, Prophets in the Bible Kneel, I Kneel -- It Should Be Applauded
After Las Vegas Massacre, Advocates Look to Australia's Successful Fight to Curb Gun Violence | DN | 10/04/17 | 12:21
Puerto Ricans Protest Trump's Visit, Denounce Militarization Amid Lack of Aid Distribution | DN | 10/03/17 | 10:34
Oxford University climate scientist Richard Millar says -> New Study Says Extreme Climate Change Preventable | TRNN | 10/04/17 | 19:44
Rebecca Peters discusses how gun control, like the kind she helped win in her native Australia | TRNN | 10/04/17 | 13:18
NRA Host: Feet Can Kill People Too! Should We Ban Feet?!? | TYT | 10/03/17 | 3:54
Fake News Goes Viral After Las Vegas Shooting | TYT | 10/03/17 | 12:08
The Living Wounded | 1a.org | 10/04/17 | 1hr
In the days to come, the victims whose lives were taken in the Las Vegas shooting massacre will be honored and remembered. But many who survived the tragedy with serious injuries are just coming to terms with difficult days ahead.

The physical damage from a gunshot wound can do severe damage to blood vessels, bones and organs. The mental and emotional trauma often long outlast the wounds. And the costs for immediate or long-term medical treatment of a gunshot can add greatly to a victim's burden.
Exclusive: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Was On Verge Of Resigning | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/04/17 | 10:30
Ignatius: Knives Could Be Out Now For Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/04/17 | 13:55
How Will Donald Trump React To Being Called 'Moron' By Tillerson? | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/04/17 | 5:21
Donald Trump Shows 'Basic Lack Of Humanity' In Puerto Rico | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/04/17 | 7:01
Congressman Tom Cole: No Quick, Easy Solution To Prevent Massacres | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/04/17 | 6:01
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Trump Blames Puerto Rico For Running Up His Budget | Stephen Colbert | 10/04/17 | 2:35
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Fox News Has a Hard Time Processing the Las Vegas Shooting | Trevor Noah | 10/03/17 | 9:00
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Late Night White House Press Briefing: What Does Vice President Pence Call Sex? | Seth Meyers | 10/03/17 | 4:42
Saturday Night Live
President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) speaks with Sarah Huckabee Sanders ... | SNL | 10/01/17 | 5:46
Right Wing Stuff
Right Wing - YouTube Channel
Trump About To Invade North Korea!! WW3 Nuclear Attack | Right Wing | 10/02/17 | 11:56
Getting Ready To Invade North Korea!! WW3 | Right Wing | 08/02/17 | 14:03
Alex Jones Channel
Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites | Alex Jones Channel | 04/07/17 | 7:45

10.04.2017. 10:47

Tuesday October 03, 2017

What We Know About The Las Vegas Shooting Victims
HP | Jenna Amatulli | 10/02/17

The deadliest mass shooting in modern American history took place on Sunday, when a gunman opened fire at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. At least 59 people were killed and over 500 wounded. The suspect, Stephen Paddock, was later found dead in his hotel room.

This is what we know about the victims whose names have been released. ... Read more

Stephen Paddock, Las Vegas Suspect, Was a Gambler Who Drew Little Attention
NYTimes | Jose A. Delreal | 10/02/17

He was a high-stakes gambler recognized in the casinos of Nevada. He dabbled in real estate investments in Texas. His last known full-time employment was 30 years ago. He was twice divorced. He had a pilot's license and had owned two single-engine planes.

While his motive for the mass shooting outside a Las Vegas casino on Sunday night is unknown, details of Stephen Paddock's history pointed to an unmoored and highly unconventional life.

From his neighbors in a quiet retirement community in Mesquite, Nev., he drew little attention, unless it was for his extreme propensity to keep to himself. He displayed no strong religious or political views, his relatives said, and was not known for angry outbursts. ... Read more

DOJ releases overruled memos finding it illegal for presidents to appoint relatives
Politico | Josh Gerstein | 10/03/17

The legal opinion that cleared the way for Kushner and Ivanka Trump appointments reversed earlier advice.

The Justice Department has released a series of recently overruled legal memos concluding that presidents cannot appoint their relatives to the White House staff or presidential commissions, even to unpaid posts.

In January, a career Justice Department official essentially declared the earlier opinions erroneous or obsolete, clearing the way for President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner to take a senior adviser position in the White House. First daughter Ivanka Trump later took a similar official but unpaid slot under the same legal rationale.

The newly-disclosed opinions, issued to the Nixon, Carter and Reagan White House and obtained by POLITICO Monday through a Freedom of Information Act request, detail how Justice Department lawyers concluded for decades that such appointments of family members were illegal under an anti-nepotism law passed in 1967. ... Read more

Trump brings harsh edge to Puerto Rico trip
Politico | Matthew Nussbaum | 10/03/17

President Donald Trump brought a jarring tone to Puerto Rico as he was briefed on the hurricane devastation, appearing to blame the U.S. territory for having "thrown our budget a little out of whack" and complimenting officials for sustaining only 16 deaths, compared with the much higher human toll of Hurricane Katrina.

"I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you've thrown our budget a little out of whack because we've spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico," Trump said Tuesday in his first public remarks from the island, which declared a form of bankruptcy in May. "And that's fine."

"Sixteen people versus in the thousands," the president said, overstating Katrina's death toll. "You can be very proud of all of your people, all of our people working together," he told Gov. Ricardo Rosselló. "Sixteen versus literally thousands of people. You can be very proud. Everybody around this table and everybody watching can really be very proud of what's taken place in Puerto Rico." ... Read more

Trump's "Condolences and Sympathies" Won't Cut It (#129) | Keith Olbermann | 10/02/17 | 5:18
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 03 [10:09]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, October 03 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. As Las Vegas Massacre Toll Rises, Calls Grow for Background Checks on Nevada Gun Sales
  3. After Las Vegas Massacre, Republicans in Congress Push Bills That Could Make Mass Shootings Deadlier
  4. "They Don't Care Who the Guns Go To": Experts Warn Trump Admin. Plans to Widen U.S. Weapons Exports
  5. Puerto Ricans Protest Trump's Visit, Denounce Militarization Amid Lack of Aid Distribution
*"They Don't Care Who the Guns Go To": Experts Warn Trump Admin. Plans to Widen U.S. Weapons Exports | DN | 10/03/17 | 4:35
*The US is Backing Saudi War Crimes in Yemen | TRNN | 10/02/17 | 10:25
Trump Refuses to Address Gun Control After Worst Mass Shooting in US History | TRNN | 10/02/17 | 3:06
Fox News Calls Out Trump Tax Cut Lies | TYT | 10/02/17 | 11:46
Beyond Thoughts, Prayers And Talking Points | 1a.org | 10/03/17 | 1hr
In the case of Las Vegas, a gunman opened fire on a crowd of thousands from a perch above an outdoor concert, killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 others.

It's the deadliest such event in recent U.S. history. And although mass shootings are relatively rare, it can feel like they happen all the time because of the level of carnage and the usual "soft target" settings they occur in.

The gun debate will undoubtedly flare up again, but in the aftermath of Las Vegas, we check in on how the country is feeling following another mass shooting.
Telling Time: Ta-Nehisi Coates On The History That Continues To Haunt America | 1a.org | 10/03/17 | 1hr
Coates' new book, "We Were Eight Years In Power," collects essays he published during the Obama administration and appends them with new writing and reflections. But that's not his only new writing. Coates has written a run of the Black Panther comics for Marvel and he has a historical novel in the works.

He joins us to talk about his journalism, comics, the transition from Presidents Obama to Trump and more.
Joe: At Some Point, Congress Has To Say Enough | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/03/17 | 4:50
Chris Hayes: If This Isn't Terrorism, What Is? | MSNBC All In | 10/03/17 | 6:20

Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Everyone really came together to roll up their sleeves and compliment the President on the great job he's doing in Puerto Rico. | Samantha Bee | 09/02/17 | 2:39
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice' | Stephen Colbert | 10/02/17 | 2:35
Puerto Rico Deals With Another Storm: A Presidential Twitter Tantrum | Stephen Colbert | 10/03/17 | 10:31
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Trevor Responds to the Las Vegas Shooting & Trump Tweets the Weekend Away | Trevor Noah | 10/02/17 | 10:38
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Jimmy Kimmel on Mass Shooting in Las Vegas | Jimmy Kimmel | 10/02/17 | 9:54

10.03.2017. 14:45

Monday October 02, 2017

At Least 50 Dead, Hundreds Wounded In Shooting At Las Vegas Country Music Festival
HP | Ed Mazza | 10/02/17

  1. Stephen Paddock, 64, opened fire on 22,000 concertgoers from his room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Last Vegas around 10 p.m. on Sunday night
  2. At least 50 people were dead and over 400 people were sent to nearby hospitals.
  3. Paddock, who had no serious criminal history, died of an apparent self-inflicted wound. Police could not immediately determine a motive.

At least 50 people were killed and hundreds wounded after a gunman opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas late Sunday night, police said. It was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, shot at over 22,000 concertgoers from a room on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino around 10 p.m., Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said. Las Vegas Police said SWAT team members found Paddock dead after they breached his room and that they found at least 10 firearms in the room, including "long rifles." ... Read more

Trump to unleash more global arms sales
Politico | Bryan Bender | 09/29/17

The easing of restrictions on international weapons deals could create U.S. jobs, but critics fear it will inflame war zones.

President Donald Trump is preparing to ease some restrictions on U.S. weapons sales overseas, sparking concerns about further flooding the international market with high-tech weapons and inflaming feuds in hot spots like the Middle East.

The changes, which could include enlisting the State Department and Pentagon to more actively advocate on behalf of American arms manufacturers, are set to be included in an executive order or presidential memorandum that Trump will issue this fall, according to three administration officials involved in the deliberations.

The U.S. is already the global leader in weapons exports, accounting for more than half the world's annual arms deals. The new "arms transfer initiative," being run out of the White House National Security Council, aims to make U.S. companies more competitive when allies are shopping for fighter jets, ground vehicles, warships, missile defenses and other military gear in an intensely competitive market, the officials told POLITICO. ... Read more

*Ken Burns and Lynn Novick: The Vietnam War Is the Key to Understanding America | ReasonTV | 09/13/17 | 41:02
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick - The Vietnam War
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. THE VIETNAM WAR features more than 100 iconic musical recordings from greatest artists of the era and haunting original music from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross as well as the Silk Road Ensemble featuring Yo-Yo Ma.
Episode 01: Déjà Vu (1858-1961) | PBS | 1:25:46
The Vietnam War is a ten-part, 18-hour documentary film series directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick - The Vietnam War | Netflix
Hearts and Minds (Vietnam) (1973) | Peter Davis | 1973 | 1:52:01
Sir No Sir (2005) | | 2005 | 49:27
My Father's Vietnam (2015) | | 2015 | 1:18:42
PBS - Vietnam War Stories | 03/25/17 | 55:41
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 02 [13:15]
Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, October 02 (FULL) | 59:02
Note: on the full 59:02 video look for small white (or black) circles on the Progressbar they denote the different news stories. You can move the pointer on the Progressbar to jump to each story, and around the video.
Note2: You might have to scroll the windows down 1/2 inch to capture the full video.
  1. Headlines
  2. Father of Lin-Manuel Miranda Slams Trump's "Racist" Attack on Puerto Ricans After Hurricane Maria
  3. Juan González: Puerto Rico's Financial Control Board Worsened Crisis After Hurricane Maria
  4. "We Cannot Wait": Puerto Rico's Residents Organize to Provide Food & Water After Hurricane Maria
  5. Activist: U.S. Response to Puerto Rico "Lifts the Veil of Colonialism" & 119 Years of Exploitation
  6. Spanish Police Injure 800 in Crackdown on Catalonia Independence Referendum as Crisis Escalates
Full Interview: Michael Moore on His Broadway Show, Trump, Puerto Rico, NFL & Media Support for War | DN | 09/29/17 | 39:43
Trump Unleashing American Guns | TYT | 10/01/17 | 11:57
Trump To Let Wall Street Self-Report Misconduct | TYT | 10/01/17 | 15:09
Trump Taking Healthcare On By Himself | TYT | 10/01/17 | 9:23
An Update On Las Vegas | 1a.org | 10/02/17 | 1hr
An Update On Las Vegas | 1a.org | 10/02/17 | 1hr
It's being called the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. More than 50 people are dead and more than 200 are injured after a gunman opened fire on a crowd at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas.

Officials have identified the suspected shooter as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock. Law enforcement says Paddock fired at the crowd from his room in a nearby hotel, and the sheriff says Paddock killed himself when police stormed the room.
The Supreme Court Returns To Talk Gerrymandering And More... | 1a.org | 10/02/17 | 1hr
The Supreme Court's next term is underway, putting all three branches of the federal government to work for the fall. One of the most-anticipated cases is a review of partisan gerrymandering, which could bring major changes to the art of politicking across the country.

But the court calendar is crowded with other cases, too. We'll discuss the ones to watch and how new precedents might be established.
*Pattern Of Abuse Of Taxpayer Money Seen In Wealthy Donald Trump Staff | MSNBC Rachel Maddow | 09/29/17 | 18:39
*Chuck Todd, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin - 10/01/17 | MSNBC Meet the Press | 10/01/17 | 10:04
Las Vegas Shooting Suspect Identified | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/02/17 | 4:16
Las Vegas Shooter's Brother Eric Paddock Expresses Shock: He Was Just A Guy | MSNBC Morning Joe | 10/02/17 | 6:40
'My Brother Did This...I Couldn't Be More Dumbfounded' | CBS New York | 10/02/17 | 6:22
The Real Reason Tom Price Resigned | MSNBC Last Word | 09/29/17 | 9:31
LastWeekTonight with John Oliver
Forensic Science: Last Week Tonight | John Oliver | 10/01/17 | 18:50
Bill Maher
Real Time with Bill Maher: Did i Just Shits My Self | Bill Maher | 09/24/17 | 25:43

10.02.2017. 12:45

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Lindsey Graham Mashups
Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

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Environment & Climate Change

The term "climate change" is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate change (also known as global warming). Anthropogenic climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth's natural processes.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals.

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated.
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Quantum mechanics | AI - Artificial Intelligence
Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.  It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.
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Economy, Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street and Banksters

Wall Street is an eight-block-long street running roughly northwest to southeast from Broadway to South Street, at the East River, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial services industry (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or New York-based financial interests.

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Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

Intelligence Agencies/Deep State?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Means of information gathering are both overt and covert and may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis,.

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Daniel Ellsberg | Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg and Paul Jay explore Ellsberg's latest book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. In the introduction to the book, Ellsberg writes: "No policies in human history have more deserved to be recognized as immoral or insane. The story of how this calamitous predicament came about and how and why it has persisted over a half a century is a chronicle of human madness".

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Nuclear weapons have come a long way and come in all types of different sizes. Some are relatively small while others are enormous, so big they boggle the mind at what they can be capable of, i.e. the Soviet 'Tsar Bomba' is/was 3,000 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.

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Rana Foroohar and Fall of American Business
Rana Foroohar

Ms. Foroohar says financialization delivers stagnant wages, inequality and economic crisis; the Financial Times columnist and author of "Makers and Takers" says the financial sector represents only 7 percent of the U.S. economy, but takes around 25 percent of all corporate profit while creating only 4 percent of all jobs.

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The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone & Petere Kuznick | 2014 | 10 Episodes

Oliver Stone and American University historian Peter J. Kuznick began working on the project in 2008. Stone, Kuznick and British screenwriter Matt Graham cowrote the script. It covers "the reasons behind the Cold War with the Soviet Union, U.S. President Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, and changes in America's global role since the fall of Communism." Stone is the director and narrator of all ten episodes.

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Kuznick Interviews

Kuznick Interviews

Historian Peter Kuznick says Eisenhower called for decreased militarization, then Dulles reversed the policy; the Soviets tried to end the cold war after the death of Stalin; crazy schemes involving nuclear weapons and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba put the world of the eve of destruction - with host Paul Jay

The Untold History of the United States by Kuznick, Peter.mobi | Book | 6.99 MB

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China Valley of Tunnels

China Valley of Tunnels

A report written by a Georgetown University team led by Phillip Karber conducted a three-year study to map out China’s complex tunnel system, which stretches 5,000 km (3,000 miles). The report determined that the stated Chinese nuclear arsenal is understated and as many as 3,000 nuclear warheads may be stored in the underground tunnel network.

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On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, THE VIETNAM WAR, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimony of nearly 80 witnesses from all sides--Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as combatants and civilians from North and South Vietnam. Ten years in the making, the series includes rarely seen and digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, and secret audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

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Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

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Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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